Additional Updates
  • Magic Find is now available on Crystal rarity bows.
  • New weapon styles dropped from the Starglint Pinata can be traded; due to technical limitations, all existing copies will remain untradable.
  • Added a previously missing portal to one of the 3-Star Dungeons.
  • Slightly adjusted the Light formula.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Golden Key button from properly appearing on a box.
  • New players will no longer be asked to unequip a lesser gem during the Gems Expertise Thread. Players who were on the removed steps will continue to have them available.
  • The Gems Expertise Thread now correctly directs players to the Builder's Crafting Bench.
  • Adjusted the text on some steps of the Gem Expertise and Crystal Combat Threads for clarity.
  • Fixed an incorrect error message that occurred when deconstructing items with a full inventory.
  • The Dev Dream Ally Grim is no longer an expert witness and is now a seeker.
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liked this!

  • I'm still waiting for the console crystal combat update...

como es eso de "Ligeramente ajustada la fórmula de la luz". que han ajustado de la luz?

"Slightly adjusted the Light formula."??

liked this!
