We continue our catchup for the Trovesaurus Development updates articles, here are the changes that we made to the Trovesaurus site during the month of May 2020. We've been a bit bad about posting the changes in article format during the past few months, but you can always view up to date changes in the #changes channel of the Trovesaurus Discord.
Let us know what you think about these changes and if you have any suggestions for things you would like us to work on, write in the comments or in the #trovesaurus-website channel of the Trovesaurus Discord.
- Added a larger artist logo next to the art title, moved the author name down a line and moved source link below that
- Biome art is now sorted by likes
- Class art now checks inside names and descriptions (much more art should show up compared to before)
- Added a new art linking system where artists can directly link to database objects such as collections, styles, biomes, classes, users and mods with a click of a button and a context search instead of fiddling with [tags]
- Fanart on the home page is now much larger
- Reduced gallery page results from 30 to 9
Merged short description fields with long description fields, it felt like doubling up
Edit Image Description has been renamed Edit Description and has been placed below the art next to where the description is shown
Removed the now pointless sidebar from the top-right of art which had duplicated title, pointless art id, moved the category information next to the art author
- Removed the tick/cross from Contest Entry legacy info box (will be removing the whole box soon)
- If you have entered your art into a challenge it will display the challenge first.
- Hid the art challenges you can enter behind a "Submit this art to a challenge" button on the Art Challenges section on the art sidebar.
- If you have already entered your art into one challenge the button changes from blue to yellow and adds a warning message telling you about the reward policy for multiple challenges.
- You can now withdraw from art challenges before a challenge has closed if you made a mistake or changed your mind.
- The Art Challenge box on the gallery page now loads icons again, and now links to the results instead of the announcement page, also it now displays a green Entered badge if you have entered into that challenge
Profile Art
- Profile art "by others" section is now sorted by likes and removed the reference to unlink art (as that didn't work anymore, and it will be replaced by suggestions in a future update"
- Users art counts are now split by the amount they have created, amount that has been linked to them, and amount that is suggested to be linked (only viewable on your own profile)
- Related art is no longer just blindly listing everything that mentions a partial match of your characters name, you get those as suggestions and have to manually approve/reject them
New Gallery Appearance
Released the new-look gallery, with even less time to scroll to get to your art
- Condensed the top navigation of the gallery and removed the left sidenav (I know, I know, I just added it!)
- The Browse section now has a dropdown to help you browse types quicker
- The Discover section takes you to art that you haven't liked yet, and the dropdown shows the highlights
- The Challenges section shows you challenges that are in progress
- The My tab has a link to your uploads, the art you have liked, and art from artists you follow, as well as showing recent art of yours, and unpublished art
- The art title is now prevented from overflowing on a new line to help with gallery consistency, and a tooltip will show when hovering
- The like / comment icons have been replaced with non catalog icons
- All of these changes have been designed so it isn't terrible on mobiles (we hope)
- Fixed an issue where the gallery tag pages didn't know about the new page sections when looking for the announcement/results pages to show
- When a challenge has ended the gallery is sorted by likes, when it's active it is sorted by date
- When viewing a gallery tag, if the tag is an art challenge it will display the time that it will end or has ended
- Clicking the comment icon on a gallery will now open a quick comment window
- Enter your message and press enter to send a short comment
- We do this to encourage more comments on art, but we also do encourage you to leave longer comments on the art you appreciate, to motivate our talented artists
Content Creators
Spoiler Tag:
tag appearance has changed, it's no longer a weird button plopped in the middle of an article, but part of the site style card system- the optional second argument used for an image URL can now also be used for subtext e.g.
