Additional Updates
- Six new BONEWALKER Dinosaur Mounts have been added to the game and can be found under the Rare category in Collections. These mounts sometimes create un-lootable decorative bones near where they leap & stomp!
- Five tradable mounts can be found in the following places (but rarely!):
- Two can be looted from any creature within the Primordial Pit Delve biome
- One can be looted from the Tyrannosaurus Rex within the Jurassic Jungle Adventure World biome
- One can be looted from Skeletal Vikings which appear in Permafrost biomes in adventure worlds
- One can be looted from the Ashen Devourers found in the Ashen Wastes -- the lower portion of the Sundered Uplands
- Once these 5 mounts have been unlocked, a 6th can be obtained from the Fungi Thingshapers in the Ashen Wastes (lower) section of the Sundered Uplands.
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