Bragi has posted a summary of the last developer livestream on the Trove Forums.
Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?16859-Friday-24th-April-Livestream-Notes
Video: http://www.twitch.tv/trionworlds/b/653085084
- Robin - Twixxler (animator)
- Andrew - Avarem
- Ted - Dopesheet
- Elory - MysterE (new producer)
Video settings
Coming this Tuesday in actual settings (under advanced) ..(Thanks to Doc_L for all the hard work)
- Bloom: sky related shine/glare
- Depth of Field (DOF): things in distance soften
- SSAO: corners/edge shadows and some ground effects
- "High" setting will have DOF and Bloom, "Ultra" setting will have SSAO as well
- Can test out now by typing /postbloom /postssao read more here
Approx. 60,000 worth of glim content coming
A. New Glim Box that drops new butterflies allies
Energy regen/additional energy based
- Actic Behe-moth: 33 Energy Regen / 40 Stability (common)
- Brown Behe-moth: ? / ? (common)
- Cardianl Wildwing: ? / ? (common)
- Fuschia Flitterer: 121 health / 33 energy regen (common)
- Empyreal Emperor Butterfly: 33 energy regen / 1 jump (common)
- Lucky Clover Wings: 9% energy regen / 2 movespeed (uncommon) - has a chance to spawn healing regenerative flower (???)
- Solar-Powered Satellizer: 4% Max Health / 9% energy regen (uncommon) - has a chance to spawn healing + energy regenerative flower (???)
- Fiesty Flame Dancer: 10 Max Energy / 12% something (Energy regen?) (rare) - has a chance to spawn healing + energy regenerative flower (???)
B. New Caterpillar Glim Mounts (4)
- Jade Larvorghini - green
- Battle - Brown
- Candorian Caterpilar - pink
- Rodeo Cowterpillar - Cow patterened (epic)
C. New Glim Sails
- Ghostly Sail - uncommon
- Scarlet Shroom - uncommon
- Desert Sunset - uncommon
- Spooky Sail - uncommon
- Dragon Blade - uncommon
- Eolic Energizer - uncommon
- Saltwater Swirl - uncommon
- Golden Trident - uncommon
- Hypnotic - uncommon
- Frost Fae - rare
- Moonshadow - rare
- Dark phoenix - rare
- 1 other one - rare
Meownts - 7 total
Like the pemblocks, meownts are cats that you can craft into other variants
- Meownt - basic version currently in Chaos chests
- Martial Meownt
- Immortal Meownt - crafted with bones
- Steam (little farts)
- Permafrost - (probably glacial shards)
- Magic Meownt - (Fae based - probably requires faerie dust)
- Mecha Meownt - (probably robo salvage)
Note: Pemblock droprate decreased slightly, but adding equal meownts to drop rate means overall more mounts dropping
Welcome Screen
- Adventure box drop rate decreasing overall
- Budgie Adventure box coming tuesday (will replace phoneix boxes) - will be here until 5/12
- Blue Budge Budd
- Pink Budgie Buddy
- Daily bonus going live tuesday
- M: +20% Harvesting (crops you plant will yield more output)
- Tu:+ 50% ore
- W: +100% Adventurer Glim (not fishing or deconstructing)
- Th: +50% Monster drops (bones, faerie dust, etc + Adventure boxes)[/COLOR]
- F: +50% shards (from SA's and darkhearts only...possibly giants?)
- Weekends: will remain the same (bonus cubits)
Questions From Community
- Boots will have a small use but don't save them - wont happen next week
- No plans for unused allies currently, Shadow allies will be coming soon
- Adventurer might start with bow, uncertain, +Cat boomerang?
- Cubit prices for items wont change
- Cubits items: wings (will be expensive), flasks, mounts, .. possibly in 2 weeks
- A lock for currently worn gear so you dont accidentally deconstruct
- Opening chests without dismounting (opening in flight) will come eventually
- "Trade/Auction House" will be attended to in a few weeks but not right now
- Collections will get a UI redone
- Endgame difficulty will get raised eventually, but ways to increase power and boosts will come as well details in a few weeks
- Clubworld teleporters not now - a few weeks at least
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