We've generated a list of String changes from the current live client to Geode on PTS.
Found 39 new strings
- [$Claims_GeodeNPCAdventures] = Rewarded for completing a Geode Adventure.
- [$Adventure_geode_lazul_collect_inorganic_name] = Collect Inorganics from Geode Caves
- [$Adventure_geode_lazul_collect_inorganic_shortdesc] = Collect any inorganic materials from the caves such as Gleamstone, Moonstone, and Builderite. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
- [$Adventure_geode_lazul_collect_inorganic_longdesc] = Collect any inorganic materials from the caves such as Gleamstone, Moonstone, and Builderite. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
- [$Adventure_geode_thlan_collect_organic_name] = Collect Organics from Geode Caves
- [$Adventure_geode_thlan_collect_organic_shortdesc] = Collect any organic materials from the caves such as Day Drop, Moonlit Moss, and Cogwine. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
- [$Adventure_geode_thlan_collect_organic_longdesc] = Collect any organic materials from the caves such as Day Drop, Moonlit Moss, and Cogwine. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
- [$Adventure_geode_gabro_interact_critter_name] = Care for Cave Critters
- [$Adventure_geode_gabro_interact_critter_shortdesc] = Successfully feed, heal, or comfort critters in the Geode caves.
- [$Adventure_geode_gabro_interact_critter_longdesc] = Successfully feed, heal, or comfort critters in the Geode caves.
- [$Claims_crystallogy_simple] = Rewarded for completing a Crystallogy Adventure.
- [$Claims_crystallogy_advanced] = Rewarded for completing an Advanced Crystallogy Adventure.
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_simple_01_boss_kills_name] = Defeat Dungeon or Lair Bosses
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_simple_01_boss_kills_shortdesc] = Defeat 10 Dungeon or Lair Bosses in any Trove biome.
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_simple_01_boss_kills_longdesc] = Defeat 10 Dungeon or Lair Bosses in any Trove biome.
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_simple_02_mine_flame_name] = Mine Primordial Flame
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_simple_02_mine_flame_shortdesc] = Mine 70 Primordial Flame in any Trove Adventure World.
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_simple_02_mine_flame_longdesc] = Mine 70 Primordial Flame in any Trove Adventure World.
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_simple_03_3star_complete_name] = Complete 3-Star Dungeons
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_simple_03_3star_complete_shortdesc] = Complete 3 3-Star Dungeons in any Trove biome.
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_simple_03_3star_complete_longdesc] = Complete 3 3-Star Dungeons in any Trove biome.
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_simple_04_shapestone_mined_name] = Mine Shapestone
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_simple_04_shapestone_mined_shortdesc] = Mine 400 Shapestone in any Trove Adventure World.
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_simple_04_shapestone_mined_longdesc] = Mine 400 Shapestone in any Trove Adventure World.
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_simple_05_npc_kills_name] = Defeat Enemies
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_simple_05_npc_kills_shortdesc] = Defeat 40 enemies in any Trove Adventure World.
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_simple_05_npc_kills_longdesc] = Defeat 40 enemies in any Trove Adventure World.
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_advanced_01_trove_ore_mined_name] = Acquire Uncommon Trovian Ore
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_advanced_01_trove_ore_mined_shortdesc] = Acquire 1600 Primordial Flame, Formicite Ore, or Infinium Ore in any Trovian Adventure World. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_advanced_01_trove_ore_mined_longdesc] = Acquire 1600 Primordial Flame, Formicite Ore, or Infinium Ore in any Trovian Adventure World. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_advanced_02_cinnabar_acquired_name] = Acquire Cinnabar
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_advanced_02_cinnabar_acquired_shortdesc] = Acquire 700 Cinnabar ore. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_advanced_02_cinnabar_acquired_longdesc] = Acquire 700 Cinnabar ore. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_advanced_03_gemboxes_acquired_name] = Acquire Fire Gem, Air Gem, and Water Gem Boxes
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_advanced_03_gemboxes_acquired_shortdesc] = Acquire 20 Fire Gem, Air Gem, or Water Gem Boxes from Cursed Skylands, Igneous Islands, and Drowned Worlds.
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_advanced_03_gemboxes_acquired_longdesc] = Acquire 20 Fire Gem, Air Gem, or Water Gem Boxes from Cursed Skylands, Igneous Islands, and Drowned Worlds.
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_advanced_04_boss_kills_name] = Defeat Dungeon or Lair Bosses
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_advanced_04_boss_kills_shortdesc] = Defeat 30 Dungeon or Lair Bosses in any Trove Adventure World.
- [$Adventure_crystallogy_advanced_04_boss_kills_longdesc] = Defeat 30 Dungeon or Lair Bosses in any Trove Adventure World.
Found 4 new strings
- [$Event_sunfest2018_name] = SUNFEST 2018
- [$Event_sunfest2018_description] = Trovians and Geodians rejoice! Sunfest has arrived!
- [$Claims_sunfest2018] = The light of the Sun Goddess smiles upon you, Trovian.
- [$Claims_login_sunfest2018] = Login every day during Sunfest 2018 event to earn extra rewards!
Found 355 new strings
- [$geode_hub_amberine] = Amberine
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_01] = What a great day for a cave dive!
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_02] = Have you tried the thumper yet?
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_03] = Hmm, I need a little more sparkzite...
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_04] = Exploring the Chiseled Caverns today?
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_05] = Come to me for all your cave-diving needs!
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_06] = The ancients left so many secrets in the caves.
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_07] = The Builder must've been huge if we all fit on his chisel...
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_08] = I still have so much to learn about the caves.
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_09] = I've got your back if you run out of G.A.S!
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_10] = My favorite cave is... Ah! I can never choose.
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_11] = You think I could visit Trove one day?
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_12] = I hope you're not too homesick here.
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_13] = We're so glad to have your help, Trovian!
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_14] = I'm itching to explore the caves myself.
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_15] = So much to invent. So little time.
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_16] = The elders say Verdant Veins was the Builder's favorite.
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_17] = Sunken Sunvault is hot today. Stay hydrated!
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_18] = Moonglow Grotto makes me wanna dance! Hehe.
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_19] = We go through resources so quickly here...
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_20] = Thanks for helping keep this sanctuary safe!
