Great promotional offer for classes 2 – Until October 26, 2021!

Are you missing any classes that you haven’t managed to unlock yet?
This week our great promotional offer for classes 2 will be dedicated to all boomerang worshipers – with the Boomeranger, to lovers of all things green – with the Chloromancer, to all advocates of justice – with the Knight and to everybody who likes martial arts – with the Neon Ninja!
Our great promotional offer for classes 2 starts on October 19, 2021 at 11:00 UTC/13:00 CEST/4:00 PST/6:00 CST and ends on October 26, 2021 at 11:00 UTC/13:00 CEST/4:00 PST/6:00 CST – in our ingame-store on all platforms!
The Boomeranger
The class with 10% discount
20% off the following costumes:
Comic Hero
Dark Boomeranger
Magic Man
Winter Boomeranger
The Chloromancer
The class with 10% discount
20% off the following costumes:
Evergreen Evoker
Myco Medic
The Knight
The class with 10% discount
20% off the following costumes:
Blood Knight
Bone Knight
Dragon Knight
Elysian Guardian
Trovian Guard
The Neon Ninja
The class with 10% discount
20% off the following costumes:
Steadfast Striker
Magenta Master
Lunar Ronin
Neon Stroke
Have fun!
Best wishes,
Your Trove Team!