PTS Update June 16, 2023
Trove Forums
June 18, 2023
- Players can now create more worlds before hitting the world creation limit.
- Fixed some scrolling issues in the Fluxion AI.
- Fixed an issue preventing the "craft additional Cat's Eye Gemeralds" benefit (a separate recipe) from The Key to Good Health ally from showing up on the Box o' Nine Tails
- The Lowly Caretaker now has a memento!
- Fixed an issue with "Furrious Fiona's" memento. It can now be collected and correctly shows up in the Collections UI
- The number of Cat's Eye Gemerald "crystals" which spawn within the Castle Catastra delve biome has been decreased.
- The Cat's Eye Gemerald cost for crafting collectables at the Box o' Nine Tails has been increased -- especially for the flying mount that was priced by a designer who didn't realize it flew!
- An additional crafting item has been added to most of the collectable recipes on the Box o' Nine Tails: "Heirloom Gemerald"
- Heirloom Gemeralds can be obtained uncommonly when defeating the Castle Catastra delve. This chance is higher the deeper (Depth) you are, and higher still on floors where a Shadowy Soul Vault appears. They can also be obatained, also uncommonly, when using Fi's Key to open a Reinforced Gemerald Cache (note that the user who consumes the key has an additional chance for this drop, compared to users who just receive loot but didn't use a key). Quartermeowster Griff will also sell you two Heirloom Gemeralds per day. Finally, very rarely you may find these Heirloom Gemeralds as loot from defeating creatures within the Castle Catastra delve biome.
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