PTS Update April 3, 2023
Trove Forums
April 4, 2023 (updated 2 years ago)
- Adjusted the listing fee to cap earlier and be easier on lower end prices.
- Updated the Marketplace UI to adjust some of the UI based on player feedback.
- A Curious Workbench can rarely appear in dungeons in the Cursed Vale biome and can only be seen while Gravesight is active. Each workbench only has one of the recipes for the 4 related collections.
- Adjusted the mastery on the Nekonomicon to match Legendary tomes.
- Sharkman Mementoes have been updated to match the names of the trophies.
- Added in new player created styles.
- Added Goodest Girl Helmet by siixxx to Stash Exclusive.
- AddedSneaky Seagull Helmet by Thibochoco to Stash Exclusive.
- Added Flower Helmet by FutureHero to Stash Exclusive.
- Added Sinister Spinosaurus Helmet by GooberBalls to Stash Exclusive.
- Added Harpy's Nest by TheStimerGames to Frontier.
- Added Bugzapper Gun by Therrard to Highlands.
- Added DISCOrn Gun by vdk2002 to Highlands.
- Added Robotics Remover Gun by TheGunBlaster to Neon City
- Added Blast-powered Water Jewel Gun by PROfessOriginal to Vault.
- Added Blast-powered Air Jewel Gun by PROfessOriginal to Vault.
- Added Blast-powered Fire Jewel Gun by PROfessOriginal to Vault.
- Added Blast-powered Cosmic Jewel Gun by PROfessOriginal to Vault.
- Added Ghouls Gravedigger Staff by TipHat to Undead.
- Added Purga-Tory Staff by Nezz to Undead.
- Added Mechanical Disaster Staff by Nezz to Neon City.
- Added Banana's Justice Staff by Azenzo to Treasure Isles.
- Added Chainsaw Sword Melee by knakworstje to Frontier.
- Added Laval Scimitar Melee by Banipal to Dragon.
- Added Unison Melee by Nezz to Neon City.
- Added Starglass Battleaxe Melee by makofkat to Jurassic Jungle.
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