Hello Trovians,

Today's maintenance has been completed and all platforms are back online again!

It's a festive time of year to be thankful and thoughtful, so take a SECOND or TWO to appreciate yourself and others. Thank you For all yOur feedback and fOr playing Trove! Turkeytopia is arounD the corner, prepare for a turkey-tastic time later this month.

Here is an overview of today's patch notes:
  • Baleful Borker: Fixed a visual issue with one of the "tail fins" on this mount.
  • The "Haunted House Attraction" and "Pumpkin Parlor" fixtures from the Shadowy Station workbench can now be properly crafted.
  • Baby luxions can now be found wandering the Hub when Luxion lands every other Friday.
  • All consoles: Updated Trove key art and icons.
  • PS4: Delve walls have correct colors now, and are no longer shades of grey.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Season's greetings, Trovians!

Best wishes,
Your Trove team
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