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_21] = All this inventing sure tires a pebble out.
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_22] = Upgrade your modules at the Module Forge!
- [$amberine_hub_greeting_23] = You look ready to cave dive! How 'bout it?
- [$geode_hub_rowan] = Sunseeker Rowan
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_01] = Every Trovian likes a good fight, right?
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_02] = Over here, Trovian! Ready for training?
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_03] = If you ever wish to beat the Shadows, you must train.
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_04] = The Shadows won't fight themselves.
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_05] = Ready for a fight? Come this way.
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_06] = Come, Trovian! Train against the best.
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_07] = Will you be the last Trovian standing?
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_08] = Gabbro, Th'lan, Lazul are true warriors. Don't underestimate them.
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_09] = Train with the best to be the best.
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_10] = Shadows are preparing for battle. Are you?
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_11] = Go to Battlemaster Bakoom for your battle rewards!
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_12] = It's Trovian versus Trovian in here.
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_13] = Did we meet on Trove? Come and prove yourself in battle!
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_14] = You tired of the peace and quiet? Get in here.
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_15] = This battle simulator was made for you. Use it!
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_16] = You didn't fly across space to mine ore! Come train in here.
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_17] = This is the only place to fight on Geode!
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_18] = If you want to fight, you found the right place.
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_19] = Geodians thought you'd feel at home in the battle dome.
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_20] = Mind yourself. Sunseeker Th'lan gets jumpy around Trovian weaponry.
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_21] = Th'lan isn't much of a talker, but she is quite powerful.
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_22] = Th'lan left the Shadow behind. I admire her for that.
- [$rowan_hub_greeting_23] = Come and train for battle!
- [$geode_hub_lazul] = Sunseeker Lazul
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_01] = Come! Create! Be useful.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_02] = Crystallogy fortifies us.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_03] = Crystallogy may save your life in the caves.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_04] = What have you created today?
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_05] = Have you made yourself useful?
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_06] = Prepare today. Fight tomorrow.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_07] = Amberine speaks well of you.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_08] = We have no time to waste.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_09] = Shadows are just beyond the horizon...
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_10] = Create your potions while you can.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_11] = Crystallogy may save us all.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_12] = Create! Create! We have no time to spare.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_13] = One good potion can save thousands.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_14] = It is a good day for Crystallogy.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_15] = Crystallogy is good for the soul.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_16] = My knowledge of Crystallogy is yours.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_17] = I will protect Geode, or return to the stone trying.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_18] = Craft! Create! Make something of yourself.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_19] = Sunseeker Gabbro is a hard-working Companion Master.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_20] = We Sunseekers will teach you all we know.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_21] = We must prepare if we are to survive.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_22] = We must hurry. The Shadow approaches.
- [$lazul_hub_greeting_23] = I will teach you all I know of Crystallogy.
- [$geode_hub_thlan] = Sunseeker Th'lan
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_01] = The Ancients hid magics...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_02] = Chaos is coming...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_03] = Shadows approach... Th'lan sees...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_04] = You carry Shadows... Th'lan sees...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_05] = Power hidden... inside reliquary...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_06] = Reveal the reliquary...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_07] = He sees us... Th'lan knows...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_08] = The Ancients... gave us power...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_09] = Dust of Ancients... makes all of Geode...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_10] = Help Th'lan... unleash reliquaries...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_11] = They are coming... Th'lan knows...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_12] = The ancients hide here...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_13] = The Ancients sacrificed... to give power...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_14] = Reliquaries have secrets...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_15] = Reliquaries... must be revealed...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_16] = Every day... Th'lan fights... Shadows...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_17] = Alone... Th'lan is...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_18] = Shadows... want power...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_19] = Keep reliquaries... from the Shadow...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_20] = He cannot get... the ancients...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_21] = Th'lan... does not want to hurt...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_22] = Too bright... for Th'lan...
- [$thlan_hub_greeting_23] = The power... can stop him...
- [$geode_hub_gabbro] = Sunseeker Gabbro
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_01] = Are you interested in Companions?
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_02] = I've written a number of books on Froleek.
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_03] = Companions are such fascinating creatures!
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_04] = Gleemurs adore attention! Just look at them.
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_05] = Qubrik are such enigmatic creatures!
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_06] = Years of study have made me an expert on Companions.
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_07] = The Shadows have terrified these poor, sweet creatures...
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_08] = Companions can be quite shy - unless they're hungry!
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_09] = A well-trained Companion is a great help in the caves.
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_10] = Many Geodians would love to raise a companion!
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_11] = Do you have a treat on you? The creatures like you!
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_12] = Those poor creatures in the cave are so terrified.
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_13] = Jelotl love to be tickled very much. Alotl, even! Baha!
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_14] = Look how the Zepperays drifts through the air! Lovely.
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_15] = Howlugs eat ten times their weight each day! Fascinating, no?
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_16] = A hoppet once jumped to the top of Sunseeker Spire! Astounding!
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_17] = Cragglepods love to scuttle about in Sunken Sunvault.
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_18] = There's always something new to learn about Companions.
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_19] = Eight different species live in the caves! Isn't that marvelous?
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_20] = My next book is about the creatures outside this sanctuary.
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_21] = We must rescue every creature from the Shadow.
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_22] = I wrote the book on Companions! Marvelous creatures.
- [$gabbro_hub_greeting_23] = Lazul's crystallogy potions can calm cave creatures! Make some!
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_1] = Only those strong enough for Uber-10 may enter.
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_2] = Uber-10 awaits, when you're equipped for it...
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_3] = It is dangerous to go to Uber-10 unprepared.
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_4] = You will be ready for Uber-10 soon, but not yet.
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_5] = Return to the Chiseled Caverns and train.
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_6] = The world of Uber-10 awaits you... soon.
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_7] = The world beyond is still too dangerous for you.
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_8] = You are not yet prepared to face Uber-10 Shadows.
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_9] = Return when you are ready for Uber-10.
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_10] = You are not ready for Uber-10.
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_11] = Train, or you be defeated in the Uber-10.
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_12] = Go train with Rowan before you attempt to enter Uber-10.
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_13] = Descend the spire. Return when you are fit for Uber-10.
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_14] = Continue your training, Trovian. Then, return.
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_15] = One day, you will be ready for Uber-10. Today, you are not.
