Additional Updates:
- Gathering Day now gives the player a chance to catch bonus fish wile fishing, similar to the other affects of Gathering Day. Non-Patrons have a 20% chance to catch a bonus fish, while Patrons have a 40% chance to catch a bonus fish.
- Some fixes for ways where players could be stuck in fishing animations.
- Throwing a fishing net while on a boat will now play the throwing animation.
- Murkwater Mark has trouble counting without fingers - he now offers a number of Trophy of the Depths equal to the amount of Bubbles in the Depths of the Angler.
- Updated the VFX of fishing pools when fish are fished up.
- Increased the size of fishing pools.
- Balefire Dragon Fragments now cannot be loot collected. Capricorn Dragon Fragments now cannot be trashed.
- Updated the descriptions for Star Chart nodes to include items obtained as rewards to help make it more obvious what nodes give those kinds of rewards.
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