Inventory Expansion and Combat Numbers Edition Patch Notes
Trove Forums
August 4, 2015
Source | Discussion Thread | Patch Countdown (downtime ~4 hours)
- You can now add up to 105 additional slots to both your adventure and build inventories!
- Open your inventory and look at the bottom, click the + to unlock that row. This will unlock that row in BOTH adventure and build inventory bags!
- Once all rows in a given bag are unlocked, you can click on the next bag to access additional slots.
- You can also find tradable Inventory Unlockers in the store under the Goods tab!
- SALE! For the first week, unlocking inventory is half price! This only applies to unlocks performed through the inventory UI itself, not to the tradable items.
- Two Inventory Expander items have been added to the Starter Pack.
- Players who previously purchased a Starter Pack will retroactively been granted two of these items. <3!
- Ever wonder how awesome that new weapon you just picked up was? Now you can know!
- Go into Settings>Miscellaneous and check "Show Combat Numbers" to see how much damage you're doing!
- Player summoned objects and minions now show an outline when on the other side of a wall.
- Players now correctly get magic find bonus when their minions kills an enemy.
- Chaos Chests have been randomized! Get lucky, and you might get your hands on the Cygnus-01 Speedcycle!
- Your Patron Status can now be viewed at the top of your character sheet.
- Tooltips now properly update when right clicking an item to equip it from your inventory. Yay!
- Fixed a bug where the mouse wasn't recaptured if you activated the chat while holding Alt.
- In the settings menu, reverting from fullscreen/fullscreen windowed mode back to windowed mode will correctly restore the original window size and position.
- Trove will no longer hide behind start bars, or off-screen where you can't grab it.
- The Trove window now has a minimum size.
- You can no longer make Steam Wallet purchases when running Steam in Offline Mode.
- The Fireside Pemburr Pup should now be visible and working.
- The "Red Flag" and "Skull Flag" Treasure Island recipes no longer float off of the walls onto which you place them.
- The Flames on the Blue, Red, and Yellow Neon City Lanterns are no longer floating in the wrong place.
- Fixed a bug when aiming at spikes could cause wild projectile shots.
- Fix a bug where using an ability while dancing makes you appear to use the ability while dancing to other players. Now you see yourself dancing while using the ability, too! (Also works with other emotes.)
- Lobber traps no longer damage NPCs.
- Some light-stepping cats have gotten paw prints!
- Fixed bug where Homeworld Heart tooltip didn't show mastery level requirements when you were below that level.
- New bow styles by WolfTech, CatThatFromTheHell, Aodahn, Jorty_B, Kopros, barryscott, Haosi, necrocake, N1ghtmarePT, Aey and Choczy have been added to the game!
- New pistol styles by Knightlock, Yeronix, Stedms, ASGNeoN, Eriri, Aey, Techonrye, and Kill3rCreeper have been added to the game!
- New Staff styles by Weemuddy, IamKolten, BrianVI, MappyT, TheWookieOfDoom, Aey, Arik4shin, AdamantSpartan, Sheribonbon, blattoidae, Fiuza, and Ocgineer have been added to the game!
- New decor by Xeviar, illand, IcyAngel, Mythlit, Eriri, Woofbottoms, Irvaxis, Qoaleth, Slinthas, Khastiel, mamagabby, Insaint, Pufflebump, Market, Ocgineer, Volfide, ReshiramFury, EyeballPrincessII, Talitharine, MoganFR, PsicoVoxeL, GadgetCAT, Stedms, and ffgamen have been added to the game!
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