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_16] = You are not yet ready for the challenge of Uber-10.
- [$sunseeker_landing_guard_greeting_17] = When you are strong enough, Uber-10 awaits.
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_1] = Safe travels back to Trove.
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_2] = I wish you safe passage to Trove.
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_3] = Your shuttle to the Solidarity awaits.
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_4] = Enjoy the journey back to Trove.
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_5] = Looking for passage back to Trove?
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_6] = Remember, Companions can only live on Geode.
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_7] = Are you bringing souvenirs back to Trove?
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_8] = Shuttles back to Trove are here!
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_9] = Keep your head and arms inside the shuttle!
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_10] = This shuttle will take you up to the Solidarity.
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_11] = Come through here for passage back to Trove!
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_12] = Did you enjoy your stay on Geode?
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_13] = Return to Geode when you are ready for Uber-10!
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_14] = The Solidarity will take you back to Trove.
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_15] = Thanks for visiting Geode.
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_16] = If you want to go back to Trove, look no further.
- [$sunseeker_return_guard_greeting_17] = Catch your shuttle back to Trove here!
- [$geodian_circle_name] = Friend
- [$geodian_circle_of_friends_greeting_1] = How did you get up here, friend?
- [$geodian_circle_of_friends_greeting_2] = What's the first rule of friend circle?
- [$geodian_circle_of_friends_greeting_3] = Are you a friend... or not?
- [$geodian_circle_of_friends_greeting_4] = We don't talk about the friend circle.
- [$geodian_circle_of_friends_greeting_5] = It's good beneath the sun, no?
- [$geodian_circle_of_friends_greeting_6] = I didn't know we were recruiting.
- [$geodian_circle_of_friends_greeting_7] = We could always use new friends.
- [$geodian_circle_of_friends_greeting_8] = Are you lost, friend?
- [$geodian_circle_of_friends_greeting_9] = Friends forever!
- [$geodian_circle_of_friends_greeting_10] = New friend. Hello.
- [$geodian_crystal_guard] = Crystal Guardian
- [$geodian_secret_crystallogy_guard_1] = Please refrain from touching these.
- [$geodian_secret_crystallogy_guard_2] = Don't touch these. It's for your own good.
- [$geodian_secret_crystallogy_guard_3] = Hands off... for your own protection.
- [$geodian_secret_crystallogy_guard_4] = Look, but don't touch.
- [$geodian_secret_crystallogy_guard_5] = I'd keep your hands off, friend.
- [$geodian_secret_crystallogy_guard_6] = You shouldn't try to touch these.
- [$geodian_secret_crystallogy_guard_7] = Keep away from these, friend.
- [$geodian_secret_crystallogy_guard_8] = These are too dangerous to be handled.
- [$geodian_secret_crystallogy_guard_9] = I'd recommend leaving this place.
- [$geodian_secret_crystallogy_guard_10] = Don't touch the crystals. For your own sake.
- [$sunseeker_biped_guard] = Sunseeker Guard
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_1] = Be the light, Trovian.
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_2] = Safe journey to you.
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_3] = May the Sun Goddess light your path.
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_4] = You're looking well today, Trovian.
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_5] = Keep on your toes. Shadows never sleep.
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_6] = Stay your blade on Geode, Trovian.
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_7] = In times of darkness, become the light.
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_8] = Greetings, Trovian.
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_9] = Safe travels.
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_10] = My ancestors lived on Trove once.
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_11] = Keep up the good fight.
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_12] = Has Sunseeker Gabbro shown you how to raise eggs?
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_13] = If you seek occupation, Crystallogy is fine work.
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_14] = Sunseeker Rowan is looking for you, Trovian.
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_15] = Welcome to Geode.
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_16] = Have you trained in Rowan's battleground yet?
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_17] = Sunseeker Th'lan knows much about reliquaries.
- [$sunseeker_biped_greeting_17a] = Flown beneath the sun, lately, Friend?
- [$sunseeker_boulder_guard] = Sunseeker Guard
- [$sunseeker_boulder_greeting_1] = Build well, small one.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_greeting_2] = Building is good for the health.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_greeting_3] = You are strong for one so small.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_greeting_4] = Build. It makes you stronger.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_greeting_5] = Builder guide you.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_greeting_6] = I thought Trovians would be Rowan's size at least.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_greeting_7] = Keep the fighting to Rowan's training ground.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_greeting_8] = You're looking... short today.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_greeting_9] = Never get underfoot of a boulder.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_greeting_10] = Looking boulder than ever. Ha. Ha.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_greeting_11] = Be the light.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_orange_greeting_11] = Are you off to Sunken Sunvault?
- [$sunseeker_boulder_orange_greeting_12] = You are warm. Like the Sunvault.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_orange_greeting_13] = Explore Sunken Sunvault while you can.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_orange_greeting_14] = Where are you blazine off to? Ha. Ha.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_orange_greeting_15] = Sun Goddess guide you.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_orange_greeting_16] = May you walk the path of the Sun.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_green_greeting_11] = Have you been to Verdant Veins?
- [$sunseeker_boulder_green_greeting_12] = Have you seen a green pebble around?
- [$sunseeker_boulder_green_greeting_13] = It's not so easy, being green, you know.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_green_greeting_14] = Verdant Veins is a fine place to visit.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_green_greeting_15] = May the Builder guide your Omni-Tool.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_green_greeting_16] = Builder be with you.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_purple_greeting_11] = Are you going to Moonglow Grotto?
- [$sunseeker_boulder_purple_greeting_12] = May the sun and moon always shine.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_purple_greeting_13] = May you glow as the Grotto.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_purple_greeting_14] = Do all Trovians glow like the moon?
- [$sunseeker_boulder_purple_greeting_15] = Don't moon about, Trovian.
- [$sunseeker_boulder_purple_greeting_16] = Never forget the Moon Goddess.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_guard] = Sunseeker Guard
- [$sunseeker_pebble_greeting_1] = Greetings, Trovian.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_greeting_2] = You are welcome on Geode.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_greeting_3] = Be safe in your travels.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_greeting_4] = May the Ancients watch over you.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_greeting_5] = If you must fight, go find Sunseeker Rowan.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_greeting_6] = If Amberine approves of you, then I do too.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_greeting_7] = We will beat the Shadows together.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_greeting_8] = We're grateful you're here, Trovian.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_greeting_9] = Raising eggs is an excellent hobby.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_greeting_10] = I wonder where Percival disappeared to...
