Sunrise PTS Update
Trove Forums
June 15, 2022 (updated 3 years ago)
This update introduces 5 Star Dungeons in Sundered Uplands and Empowered Enemies as well as the 4 new Dragons.
5 Star Dungeons in Sundered Uplands
- The Irradiant fleet has arrived! Beware these new 5 Star dungeons, darkening the skies above the Sundered Uplands in Uber-10+.
- Sundered Uplands 5 Star dungeons are wave events, started and progressed by interacting with the Master Console. Players will have between 30 and 60 seconds to rest up between each wave.
- Waves will either consist of 5 challenges in rooms scattered throughout the dungeon or 1 singular boss found in the main hall.
- The 5 challenges will spawn single hit point chests after being defeated.
- Each time a single boss spawns, all creatures spawned within the 5 Star dungeon will permanently increase their Darkness.
- After Boss waves, an Unstable Sunder Ark Cache will spawn, which requires a key to open (craftable at the Sundered Uplands workbench). Aside from random drops and a chance at Crystal 4 gear (not yet active), this cache will always give at least 1 Sundercharge Crystal.
- While a variety of bosses exist for these Boss waves, players will only ever encounter a single boss during these boss waves for a given 5 Star dungeon.
- Players can receive up to 30 Sundercharge Crystals by defeating unique Boss waves each week.
- XP rewards will drop off by half after 15 waves and end completely after 25 waves.
- Most of the 5 Star dungeon is destructible, with key walkways and fight areas remaining impervious to damage.
- To facilitate testing of 5-star dungeons and their bosses, we have made the following temporary changes:
- Made only 5 Star dungeons spawn in Uber-10+ Sundered Uplands (no 3 Stars will spawn)
- Removed the common bosses from the spawn table, leaving only the uncommon bosses
- Increased the spawn rate of Sundered Uplands in Prime Worlds
Empowered Enemies:
- New workbenches have been added and can drop from enemies roaming the Sundered Uplands – the Devourer Empowerer, the Ashen Blastflower Empowerer, and the Irradiant Sky Admiral Empowerer. Each of these benches can be used to gain a buff for one hour that empowers some enemies in the Sundered Uplands.
- To empower a creature, simply attack them while the buff is active and they’re above 75% health. They will increase in size and fully heal to signal they have been empowered.
- Once an enemy is empowered they will remain that way for three minutes.
- Empowered enemies take less damage, deal more damage, and gains access to new attacks.
- Uniquely, the Ashen Blastflower still explodes as normal when empowered. Instead it now sometimes spawns an Empowered Ashen Thresher in addition to other potential spawns.
- Defeating Empowered Enemies in any Uber can reward an Empowered trophy along with two tradable allies, the Ashen Nibbler and Irradiant Songbird.
- Defeating Empowered Enemies in Uber-11 can additionally reward Foraged and Irradiant Dragon Egg Fragments.
- The Ashen Nibbler can also be crafted at the Devourer Empowerer and Ashen Blastflower Empowerer, while the Irradiant Songbird can be crafted at the Irradiant Sky Admiral Empowerer.
Additional Updates:
- Sundered Uplands creatures have had their innate damage reduction reduced.
- Recipes for tradable Obsidian scrolls are rumored to exist somewhere in the Sundered Uplands.
- Completing the Diamond Badge: Leviantan Slain now awards an Enshadowed Tendril Torch. This will retroactively be given on login to players who have completed the badge.
- Re-Gemerators have been removed from the store and can now be deconstructed for 1 Gem Booster Box each.
- Raymon, the Puffed Dragon can be acquired through Puffed Dragon Egg Fragments found by defeating 1 Star and 3 Star dungeons in Candoria.
- Budgiz, the Forager can be acquired through Foraged Dragon Egg Fragments found by defeating Empowered Threshers and Empowered Devourers in the Ashen Wastes of the Sundered Uplands.
- Zeuztian, the Eternal Irradiance can be acquired through Irradiant Dragon Egg Fragments found by defeating Empowered Irradiant Sky Admirals in the Sundered Uplands.
- Ariel, the Ashen Reborn can be acquired through Stained Dragon Egg Fragments found by defeating powerful bosses in 5 Star dungeons in the Sundered Uplands.
- Adjustments have been made to some Solarion animations.
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