In search of items for the Advent calendar!

We are all looking for the last necessary items for our Advent Calendar so that you can all enjoy them this year and open a little window every day to stock up on gifts until Christmas!
Amaliena has lost them in her club world. Go to our club world with the command: /joinworld Equipe FR and find all the items listed below!
You will need to take a screenshot of each item. Each screenshot must include the searched item found in the club world Equipe FR, your character and his visible name.
Here are the searched items:

The Splendid Snowfest Tree because we need a beautiful Christmas tree.

The Wintry Wreath to place it in front of our door.

The Scarlet Stocking and the Evergreen Stocking because Santa Claus needs them to put our presents in and it’s very pretty.

The Exquisite Cuckoo Clock to always know when to open the little window of our Advent Calendar.

The Cargo Crate with the two Blue Snowfest Candles to always be sufficiently illuminated.

The pile of presents to be able to open them on Christmas Day.

The Play Sleigh and its Reindeer Statues for decoration.
Post your 7 screenshots before November 29, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. CET in this thread. All valid entries will each earn 10x Chaos Chests and 1x Dev’s Dream.
Conditions of participation:
- The general rules apply to this event.
- You can only participate once per forum account and player.
- You must indicate your nickname, platform, region and post your answer including the 7 screenshots showing your character, his name and the correct items found in the club world Equipe FR in the entry post. Please note that all screenshots of the same player must be in a single post.
- Your screenshot may not be edited / revised.
- The deadline for participation in the event ends on ovember 29, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. CET.
- The decisions of the team members are final.
Good luck!
We wish you all a wonderful week in Trove!
Best regards,
your Trove Team