PTS Updates 4/25/2022
Trove Forums
April 26, 2022
- Adjusted the locations of power ups in Bomber Royale.
- Changed the Volatile Bounder mount jump to have a cooldown of 3 seconds, down from 5 seconds.
- The Volatile Bounder mount can no longer be deconstructed for 1 Chaos Core.
- Claims for Blast Coins won in Bomber Royale now expire after 7 days.
- Fixed the Chaos Core craft for Blast Coins in the Bomber Bench and adjusted the amount of Freerange Electrolytic Crystals
- Updated the tooltip for Smoking Skulls of Battle to reflect that they only appear on players rather than mounts that normally show wings.
- Adjusted the location of the eyes and breath of Vaentaera, the Perpetual dragon.
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