Celebrate the start of 2023 with us as many new adventures await you this year – starting with Renewus! 🔮
Advance through a new quest chain to craft a new boat & sail, which will help you on your upcoming adventures, and discover a new consumable, granting you Magic Find and Damage.
Set sail and explore our in-game store for the all-new, completely player-designed Celebration Collection pack, including mounts, costumes, & more!
Discover our Renewus 2023 event from January 3, 2023, at 11:00 AM UTC until January 17, 2023, at 11:00 AM UTC.
Be sure to also visit the Hub and check out the Renewus Orbs. They drop every few minutes and are great for starting a soccer game or two as they seem more dangerous than they really are!
We wish you a wonderful 2023 in Trove!
Your Trove Team