Let’s Celebrate Lunar Plunge 2021 – Until August 24, 2021!

Lunar Knighted Qubesly warmly invites you to join him in the hub to celebrate Lunar Plunge 2021.
Unfortunately, the Moon Goddess Elsphodel has been lost in the Void for many years, still pursued by Q’bthulhu. She certainly managed to escape his prison, but Q’bthulhu’s powers continue to grow.
Let us continue to support our beloved Moon Goddess day to day by fighting against Q’bthulhu’s actions and by gathering as many stars as possible in order to restore her strength.
Her sister, the Sun Goddess Elysia, is not standing idly by. She’ll help us by sending Tauri, the Sun Acolyte, to our hub to support us in our fight against the Shadow Giants who are invading Trove to prevent you from bringing back the stars. These Shadow Invaders must be pushed back into the Void.
The Lunar Plunge 2021 event starts on August 10, 2021 at 11:00 UTC/13:00 CEST/4:00 PST/6:00 CST and ends on August 24, 2021 at 11:00 UTC/13:00 CEST/4:00 PST/6:00 CST.
Do not hesitate to read the FAQ of the event >>> HERE <<<. Together, we can make it happen!
As usual, don’t forget to take a look in our in-game store as well. You will find two special Lunar Plunge packs for the duration of the event:

Lunar Void
Moon Goddess’s Goody Bag
Push the Shadow Invaders back into the Void and procure as many stars as possible so that our beloved Moon Goddess can one day join us again!
Happy Lunar Plunging everyone!
Best wishes,
Your Trove Team!