Fancy Friendsgiving Deals – Until November 29, 2022!

Trovians, prepare a feast and invite all your friends to celebrate Friendsgiving 2022! 🦃
You still haven’t decided what to wear for the Friendsgiving dinner with your friends? Don’t worry, we got you covered!
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to complete your collections and profit from our Fancy Friendsgiving Deals, from November 15, 2022, at 11:00 AM UTC, until November 29, 2022, at 11:00 AM UTC – in our in-game store!
Discover our brand-new Friendsgiving pack: Smorgasbord Shindig, containing new mounts, allies, costumes & more that’ll make you look fabulous during the Friendsgiving dinner with your friends and also on your next adventures – available on all platforms!
Smorgasboard Shindig
In addition, the following Friendsgiving packs will make a return to the in-game store:
Potluck Party
Fowl Fancies
Infinium Chef Pack
To all Trovians on Xbox: we have even more good news for you!
We prepared some amazing deals to help you stock up on credits, to get all the character classes you are missing, and to complete your collections – available until November 29, 2022, at 11:00 AM UTC.
Prepare for future adventures with a 20% discount on Credits & discover the Sweet Sixteen, Mega Menagerie, Double Dragon, and Square Necessities packs with up to a 70% discount for a limited time only:
Sweet Sixteen Pack – 50% discount
Mega Menagerie – 40% discount
Double Dragon Pack – 50% discount
Square Necessities – 70% discount
18500 Credits – 20% discount
8500 Credits – 20% discount
5000 Credits – 20% discount
3250 Credits – 20% discount
750 Credits – 20% discount
Best wishes,
Your Trove team!