Trovians, a world without bees is unimaginable and on this occassion we encourage you to raise awareness on the role that bees play to keep our planet healthy.
Bee encouraged, don’t waste time and save the bees by planting a bee garden today!
What is your favorite Bee Ally in Trove? Share it on our Facebook page and have a chance at winning.
10 randomly drawn players will be rewarded with 2x Streamer Dream 1!
The deadline for participation ends on May 29, 2022 at 09:59 PM UTC.
Conditions of Participation:
• The general rules apply to this event.
• You can only participate once per account and player.
• You must include your character name, your platform, your region, including the screenshot with your character and your favorite bee ally in Trove, in your entry post on Facebook.
• The deadline for participation in the event ends at May 29, 2022 at 09:59 PM UTC.
• The team members’ decisions are final.
Good luck to everyone!
Best wishes,
The Trove team!