Dear Trovians,
Since the charming debut of the Bard, we have been able to listen to amazing music from all over the world within the Hub!
We hope you enjoy discovering and mastering this great class.
Thanks to your large amount of reports, our developers were able to prepare this hotfix and improve your gaming experience in Trove once more.
We cannot thank you enough for your help and patience.
The following patch notes are PC only. Here's an overview of today's hotfix:
- Addressed a VFX issue causing particles to shoot off randomly.
- Added new VFX for the delve ready checker to make it more obvious when players have interacted with it or left the area of effect.
- Fixed an issue causing yellow highlights on merchant UI.
- Added a description for the Bardium Mined metric.
- The invite text for players has been changed.
Thanks for your patience & understanding!
Happy gaming!
Best wishes,
Your Trove team!
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