An incoming Hub update, or Hubdate as we call it, hits PTS for the PC platform! The Hub opens up like never before and this latest test enivornment is buzzing with new changes, bosses, dungeons, styles, fixes, and more. Take a look at the Hubdate patch notes and be sure to share your feedback on the PTS section of the forums.
To access PTS on PC, open the Glyph launcher and select the region dropdown menu located in the top right. Select PTS from the list and download the update for PTS to play. If you would like to copy a live character over to PTS, please check the instructions here.
Every few days on PTS, the Hub itself may be changing it’s look through seasons and events, so be sure to check in often! The new sections should seem familiar as they all previously existed through our in-game menus. Now it will be great to have a hangout spot to interact with the many features in Trove!
Follow the signs and explore the entire Hubdate. Remember, this is all early testing for an upcoming update, so please let us know your thoughts or concerns and know that things are subject to change.
The Trove Team