The Snowfest 2020 event has launched, and it's time for our challenge to the Artist community. Draw Snowfest 2020 or Holiday Countdown related fan-art for a chance to win the Holiday Countdown pack.
- Create some Trove related fan-art that references either:
- the Snowfest 2020 event / npcs / rewards
- the contents of the Holiday Countdown pack
- Upload to the Trovesaurus Fan Art Gallery, make the art visible and add to the Snowfest 2020 challenge
- Wednesday, December 16, 2020 to Monday, January 4, 2021
- Entries selected as winners will receive a Holiday Countdown pack (if the winner is on a console they will receive Reward Tokens instead)
- Highlights will receive 2x Reward Tokens
- Other valid entries will receive 1 Reward Tokens
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