Thanks for taking part in our challenge from MisterY to draw the
Foxtrot Force Captain. We have the results ready for you.
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Featured Art Comments:
I really like pixel art and it's well done. I really like look on the animal's face.
- MisterY
Featured Art Comments:
This is just very badass. I like the robotic approach, it makes me want to mod it again but as a mech
- MisterY
Featured Art Comments:
I love the expression, very menacing with nice coloring
- MisterY
Featured Art Comments:
nice take on the fox, it's not a mount anymore and works just as well
- MisterY
Featured Art Comments:
Lovely fox, excellent coloring and posture, it's just so cute and is indeed a fox, not a wolf
- MisterY
Featured Art Comments:
As the title says, no the mount is definitely not a wolf, however as this art shows it likes to howl...
- MisterY
Featured Art Comments:
I think this is my favorite one, it's so detailed and unique, it matches the mount top to bottom and I really like the vibe it gives.
- MisterY
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