[spoiler=some header name;some description]
- add your content in between the opening and closing spoiler tags on a new line
- always remember to close your spoilers with
on a new line
Delve Tags:
Added various tags to allow us to use dynamic content in our delve coverage
creates a banner box[bannerpolestabs=x]
creates a box with banner poles split by tabs[collectionaccordion=x]
creates an accordion for a collection from a file[collectioniconscategory=x]
creates a grid of icons from collection by category[merchantitem=x]
creates a formatted merchant item row[itemgrid=x]
creates a grid of icons from a list of items[recipeandcrafted=x]
creates a formatted row of recipe and crafted item[deltalith=x]
creates a formatted list of deltaliths, reference by name or use 'all','tiered','untiered'[craftingstation=x]
allows us to use the crafting station accordion within articles
Other Changes
- Uncoupled the
tag from the same appearance as the individual art page to allow for some new functionality (SOON)
- Collection search results will now return results that match the collection category e.g. Dev Dream
- Squished the result icons a bit
- PTS Collections search should use the same criteria as Live Collections search
User Profiles:
- Last visit date is a little less specific, now referring to today, this week, this month and longer
- The navbar and protected nav bar now collapse on mobiles
- Added new ordering breakpoints so that the avatar and the power rank / created date now appear on the same line on mobiles, while preserving the original order on larger screens
- The header image is now only shown when you are on the profile home page and not a tab
- Condensed the header to only the avatar, name (with colour) and a return to profile overview link, when viewing a profile tab
- Connections have been moved out of the profile navbar onto the profile overview page, above the about section (you didn't need to see a big box on every profile tab)
- Hid the artist name when viewing art on their profile (you already know who it is)
- Club badges now are full width, and platform stands out a bit more, this makes it look less weird (maybe) for those with lots of clubs
- Modders with at least 5 mods now have additional tabs to help people browse their profile, Recent Mods / Popular Mods
- Added a Update Stats button under your sigil in your profile, to help people notice that they can update it via that way (and others)
- Retired this test feature, thank you for checking it out
- Removed the header, it was pointless and made you scroll
- The main nav menu now collapses on mobiles
- Removed the avatar from the message text when on mobiles (needless scroll)
Home Page
- Replaced Shadow Day with Delve Day on daily bonuses
- Experimental new homepage with tabs splitting the length of the homepage up, still a few things marked as TODO
- Removed the activity widget from the homepage
- Recent comments on the homepage now ignores creation status changes
- The luxion sidebar list now lists the item limits where appropriate
- Recent Comments on the homepage now condenses the author/page/date lines a bit
General Tweaks
- dev comments on art now get automatically added to the yellow highlight text section
- Fixed a view where you could see events before they were released
- Added creations to the new Mods tab
- Added browse pages to deco, styles and dungeons for creations
- Re-arranged and cleaned up the login page
- To help automate a little of the Trovesaurus account recovery process, you can now generate an email to remind you which account you used for your character (provided you still have access to your account, you can check for an email). This is found below the login form.
- Fixed up some years old code to display abilities, set correct icons and descriptions for Dino Tamer
- Users who aren't logged in can now switch site themes to dark or whatever weirdness they choose
- Fixed an issue with sound uploads where it could overwrite files with the same name, you are now prevented from uploading a file if a file already exists with the same name, this probably needs a rework sometime
- upgraded bootstrap and themes from 4.4.1 to 4.5.0 and jquery from 3.3.1 to 3.5.1
- Collections: Fixed an issue where an item wouldn't be counted in a collections Luxion history if a different version was stored before (trade / notrade)
- Removed the empty icon from the styles type nav menu
- Moved the top nav menu for styles to the side, and this now collapses on mobiles
- Adjusted the icon break points for the icons on the style pages so that it can look okay from mobiles up to desktops
- Videos are no longer all shown on the collection page (RIP Ganda page), now they are paginated
- External JavaScript calls are now mostly bundled, and this should help some pages load faster, I continue to look at this
- Icons now use 64px versions instead of 256px versions when appropriate (faster loading)
- Fixed an issue preventing Ice Sage class gem from being listed as a empowered gem build option
- The pagination has been redesigned so that words are removed and its more condensed
- Boosted the way that we determine if a video is missing, this now uses Googles API and is 10x faster (and more reliable - we hope), as the days go by the missing videos should be less noticeable