Trovians, shoot for the moon this Lunar Plunge! 🌙

Join Lunar Knighted Qubesly as he awaits you in the Hub & assist High Priest Lunavic and Tauri in their fight against Q’bthulhu.

The Lunar Plunge 2022 event starts on August 09, 2022, at 11:00 UTC and ends on August 23, 2022, at 11:00 UTC – on all platforms.

Visit High Priest Lunavic and Tauri in the Fae Forest & Everdark Biomes, discover an 8-step quest chain, defeat Q’bthulhu’s invasion, and earn amazing new rewards along the way.

As usual, don’t forget to take a look in our in-game store as well. You will find the brand-new Wild Wolf Pack, which contains a magrider, mounts, costumes, allies & much more that will help you in your fight against Q’bthulhu and his invasion of corrupted wolves:

Stop the invasion & reach for the stars! ✨

Best wishes,
Your Trove team!

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