Dear Trovians,
Do you love playing Trove on PS and have been waiting for this moment for a few weeks already? The wait has come to an end and you can finally enjoy the Polished Paragon update, which you have probably already discovered on PC or in the many videos.
Are you prepared for this update? Have all your character classes reached max level and you are ready to directly tackle the Paragon levels?
Grind Paragon levels to reach the top with EVERY character class you have to get even more mastery, new mounts, allies, rings with hidden effects! Check out our little video guide.
As you already know, this update brings a lot of other new features! Among other things, you will be able to discover new features in Bomber Royale, some bug fixes but also new items in our in-game store >>> HERE <<<.
Find out all the secrets of this update – Polished Paragon – in our detailed patch notes >>> HERE <<<.
Go on an adventure in Trove and have fun!
Best wishes,
Your Trove Team!