It doesn’t matter if you prefer the cowboys over the dinosaurs or vice versa, our Cowasaurs and Dinoboys event will convince you that both parties are awesome!

Enjoy our Cowasaurs and Dinoboys offers from September 13, 2022, until September 27, 2022, at 11:00 AM UTC – in our in-game store on all platforms!

Discover our brand-new “Deserted Dinosaurs” pack for a limited time only, including mounts, allies, costumes & more:

Deserted Dinosaurs

In addition, the following 2020 & 2021 packs will make a return to the in-game store:

Brew Crew
Pirate’s Pack of Ninja Treasures

Have fun spreading awesomeness while celebrating the Cowasaurs and Dinoboys event!

Best wishes,
Your Trove team!

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