Winter Edition
Trove Forums
December 4, 2014
- Winter is here!
- Wheel of Seasons workbench is now available under the Advanced tab at the Crafting Bench.
- A new Mag Rider, the Mahoggan Toboggan, can now be crafted at the Wheel of Seasons
- There is a new winter hub
- There is a new winter pinata in the store which has winter recipes, styles, and a winter pinata mount
- Winter gardening has arrived with all new seeds including a special winter resource
- Fix stat display rounding error; fix bug where you can jump one fewer times than your jump stat
- Pets have gone to obedience school and have become better at following you.
- The Insta-Grouper is now called the Rally Blade.
- Fixed bug where energy debt was reset to 0 after taking damage
- Wind up attacks from bosses now deal more damage. This change doesn't apply to shadow invaders who were already doing higher damage.
- Some buttons which were not centered should now be centered
- Sugar crash does 25% less damage to blocks
- Tentacles and eyes are now available in the store.
- Dracolyte now has a 0% multiplier for attack speed (purely a visual change to help understand Draco's basic attack)
- The Strawberry Candy Cow deco should now appear correctly
- New Candy dungeon from Dopesheet.
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