- [$sunseeker_pebble_greeting_11] = Be the light, Trovian.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_orange_greeting_11] = Are you heading to Sunken Sunvault?
- [$sunseeker_pebble_orange_greeting_12] = You're quicker than blazine, aren't you?
- [$sunseeker_pebble_orange_greeting_13] = Have you explored Sunken Sunvault today?
- [$sunseeker_pebble_orange_greeting_14] = Did I just catch a whiff of Cave Bird?
- [$sunseeker_pebble_orange_greeting_15] = That Trovian must have some Sun Sap on them!
- [$sunseeker_pebble_orange_greeting_16] = It's a lovely day to visit Sunken Sunvault.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_green_greeting_11] = Are you off to Verdant Veins?
- [$sunseeker_pebble_green_greeting_12] = I hope you're off to mine some geminite.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_green_greeting_13] = These Trovians are as tall as cave kelp.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_green_greeting_14] = Today's a fine day to explore Verdant Veins.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_green_greeting_15] = The Builder must have helped bring you here.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_green_greeting_16] = If only I could travel with you! I'm green with envy.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_purple_greeting_11] = Visiting Moonglow Grotto today?
- [$sunseeker_pebble_purple_greeting_12] = If you can save us, perhaps you can save the Moon too.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_purple_greeting_13] = You've got a bounce in your step. Is it Acrobat Bark?
- [$sunseeker_pebble_purple_greeting_14] = That glow around you... is it moonstone?
- [$sunseeker_pebble_purple_greeting_15] = The air smells sweet around you. Like Dream Dew.
- [$sunseeker_pebble_purple_greeting_16] = We appreciate your assistance, Trovian.
- [$generic_pebble_npc] = Pebble
- [$generic_pebble_greeting_1] = You have a lot of weapons! Why?
- [$generic_pebble_greeting_2] = Why do Shadows want to hurt us?
- [$generic_pebble_greeting_3] = I wanna watch you fight in Rowan's battleground!
- [$generic_pebble_greeting_4] = Shadows are scary! You'll make them go away?
- [$generic_pebble_greeting_5] = Where's Percival!? He's gone!
- [$generic_pebble_greeting_6] = Do you really fight Shadows?
- [$generic_pebble_orange_greeting_7] = Wanna watch eggs hatch at the Ranch?
- [$generic_pebble_orange_greeting_8] = Froleek are cute! And ticklish!
- [$generic_pebble_orange_greeting_9] = I want a Gleemur of my own.
- [$generic_pebble_orange_greeting_10] = Cragglepod are the BEST!
- [$generic_pebble_orange_greeting_11] = I want to raise a Companion one day.
- [$generic_pebble_green_greeting_7] = Crystallogy is the best!
- [$generic_pebble_green_greeting_8] = Lazul's nice to teach us all Crystallogy.
- [$generic_pebble_green_greeting_9] = Where did I leave my crystallogy book?
- [$generic_pebble_green_greeting_10] = So many crystallogy recipes to learn!
- [$generic_pebble_green_greeting_11] = I wanna join Friend Circle!
- [$generic_pebble_purple_greeting_7] = Did you know Th'lan came from the Shadow!?
- [$generic_pebble_purple_greeting_8] = I love watching reliquaries open!
- [$generic_pebble_purple_greeting_9] = Don't be scared of Th'lan! She's nice!
- [$generic_pebble_purple_greeting_10] = Have you met Sunseeker Th'lan!?
- [$generic_pebble_purple_greeting_11] = A Shadow ate my dream dew!
- [$generic_boulder_npc] = Boulder
- [$generic_boulder_greeting_1] = Uh oh. Almost squashed a Trovian.
- [$generic_boulder_greeting_2] = You're a quick one.
- [$generic_boulder_greeting_3] = Trovians are small! Like pebbles.
- [$generic_boulder_greeting_4] = I fell in the caves once. It hurt.
- [$generic_boulder_greeting_5] = Cave milk makes you bolder.
- [$generic_boulder_greeting_6] = Trovians should drink more cave milk.
- [$generic_boulder_greeting_7] = It used to be quiet here.
- [$generic_boulder_greeting_8] = Lazul is a great Sunseeker.
- [$generic_boulder_orange_greeting_8] = Maybe I should train with Rowan...
- [$generic_boulder_orange_greeting_9] = Companions are good. Like Trovians.
- [$generic_boulder_orange_greeting_10] = Trovians shine bright. Like the Sunvault.
- [$generic_boulder_orange_greeting_11] = I like that Trovian. It is cute.
- [$generic_boulder_orange_greeting_12] = Those Trovians move fast!
- [$generic_boulder_green_greeting_8] = Trovians are squishy. Like jelotl!
- [$generic_boulder_green_greeting_9] = That Trovian looks like Qubrik.
- [$generic_boulder_green_greeting_10] = I want to see Trove one day.
- [$generic_boulder_green_greeting_11] = These visitors are loud.
- [$generic_boulder_green_greeting_12] = It was so peaceful here.
- [$generic_boulder_purple_greeting_8] = I will explore the caves one day.
- [$generic_boulder_purple_greeting_9] = Can these Trovians can help us?
- [$generic_boulder_purple_greeting_10] = Shadows fight. We do not.
- [$generic_boulder_purple_greeting_11] = I should train with Rowan...
- [$generic_boulder_purple_greeting_12] = Trove must be a... loud planet.
- [$geode_lost_candy] = Lost Candy
- [$geode_lost_candy_panic_1] = HOW DID I GET HERE?!
- [$geode_lost_candy_panic_2] = If only I had a way to go Home...
- [$geode_lost_candy_panic_3] = TROVIANS CAN TELEPORT BACK UP. WHY CAN'T I?!
- [$geode_lost_candy_panic_4] = IF ONLY I HAD A HOME HOTKEY!
- [$geode_lost_candy_panic_5] = I want to go Home!
- [$geode_lost_candy_panic_6] = Could that portal take me Home!?
- [$geode_lost_candy_panic_7] = Maybe I can find a portal around here...
