The final sun down of summer is approaching with an epic showdown to close out the season!
Avast ye Trovians! The Pirate Captains are claiming they are the best treasure plunderers, but the sneaky stealing Neon Ninjas have something to say about it.
Head to the hub and visit Saltwater Sam if you’re up for a challenge!
Log in each day during the event and complete adventures to claim your Captains Quarry ally! This epic event will last from 4:00am PST / 1:00 p.m. CEST on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 until Tuesday, September 22, 2020!
The pirates and ninjas have come away with a valuable pack for this occasion, so check out the store and snag these incredible items from both!
Pirate’s Pack of Ninja Treasures
- Mounts – Mysterious Map, Sarah the First Mate Gull, Ninja Log
- Costumes – Pi-Revenant and Pirrot Raiser
- Allies – Bunja, Pirabbit, Captains Quarry, Empty Living Chest, Satiated Living Chest, Rolling Star

Wondering how it all works? Check out the “Pirates vs. Ninjas” event FAQ for more details >>> here <<<
Which side is your favorite? Share with us on forums, social media, and discord!
Good luck, have fun!
The Trove Team