APRIL FOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you remember when you started out in Trove with your very first character?
Go back in time and ride through adventure worlds like on your very first day in Trove!

Don’t forget to take a look at the different liquids in Trove, maybe you will find something there … or maybe not …

In any case, you will have time until April 2, 2021 at 11:00 UTC to find out, so go for it!

And to make the surprise even crazier, take a screenshot of what you discovered for April 1st and post it in response to this thread.

For each screenshot posted, we will reveal a part of a special code that you can redeem for a great reward when it’s completed!

Have fun and happy April 1st everyone!

Best regards,
The Trove Team!


Trovesaurus note:

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