- [$geode_pebble_dreamer] = Percival
- [$geode_pebble_dreamer_1] = I saw someone out there! Someone STRONG.
- [$geode_pebble_dreamer_2] = There was SOMEONE out there! I saw them!
- [$geode_pebble_dreamer_3] = No one believes me, but I saw someone like you out there.
- [$geode_pebble_dreamer_4] = The others are probably looking for me...
- [$geode_pebble_dreamer_5] = Someone out there is looking for us. I know it.
- [$geode_pebble_dreamer_6] = Who's out there? I know I saw someone.
- [$geode_pebble_dreamer_7] = Someone else is coming to save us too... Someone strong.
- [$geode_lair_instructor_name] = Crystal Guardian
- [$geode_lair_instructor_greeting_1] = When you see this sign in the caves, you've reached a lair!
- [$geode_lair_instructor_greeting_2] = Lairs in the caves are signaled with this sign.
- [$geode_lair_instructor_greeting_3] = We placed these signs in the caves to point out lairs.
- [$geode_lair_instructor_greeting_4] = These gate signs in the caves mean you've reached a lair!
- [$geode_lair_instructor_greeting_5] = In the caves, these signs signal lairs.
- [$geode_lair_instructor_greeting_6] = This sign, in the caves, means you're entering a lair.
- [$geode_lair_instructor_greeting_7] = Watch out for these signs in the caves! It means a lair's ahead.
- [$geode_lair_instructor_greeting_8] = In the caves, this sign means a lair is just ahead.
- [$geode_lair_instructor_greeting_9] = When you reach this sign in the caves, a lair is ahead.
- [$geode_lair_instructor_greeting_10] = These signs signal lairs in the caves, friend.
- [$geode_sunseekers_only_name] = Sunseeker Guard
- [$geode_sunseekers_only_greeting_1] = Read the sign, young Trovian.
- [$geode_sunseekers_only_greeting_2] = Sunseekers only. Surely you see that.
- [$geode_sunseekers_only_greeting_3] = You shouldn't be wandering here.
- [$geode_sunseekers_only_greeting_4] = Might I point out the sign?
- [$geode_sunseekers_only_greeting_5] = You may have a reprimand in your future.
- [$geode_sunseekers_only_greeting_6] = Tsk, tsk. You're not a Sunseeker just yet.
- [$geode_sunseekers_only_greeting_7] = Only Sunseekers beyond this point.
- [$geode_sunseekers_only_greeting_8] = One day you may be allowed back here legitimately.
- [$geode_sunseekers_only_greeting_9] = A troublemaker, I see! Rowan would have words for you.
- [$geode_sunseekers_only_greeting_10] = Rowan wouldn't care for this disregard of signs.
- [$merchant_geode_reliquary_name] = Reliquary Merchant Thundros
- [$geode_geode_reliquary_desc] = For all your reliquary needs.
- [$merchant_geode_pvp_name] = Battlemaster Bakoom
- [$merchant_geode_pvp_desc] = Reap the rewards of battle.
- [$pebble_thlan_assistant_name] = Reliquary Keeper Umber
- [$pebble_thlan_assistant_desc] = Sunseeker Th'lan has a request of you.
- [$pebble_lazul_assistant_name] = Sous-Chef Saltina
- [$pebble_lazul_assistant_desc] = Sunseeker Lazul has a request of you.
- [$pebble_gabbro_assistant_name] = Understudy Biol
- [$pebble_gabbro_assistant_desc] = Sunseeker Gabbro has a request of you.
- [$pebble_pell_name] = Pell, Exploration Expert
- [$pebble_pell_description] = Come to me to change your discovery suit loadout!
- [$companion_zepperay_name] = Gabbro's Zepperay
- [$companion_zepperay_desc] = Gabbro's beloved Companion.
- [$companion_hoppet_name] = Gabbro's Hoppet
- [$companion_hoppet_desc] = Gabbro's beloved Companion.
Found 76 new strings
- [$geodianthread_01_name] = Go to Moonglow Grotto
- [$geodianthread_01_description] = Welcome to Geode, Trovian! I'm Amberine.\n\nSunseeker Rowan - you helped him build the ship to Geode, right? - he says you're not ready to face the UBER-strong Shadows yet.\n\nFirst, you've gotta collect resources to upgrade your gear. That means you're headed to the caves beneath Geode! They're too dangerous for most Geodians, but the Sunseekers opened portals for you.\n\nTake an airavator down to the Mining Facility and use the purple portal to Moonglow Grotto.
- [$geodianthread_02_name] = Use Your Climbing Claw
- [$geodianthread_02_description] = The main parts of your discovery suit are the GAS, or Geodian Acclimation System, and N-Charge. The GAS allows you to withstand the caves' atmosphere longer, while the N-Charge powers the rest of your modules.\n\nMy favorite module is the Climbing Claw! It can grapple onto higher ledges or knock back critters - without injury, of course. We Geodians would never harm a thing!\n\nUse your Climbing Claw and latch onto a wall or ledge.
- [$geodianthread_03_name] = Use Your Omni-Tool
- [$geodianthread_03_description] = For all your gathering needs, you've got the Omni-Tool.\n\nIt's short-range for now, but you can upgrade that later at the Module Forge.\n\nUse your Omni-Tool.
- [$geodianthread_04_name] = Help 3 Cave Critters
- [$geodianthread_04_description] = YOU THERE! If you MUST invade the home of the creatures who live in these caves, I insist you help them.\n\nI had Amberine give you Critter Treats, Curing Kits, and Comfort Blankets to tend to the cave critters you find. They should already be equipped to your hotkey bar. If you run out, make more at our sanctuary's Crystallogy Center using materials from the caves.\n\nHelp 3 cave critters. Use Critter Treats on hungry critters, Curing Kits on injured critters, and Comfort Blankets on cold critters.
- [$geodianthread_05_name] = Gather in Moonglow Grotto
- [$geodianthread_05_description] = Oof. Did Sunseeker Gabbro yell at you? Our Companion Master's frazzled after caring for all the creatures being hurt by Shadows... He doesn't mean anything by it.\n\nWhy don't you go gather some materials for us? That would get you in Gabbro's good graces for sure.\n\nUse your Omni-Tool to gather 40 gleamstone, moonstone, day drops, or dream dew in Moonglow Grotto.
