Additional Updates:
- Fixed an issue that was preventing mob trophies from being compostable.
- Reduced the number of Special Orders available each day and increased their cost and rewards. Players should be able to get the same rewards as before, while completing 6 adventures instead of 18. The requirements of these adventures have also been slightly increased as well to match up with the increase in rewards.
- Brownie has lost some weight and will now appear at the correct weights.
- The Plasma Power Bubble will now properly give 5% crit instead of 0.5%.
- A new vendor has appeared above the Celestial who is willing to trade Despoiled Divinity for Astral Echoes.
- Revised some wording of the introductory Fishing adventures.
- Fixed more typos found in Depths of the Angler (including Accelsation).
- The Hart-a-Phone broadcast will no longer appear in chat.
- Fixed an error in the description of Capricorn.
- Balefire Dragon Egg Fragments no longer deconstruct.
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