Did you know that in the US National Happy Hour Day is celebrated on November 12?
On this occasion, we decided to celebrate it in Trove as well, but not just for ONE day – we will be celebrating Happy Week for a whole week!
What will you need to do to participate?
Nothing simpler than that. You just have to play Trove as you are used to and keep a close eye on the game chat and the announcements that will appear. As soon as a code appears on your game screen, you must be the first to use it to receive great rewards.
How are we going to celebrate it?
Throughout the week, at random times, you will see codes appear in the game chat or on your game screen.
These codes will contain wonderful and useful rewards such as a 15 Day Patron Pass, a Lunar Void Pack, a Chaos Coin, five Golden Chaos Chests, ten Pearls of Wisdom, a Club Card or thirty Gem Booster Boxes.
But note, each code can only be used once! You will therefore have to be the first to enter the code and redeem it in order to be able to obtain the reward! It will therefore be necessary to be attentive and fast!
How do I enter a code?
To redeem a code, you will need to go to this site: http://glyph.trionworlds.com/commerc…m-voucher-flow and log into your Glyph account. For consoles, your Glyph account should be linked to your game account. If you don’t know how, everything is explained >>> HERE <<<.
Stay alert, watch the chat carefully while playing all week until Sunday November 14, 2021 at 10:59 pm UTC and try to win as many rewards as possible!
Have fun in Trove!
Best wishes,
Your Trove Team!