Thanks to you, we found the perfect spot for our big surprise birthday party!
Unfortunately, we found some strange creatures that have come by and left cobwebs everywhere. You probably thought we were going to celebrate Halloween at this point, but we need to clean up everything before we can celebrate the anniversary!
Here’s our second recipe: The Big Cleaning!

Take a screenshot of the big cleanup for our perfect surprise birthday party!
Please note, your screenshot must contain the following elements for valid participation:
All the elements of the recipe should be clearly visible in the screenshot.
Your character and their name should be clearly visible on the screenshot.
Then add your screenshot along with your character name, platform, and region in response to this thread to be entered!
You can find all the rules of the event >>> HERE <<<.
You have until October 14, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. PST / 8:00 p.m. CEST to participate!
Good luck everyone!
The Trove Team!