TFMHisztike is challenging the Trove Artists to draw the
Pollywanna cutey ally for a chance to unlock it.
Featured image was drawn by TFM.
- Create some Trove fan art featuring Pollywanna
- Upload to the Fan Art Gallery
- Publish the art to make it visible
- Submit to the Pollywanna challenge
- Tuesday, July 28, 2020 to Tuesday, August 11, 2020
- Valid entries will receive a Reward Token
- Highlights will receive an additional Reward Token
- At least 5 entries will receive a code for the Pollywanna ally
Featured Art Comments:
I want to squish her belly, I love how fat she is, it's so cute. Good job with this fluffy cutey, and that poor fishing rod!
- TFM / Etaew
Polywanna Fan Art for Contest!
Featured Art Comments:
Love the colours, it's fat and adorable and would like it as a plushie. Good job on the feathers and shading and expression.
- TFM / Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
She looks so cute and grumpy! Love the expression and the reason for it, boots are annoying. Good job on the background too!
- TFM / Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
Love the effort you put into your animations Future. She looks great, I like her little tail feathers moving with the wind, and how she blinks, it's very cute!
- TFM / Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
While this seems more like Sam than Polly, the detail on it is great. Love Sam, the table and the pup!
- TFM / Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
The face is really cute, she seems like a happy parrot fisher. Good job with the feathers they look fluffy.
- TFM / Etaew
Pollywanna Goes on an Adventure!
Featured Art Comments:
She looks so happy and ready for adventure, is a fat cutey. Really like the big beak and the drawing style. Would love to see more from you.
- TFM / Etaew
it's a bird! no it's aplane! NO! it was a bird.
Featured Art Comments:
The title made me chuckle, I like that this fat birdo can still fly, she looks unimpressed with what's going on below her.
- TFM / Etaew
Yare Yare -.- Who ate my crackers
Featured Art Comments:
Love this grumpy face! She looks very unhappy.
- TFM / Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
I like the story that this image tries to tell. She looks like she's going to get in a lot of trouble. Good job with her shocked face.
- TFM / Etaew