All Trovians on the PlayStation platform: we have some news for you!
In honor of the Sony Games under 20, 3 packs will be available with a 25% discount for a limited time. These packs will be available until July 6, 2022 at 06:59 AM UTC.
Enjoy the Double Dragon Pack, the Cultivated Collection Pack and the Square Necessities Pack at a reduced price!

Double Dragon Pack
Strike fear into the hearts of your foes with two incredible dragons: Yorinn, the Dusk Shadow, and Erel, the Ironbolt. Raise these fearsome flying mounts from their eggs, and you’ll rain fire and lightning down over the land and leave embers in your wake as you glide across the sky.

Cultivated Collection Pack
How does your garden grow? Ride through the valley as you harvest your grain with this set of gardening tools.

Square Necessities
Look at these square necessities! These simple square necessities will take away your worriment with flight.
Contains Jerhynn, Wings of the Worldwatcher, the Trovian Trackerhound ally, the Trovian Tetrabode (recipe and framework), 7 styles, 10 Gem Booster Boxes, 10 Greater Dragon Caches, 10 Chaos Chests, and 10 Party Animal Pinatas.
Start off the right way, or get some items to fill your collections. Have fun in Trove!
Best regards,
Your Trove Team!