Hello Trovians, it’s time again for another Emoji Contest!
Starting today, until July 31, 2024, create one or more emojis for a chance to win amazing prizes! 📱
🥳 How do I enter? 🥳
1. Create an Emoji for Trove digitally!
Please note: Digital does NOT include screenshots taken in-game.
2. Submit your entry in the #emoji-contest channel on Discord!
3. Include your Character Name, Platform (PC/PS/XBOX/SWITCH), region (EU/NA), and a name for your emoji/s.
4. You’re good to go!
🥳 Are there any rules? 🥳
1. Your emoji must be in the following sizes and file types:
• Emoji Dimensions: 128×128 (max: 256×256)
• File Type: JPEG, PNG or GIF
• File size: 256 KB
2. Your entry must be Trove themed.
3. Up to ten (10) emojis can be submitted per user.
4. Content that is inappropriate or offensive is strictly forbidden.
5. The content you submit must be fully original and your creation.
6. Emojis that are not yours will be disqualified without warning.
🥳 Are there any rewards? 🥳
Up to 10 participants will see their emojis added to the official Trove Discord!
1st place – 5000 Credits and the “Cubic Creator” Discord role.
2nd place – 3000 Credits
3rd place – 1500 Credits
4th to 10th place – A Dev Dream Box each!
Winners will be announced on August 5, 2024!
Please note: Rewards may take up to two (2) weeks to be delivered after the winners have been announced.
General Terms of Participation apply.
Best regards,
Your Trove Team!