Additional Updates:
- Disabled some sources of broadcast spam on PTS specifically, including Heart-a-Phones.
- The Star Chart now properly refunds players their Celestial Spheres.
- Adjusted the spawn rate for Plasma, Chocolate, and Lava pools in smaller bodies of the relative liquid.
- Fixed a crash that can occur when using a lure effect.
- Added recipes for Cave Kelp and Condensed Cave Milk to the Anger’s Grill.
- Fixed the recipe for the rank 3 lure to be daily instead of weekly.
- Adjusted the mastery for Cinnabar Orefish, Emberslag Orefish, and Nitro-Glitterine Orefish.
- Slightly increased the speed of fishing with Lures.
- Reduced the requirements of Saltwater Sam’s Orders: Any liquid.
- Aquarus Dragon Fragments are now deconstructable.
- Fixed many typos in the Depths of the Angler and new fish.
- Fixed some visual issues that could occur when rending fishing pools under certain conditions.
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