Special PlayStation Sale – Until November 28, 2022!

This goes out to all Trovians on the PlayStation platform: we have good news for you!
In honor of the Sony “Games under 20€”, Trove has some amazing deals to help you stock up on credits, to get all the character classes you are missing, and to complete your collections – available until November 28, 2022, at 11:59 PM UTC.
Prepare for future adventures with a 20% discount on Credits & discover the Sweet Sixteen, Mega Menagerie, Double Dragon, and Square Necessities packs with up to a 70% discount for a limited time only!
18500 Credits – 20% discount
8500 Credits – 20% discount
5000 Credits – 20% discount
3250 Credits – 20% discount
750 Credits – 20% discount
Sweet Sixteen Pack – 50% discount
Find your favorite class to play with and get 16 classes in Trove! For each class you already own, you’ll receive a tradable Credit Pouch.
Mega Menagerie – 40% discount
Contains 2 dormant dragon eggs: Tanbleddyn of the Western Peaks and Fulguras, the Lightning Blade. Also contains 4 crazy costumes, 6 magnificent mounts, 14 amazing allies, and 18 stupendous styles!
Double Dragon Pack – 50% discount
Strike fear into the hearts of your foes with two incredible dragons: Yorinn, the Dusk Shadow, and Erel, the Ironbolt. Raise these fearsome flying mounts from their eggs, and you’ll rain fire and lightning down over the land and leave embers in your wake as you glide across the sky.
Square Necessities – 70% discount
Contains Jerhynn, Wings of the Worldwatcher, the Trovian Trackerhound ally, the Trovian Tetrabode (recipe and framework), 7 styles, 10 Gem Booster Boxes, 10 Greater Dragon Caches, 10 Chaos Chests, and 10 Party Animal Pinatas.
Start off the right way, or give yourself a boost for your current and future adventures.
Have fun in Trove!
Best regards,
Your Trove team!