- [$geodianthread_06_name] = Run out of GAS
- [$geodianthread_06_description] = Travel through the caves as far as you can!\n\nOnce your GAS (the red meter on your toolbar) runs out, one of our trained adventurers will come fetch you.\n\nExplore the area until you run out of GAS. You can also return to the Geode Sanctuary at any time by pressing [HK:Homeworld].
- [$geodianthread_07_name] = Craft Critter Treats
- [$geodianthread_07_description] = YOU are the Trovian come to save us? Hm.\n\nI am Sunseeker Lazul. First, you will save more cave creatures - and save Gabbro some heartache. Then, we will see about saving us.\n\nCome! Crystallogy awaits. Crystallogy fortifies. Crystallogy will make you bolder yet.\n\nCraft 1 Critter Treat at the Crystallogy Workbench located to the west.
- [$geodianthread_08_name] = Redeem Reliquary Token
- [$geodianthread_08_description] = Nice! Lazul gave you a Reliquary Token. Redeem it at the Reliquary Research Lab - and don't be alarmed by Sunseeker Th'lan, if you see her. She's on our side. \n\nTake an airavator up one floor and head west to redeem your token with Reliquary Merchant Thundros.
- [$geodianthread_09_name] = Go to Sunken Sunvault
- [$geodianthread_09_description] = You are strong... Th'lan sees.\n\nCarry the Reliquary! Remnants of Ancients lie inside. Down, deep, magic sleeps. Sunken Sunvault calls... Return the reliquary... return the Ancient to its home...\n\nTake an airavator down to the Mining Facility and use the orange portal to go to Sunken Sunvault.
- [$geodianthread_10_name] = Charge Your Reliquary
- [$geodianthread_10_description] = Ancient power locked inside... Th'lan knows. Reliquary hungry for magic. Magic flows through caves... Feed reliquary. Let Th'lan break it open!\n\nEquip the Token Reliquary in your discovery suit loadout. Heal, feed, or comfort critters in the caves to charge your reliquary.
- [$geodianthread_11_name] = Open Your Reliquary
- [$geodianthread_11_description] = The reliquary is ready... Th'lan hears. It hums. It sings. With gifts Ancients bring. Power from eons ago. It must be revealed.\n\nBring it to the revealer... Th'lan will crack it open!\n\nReturn to the Sanctuary by running out of GAS or pressing [HK:Homeworld]. Take an airavator up one floor and place your reliquary into the revealer located on the west side of Sunseeker Square.
- [$geodianthread_12_name] = Gather in Sunken Sunvault
- [$geodianthread_12_description] = You're allowed to touch the reliquaries!? Sunseeker Th'lan must like you. Hehe.\n\nWould ya mind popping back down to Sunken Sunvault and grabbing more materials for us? I'm looking for 75 sun sap, day drops, gleamstone, or blazine.\n\nOh, and if you're going down there anyway, you should craft more critter treats and stuff to help out the creatures! Gabbro would be thrilled.
- [$geodianthread_13_name] = Go to Verdant Veins
- [$geodianthread_13_description] = Sunseeker Th'lan passed along another task for you. Evidently she needs resources from Verdant Veins and would like you to get them for her.\n\nNext time you're in the sanctuary, take an airavator down to the Mining Facility and use the green portal to go to Verdant Veins.
- [$geodianthread_14_name] = Gather in Verdant Veins
- [$geodianthread_14_description] = Twin stone... geminite... and greens from the deep... Wavy kelp... back and forth... Th'lan needs!\n\nGather these for Th'lan... and receive... the Ancients' gift...\n\nGather 75 cave kelp, geminite, gleamstone, or day drops from Verdant Veins.
- [$geodianthread_15_name] = Check out the Module Forge
- [$geodianthread_15_description] = UPGRADE TIME\n\nWant to increase your N-Charge capacity or power-up your Omni-Tool? With the right crafting materials, you can upgrade all of your equipment at the Module Forge!\n\nSee your available upgrades at the Module Forge, located on the bottom floor of the sanctuary.
- [$geodianthread_16_name] = Upgrade Your GAS
- [$geodianthread_16_description] = If you want to travel deeper into the caves, you've got to upgrade your GAS!\n\nSo far you've mostly explored Tier 1 of the caves. This next GAS upgrade will allow you to withstand the intense atmosphere of Tier 2 - for a while, at least.\n\nUpgrade your GAS capacity at the Module Forge.
- [$geodianthread_17_name] = Use a Thumper
- [$geodianthread_17_description] = You earned a Thumper Core! Now you can make a Thumper at the Module Workbench, next to the Module Forge.\n\nThe Thumper reveals hidden crystals and shows you the full depth of ore veins!\n\nCraft a Thumper and use it in the caves. As a reward, I picked up some reliquaries from Th'lan! Funny, she only let me have 'em once she found out they were for you. Hehe.
- [$geodianthread_18_name] = Gather Plants in Moonglow Grotto
- [$geodianthread_18_description] = Our Companion Master - do you remember him? Sunseeker Gabbro? He's been really worried about the cave critters lately. The Shadows outside have them all scared...\n\nHe needs some plants to help the creatures under his care. Would you go get some for him?\n\nGather 35 pieces of dream dew, day drops, acrobat bark, and moonlit moss from Moonglow Grotto. Dream Dew and day drops grow in Tier 1 and Tier 2. Acrobat bark and moonlit moss only grow in Tier 2.
- [$geodianthread_19_name] = Help 40 Cave Critters
- [$geodianthread_19_description] = Be the light! I apologize for my rudness the last time we spoke. Shadows have hurt quite a lot of Geodian creatures... and it, well, it's been difficult.\n\nI am Sunseeker Gabbro. I wrote the book on Geodian creatures - several books, in fact! They're such fascinating creatures.\n\nCould you go and soothe 40 creatures in the caves with Critter Treats, Comfort Blankets, and Curing Kits? I, and they, would be grateful.
- [$geodianthread_20_name] = Mine Geminite
- [$geodianthread_20_description] = Gabbro told me to pass along his thanks!\n\nAnyway, I wanted to tell you that I'm almost done with an invention that'll really knock your socks off! Go grab me some materials from Verdant Veins so I can finish it.\n\nMine 75 geminite from Verdant Veins.
