Thank you for your site support during last month, here are the list of changes we've made to the site during the month of May.
Going GreenTop ^
Most of this months efforts were focused on releasing the Going Green section. Big thanks to Ylva for working really hard to put the content together while I worked on the functionality to display extra data, and tweak the importers.
New FeaturesTop ^
- Added a Display in Builder button under the Troxel viewer on Collection pages for models that have a .qb file uploaded. This builder will slice a model into chunks starting from the bottom so you can see how to build a model in your club world. This is available on a few models until requested on more. Examples are found on the Level 30 costumes.
- Fan art which mention Collections, Items, Deco and Styles that you have designed will now display on the User Profiles Designs tab
- Designers who don't have a Trovesaurus account now have links to a page where you can view their other designs
- Site search now has a tab to list results from Items and Deco on PTS
- Mastery Points can now be set on Styles, although this needs to be set manually
Tag ImprovementsTop ^
Tags are ways that we can make our pages more functional by pulling data directly from the database. Most of these we use internally but the functionality is available to all for use in most text areas.
- Added a new tag
to generate style category boxes of one or more specific categories. - Added Cubits, Credits, Trove Mastery or Geode Mastery to smart tags with the amount of how many added by semicolon e.g.
- Added a
[badges=name or identifier]
tag which generates a custom box with badge information, how to obtain and the rewards from it (if we have the information set) - Added a new
tag to link to a comment - Added a new tag to generate tabs of items and listing the text field of the item e.g.
- Added a new tag to generate tabs of collections, similar to items, accepts text/gardening as types
- Smart tags now look up packs when the name is added in square brackets
- Added internal functionality to designate some tags as inline or block replace, this can start to fix issues where tags use too many lines
- Expanded the
tags to accept ;pts at the end of a recipe identifier to force pointing a recipe to a PTS version
UpdatesTop ^
- Updated the Art Results widget to support additional custom badges, and internally more forms of data
- As an antispam measure only those with the Artist or Modder site rank can make posts on profiles.
- Item pages will no longer display an Images section for items of type "unlocker" as they are not needed
- Added pagination to the Designers master page, and added a link to it from the nav bar next to Modders
- Re-added a link to a users characters on their profile page nav menu
- Fixed an issue where notifications relating to your comments didn't generate a link to click
- Switched the Accepted mods layout from a list to a larger grid
- Mod Pack authors should now receive notifications when their pack has been commented on
- Mod Pack links are no longer unhandled in the Recent Comments widget
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