Exciting news for our Xbox Trovians! 🎮
We know you’ve missed out on some fantastic events so far, but fear not! Stay tuned as we roll out these events, ensuring you get to experience every bit of the action and rewards!
Here’s a look at what’s ahead:
April Fools: 05.07.2024 – 08.07.2024 🃏
Bamboo Dragon: 09.07.2024 – 09.09.2024 🐉
Sunfest: 09.07.2024 – 23.07.2024 🌞
St. Qubeslick: 23.07.2024 – 06.08.2024 🍀
August Event: 13.08.2024 – 27.08.2024 🕵️
Bunfest: 27.08.2024 – 10.09.2024 🐰
September Event: 10.09.2024 – 24.09.2024 🔮
Spring Fling: 01.10.2024 – 15.10.2024 🌸
Please note that some dates might be subject to change.
Make sure to mark your calendars so you don’t miss out on the excitement!
Best regards,
Your Trove Team!
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