- [$geodianthread_21_name] = Craft Rocket Boots
- [$geodianthread_21_description] = With those Thrusters I gave you, you can make Rocket Boots! You can outrun anything with these - even Sunseeker Rowan! Unless he's wearing them too. Hehe.\n\nCraft Rocket Boots at the Module Workbench in the Mining Facility.
- [$geodianthread_22_name] = Mine Ores
- [$geodianthread_22_description] = The materials you've collected have helped us out so much. Now we might actually stand a chance against... you know.\n\nThe Sunseekers say that they've nearly depleted our ore supplies defending this place already. Would you mind getting more for us?\n\nMine 150 ore from caves of your choice.
- [$geodianthread_23_name] = Gather Uncommon Plants
- [$geodianthread_23_description] = Hello again, young Trovian. The creatures under my care have bewildered my assistants by consuming every scrap of organic matter they could sink their little teeth into!\n\nUnusual behavior, isn't it? Utterly fascinating! In the meantime, would you go and gather more plants for us?\n\nGather 20 moonlit moss, cogwine, acrobat bark, or cavebirds. These plants can only be found in Tier 2 of the caves.
- [$geodianthread_24_name] = Mine Blazine
- [$geodianthread_24_description] = Exciting news! I'm ready to put the finishing touch on my latest invention: the Barrier Generator. I just need a few more materials from Sunken Sunvault.\n\nWould you go to to Sunken Sunvault and mine 75 blazine for me?
- [$geodianthread_25_name] = Use Barrier Generator
- [$geodianthread_25_description] = You can build the Barrier Generator now! The Barrier Generator shields you from environmental hazards in the caves and boosts your speed!\n\nSunseekers say that the deepest parts of the cave can be dangerous, so you'll definitely want to have this one in your back pocket.\n\nCraft the Barrier Generator at the Module Workbench on the bottom floor of the Sanctuary and use it on your next adventure!
- [$geodianthread_26_name] = Gather Cave Kelp and Cogwine
- [$geodianthread_26_description] = Amberine says you collect things well. You are useful.\n\nDo more of this. We require 40 Cave kelp and cogwine at the Crystallogy Center. The depths of Verdant Veins flows with it.\n\nGo. Fetch. Do! Be bolder, small one. Build well.\n\nCave kelp grows in Tier 1 and Tier 2. Cogwine only grows in Tier 2.
- [$geodianthread_27_name] = Gather Sun Sap and Cave Birds
- [$geodianthread_27_description] = Blazing and chirping... blooming and flying... Th'lan needs. Bring them for Th'lan! Down dark... sunken deep... much power. Must be unlocked!\n\nGather 40 sun sap and cave birds in Sunken Sunvault. Sun Sap grows in Tier 1 and Tier 2. Cave Birds only grow in Tier 2.
- [$geodianthread_28_name] = Gather Day Drops and Moonlit Moss
- [$geodianthread_28_description] = Hehe. The other Sunseekers are all lining up to get your help next, now. But don't forget about me! I was your first fan. I get dibs.\n\nToday, I'm looking for 40 day drops and moonlit moss. They grow in all of the caves. In exchange, I'll tell ya how to make something awesome.
- [$geodianthread_29_name] = Use Path Painter
- [$geodianthread_29_description] = You can now craft the Path Painter! The Path Painter allows you to you to paint blocks in the caves and can keep track of where you've been. Stepping on the painted blocks will also give you and Trovians following you a speed boost.\n\nCraft one at the Module Workbench and try it out for yourself!
- [$geodianthread_30_name] = Upgrade Your GAS
- [$geodianthread_30_description] = That was the last new module I had for you! You are becoming a cave-diving pro. You've already traveled as far in as I've ever been! I think you might even be able to travel as far as the Sunseekers soon!\n\nThis next upgrade will increase your GAS capacity and let you stay in the caves for longer.\n\nUse the Module Forge on the bottom floor of the sanctuary to upgrade your GAS.
- [$geodianthread_31_name] = Gather Cave Birds
- [$geodianthread_31_description] = AHA! Just the Trovian I was looking for. \n\nA once-buoyant little Howlug under my care has been ill lately. To cheer her up, I'd like to surround her with her favorite plants - cave birds! Twenty beautiful, bountiful cave birds will brighten her spirits in no time.\n\nGather 20 cave birds from Sunken Sunvault. Cave birds only grow in Tier 2 and beyond.
- [$geodianthread_32_name] = Gather Acrobat Bark
- [$geodianthread_32_description] = The Cave Birds weren't enough! This sweet Howlug has lost nearly all her bounce. She was so bouncy before! It saddens me to see her this way. I've written it all down in my latest book if you care to read more.\n\nIn any case, I believe what'll really put some bounce in her step is some acrobat bark.\n\nGather 20 acrobat bark from the ceilings of Moonglow Grotto. Acrobat bark only grows in Tier 2 and beyond.
- [$geodianthread_33_name] = Check out the Egg Incubator
- [$geodianthread_33_description] = What a day! It turns out this Howlug wasn't ill at all – only pregnant! They're quite skilled at hiding it, you see, even from me! And I've written thirty books on it!\n\nThe Howlug was so grateful for your assistance, she insisted that you have one of her eggs.\n\nCome have a look at the Egg Incubator at the Companion Ranch to the east and I'll show you how to use it.
- [$geodianthread_34_name] = Hatch Your Howlug
- [$geodianthread_34_description] = Place place your egg inside the Egg Incubator and watch it hatch!\n\nI have a feeling this one will hatch quickly. It must be excited to meet its proud new caretaker!
- [$geodianthread_35_name] = Bring Howlug into the Caves
- [$geodianthread_35_description] = Wow! You really have your own companion? Gabbro says it takes a LOT for cave creatures to trust you. I'm almost jealous.\n\nGabbro told me that these creatures help you out as you explore. You can even level them up at the Companion Trainer if you have Bond Crystallizer! You should bring this one with you to the caves and see what it can do!
