To all Trovians on PlayStation: we have good news for you!
In honor of the PlayStation Summer Sale, Trove has some hot items on a special discount to help you on your next adventure, available until August 4, 2022 at 12:59 AM GMT+2.
Discover the “Dynomighty Miner” pack as well as the “Hearty Party Pack 1” and “Mega Menagerie” packs with up to 50% discount for a limited time only!
Mega Menagerie: Contains 2 dormant dragon eggs: Tanbleddyn of the Western Peaks and Fulguras, the Lightning Blade. Also contains 4 crazy costumes, 6 magnificent mounts, 14 amazing allies, and 18 stupendous styles!
Hearty Party Pack 1: Contains Yzzuli of the Honeybreeze, one un-bee-lievable dragon, plus 2 cute costumes, 3 mighty mounts, 1 dazzling dancepad, 8 awesome allies, & 9 stunning styles!
Dynomighty Miner: Contains the Powered Mini Minecart mount, the Carpaced Mining Drone ally, your very own mini-mine framework (recipe and one ready to place), and 8 equipment styles.
Start off the right way, or give yourself a boost for your current and future adventures.
Have fun in Trove!
Best regards,
Your Trove team!