July is Trove’s birthday month and we’re celebrating all month long!
Trove celebrates 6 years of existence, 6 years of parties and celebrations, 6 years of happiness, 6 years of adventures, 6 years of fun and joy.
And like every year, it’s also the time to celebrate Sunfest 2021!

Once again, the three houses of Tysorion, Carys and Panatea are back in the hub and fighting for supremacy. But this year they are introducing a weird new flux to the market, is it a fake currency? Protesters protesting the other Houses’ sneaky methods? Noble carriages carrying rags-to-riches Trovians? Fraud and betrayal? Qubesly is skeptical and asks you to investigate those strange wares.

You can find more information about the Sunfest 2021 in our FAQ >>> HERE <<<.

The Sunfest 2021 also found its way to our in-game store with three all new packs. These packs contain mounts, costumes, allies and for the first time the three houses of the hub have been custom designed so that you can show them off in your cornerstone or club world!

House Carys Essentials
House Tysorion Essentials
House Panatea Essentials

In addition, you can find the following Sunfest 2020 packs in-game as well:

House Carys Sunfest Spirit Pack
House Tysorion Sunfest Spirit Pack
House Panatea Sunfest Spirit Pack

Let’s all celebrate the birthday of Trove by participating in Sunfest 2021 – until July 27, 2021 at 11 am utc/1 pm CEST/4 am PDST/6 am CDST!

Happy Birthday Trove!

Best wishes,
Your Trove Team!

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