For the next three weeks to celebrate the launch of Into the Deep on PC, we challenge our Artist and Modder community to submit Into the Deep inspired creations.
- Wednesday, November 27, 2019 to Wednesday, January 1, 2019
Extended for to January 1 due to console launch, and busy holiday season challenges. Those who made the original deadline will receive increased rewards.
- Highlights will receive 1x Reward Token
- Entries sometimes receive 1x Reward Token
Reward Tokens are used to claim packs and collections from the Trovesaurus Rewards section.
Art Challenge
- Create some Trove fan art that relates to Into the Deep
- It could feature some of the new costumes, allies or leviathans, or your character doing the new content, be creative
- Upload to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the contest Into the Deep
Mod Challenge
- Create a mod that relates to Into the Deep
- It could replace a Leviathan, or use the Leviathan theme on other rigs, or something else linked to the update, be creative
- Upload your mod to the Trovesaurus Mods section and then add that mod to the Into the Deep Mod - Mod Challenge Pack
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