Sunrise PTS Update
Trove Forums
June 16, 2022
- Fixed an issue that was preventing some gems from having bonuses applied when equipping or un-equipping. Please Note: Some gems that are currently not getting the bonuses from primordial dragons may need to be re-equipped for the bonuses to apply properly. This may need to be done for each class.
- Fixed an issue where Crystal Gems were deconstructing for higher values than intended.
- Fixed an issue where the Prismatic Blast buff would not be removed if toggled off early.
- The Solarion’s Phoenix now has increased health and now respawns slightly faster.
- The Empowerer workbenches now drop from the appropriate enemies.
- Irradiant and Ashen Recipes no longer unlock Obsidian Scroll Recipes.
- Trophies in Sundered Uplands no longer drop at an increased rate compared to other biomes.
- Sundered Uplands Caches have been added to the More tab of the store. These caches can contain materials from Sundered Uplands, including harvestable materials, Phoenix Motes, Sundercharge Crystals, Sunder-Ark Cache Keys, and (rarely) tradable versions of some of the allies, mounts, and wings otherwise found on the Sundered Uplands Workbench.
- Added additional collectables to the Sundered Uplands Workbench.
- Added new Pistol, Bow, Staves, Spears, and Fist weapon styles to the Sundered Uplands.
- In Uber-11 Worlds, Crystal 4 gear can be earned by opening Sunder-Ark Caches, the keyed chests which spawn after Boss waves in 5 Star dungeons. Crystal 3 gear can additionally be earned by opening Sunder-Ark Caches in Prime Uber-10 Worlds. Delve Crystal drop rates/methods have not changed.
- Opening Sunder-Ark Caches is now instant.
- Completing a 5 Star dungeon can now give more than a single reward tier. In other words, completing a Gold reward level while having Silver available will reward Gold, Silver, and Bronze claims.
- The claim rewards for Sundered Uplands now display the wave number for which they were awarded, and the output of /adventurereward should make more sense (although it is still long).
- Two badges related to Sundered Uplands 5 Star dungeons have been added under the “Dungeon Objectives” category. One is for total waves completed, the other for the highest wave reached.
- These badges/metrics have been added to facilitate testing and to evaluate their potential inclusion (with additional ranks). These badges have no rewards or mastery, and are not guaranteed to give either even if they are included.
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