- [$geodianthread_36_name] = Upgrade Your GAS
- [$geodianthread_36_description] = Your howlug looks happy to be with you! Hehe. I can understand why.\n\nFeel free to explore as you like.\n\nOnce you get enough resources for your next GAS upgrade, you'll be able to go into Tier 3! That's further than I've ever gone. I'm impressed!\n\nOne more thing, while I've still got you: Thank you for coming to Geode. I was skeptical when Rowan told us that you might be able to save us. But after meeting you... I've never been so happy to be wrong.\n\nGather materials to upgrade your GAS to explore Tier 3 and beyond.
- [$claims_geodianthread_amberine] = A reward from Amberine.
- [$claims_geodianthread_gabbro] = A reward from Sunseeker Gabbro.
- [$claims_geodianthread_lazul] = A reward from Sunseeker Lazul.
- [$claims_geodianthread_thlan] = A reward from Sunseeker Th'lan.
Found 1 new strings
- [$InputAction_ItemSlot3] = Adventure Mode Slot3
Found 95 new strings
- [$Leaderboard_ServerUnavailable] = Leaderboards are currently unavailable.
- [$Leaderboard_Throttled] = Sorry, but you must wait before making another request.
- [$Leaderboard_GeneralFailure] = Sorry, but there was an error handling your request.
- [$Leaderboard_Locked] = Leaderboards are currently locked.
- [$Leaderboard_Category_ShadowTower] = SHADOW TOWER
- [$Leaderboard_Category_Meta] = META
- [$Leaderboard_Category_PowerRank] = POWER RANK
- [$Leaderboard_Category_Stats] = STATS
- [$Leaderboard_Category_Favorites] = FAVORITES
- [$Leaderboard_Category_Contests] = CONTESTS
- [$Leaderboard_Category_Contests_Daily] = DAILY CONTESTS
- [$Leaderboard_Category_Contests_Weekly] = WEEKLY CONTESTS
- [$Leaderboard_SpikeWalkerNormal] = SPIKE WALKER: NORMAL
- [$Leaderboard_WeepingProphetNormal] = WEEPING PROPHET: NORMAL
- [$Leaderboard_VengefulPinataNormal] = VENGEFUL PINATA GOD: NORMAL
- [$Leaderboard_DOTMNormal] = DAUGHTER OF THE MOON: NORMAL
- [$Leaderboard_DarknikNormal] = DARKNIK DREADNOUGHT MKII: NORMAL
- [$Leaderboard_HydraNormal] = SHADOW HYDRAKKEN: NORMAL
- [$Leaderboard_SpikeWalkerHard] = SPIKE WALKER: HARD
- [$Leaderboard_WeepingProphetHard] = WEEPING PROPHET: HARD
- [$Leaderboard_VengefulPinataHard] = VENGEFUL PINATA GOD: HARD
- [$Leaderboard_DOTMHard] = DAUGHTER OF THE MOON: HARD
- [$Leaderboard_DarknikHard] = DARKNIK DREADNOUGHT MKII: HARD
- [$Leaderboard_HydraHard] = SHADOW HYDRAKKEN: HARD
- [$Leaderboard_SpikeWalkerUltra] = SPIKE WALKER: ULTRA
- [$Leaderboard_WeepingProphetUltra] = WEEPING PROPHET: ULTRA
- [$Leaderboard_VengefulPinataUltra] = VENGEFUL PINATA GOD: ULTRA
- [$Leaderboard_DOTMUltra] = DAUGHTER OF THE MOON: ULTRA
- [$Leaderboard_DarknikUltra] = DARKNIK DREADNOUGHT MKII: ULTRA
- [$Leaderboard_HydraUltra] = SHADOW HYDRAKKEN: ULTRA
- [$Leaderboard_TotalMastery] = TOTAL MASTERY POINTS
- [$Leaderboard_MetaExperience] = MASTERY POINTS
- [$Leaderboard_GeodeMetaExperience] = GEODE MASTERY POINTS
- [$Leaderboard_BlocksDestroyed] = BLOCKS DESTROYED
- [$Leaderboard_EnemiesKilled] = ENEMIES DEFEATED
- [$Leaderboard_QuestsCompleted] = DUNGEONS COMPLETED
- [$Leaderboard_QuestsCompleted_Weekly] = WEEKLY DUNGEONS COMPLETED
- [$Leaderboard_FishCaught_Weekly] = FISH CAUGHT THIS WEEK
- [$Leaderboard_GlimCollected_Weekly] = GLIM EARNED THIS WEEK
- [$Leaderboard_InfiniumMined_Weekly] = INFINIUM MINED THIS WEEK
- [$Leaderboard_LootCollector_Weekly] = LOOT COLLECTED THIS WEEK
- [$Leaderboard_PVPGamesWon_Weekly] = WEEKLY BATTLE ARENA GAMES WON
- [$Leaderboard_BlocksPlaced_Weekly] = BLOCKS PLACED THIS WEEK
- [$Leaderboard_EnemiesKilled_Weekly] = ENEMIES DEFEATED THIS WEEK
- [$Leaderboard_BlocksDestroyed_Weekly] = BLOCKS DESTROYED THIS WEEK
- [$Leaderboard_BoxesOpened_Weekly] = BOXES OPENED THIS WEEK
- [$Leaderboard_XPAllClasses_Weekly] = EXPERIENCE EARNED THIS WEEK
- [$Leaderboard_FishCaught] = FISH CAUGHT
- [$Leaderboard_PVPGamesWon] = BATTLE ARENA GAMES WON
- [$Leaderboard_BlocksPlaced] = BLOCKS PLACED
- [$Leaderboard_HeartsReceived] = HEART-A-PHONE HEARTS RECEIVED
- [$Leaderboard_BoxesOpened] = BOXES OPENED
- [$Leaderboard_TotalPowerRank] = TOTAL POWER RANK
- [$Leaderboard_FluxEarned] = FLUX EARNED
- [$Leaderboard_GlimCollected] = GLIM COLLECTED
- [$Leaderboard_HeartsSent] = HEARTS SENT
- [$Leaderboard_InfiniumMined] = INFINIUM MINED
- [$Leaderboard_InvadersDefeated] = INVADERS DEFEATED
- [$Leaderboard_LootCollector] = LOOT COLLECTED
- [$Leaderboard_PinatasLooted] = PINATAS LOOTED
- [$Leaderboard_PinatasThrown] = PINATAS THROWN
- [$Leaderboard_XPAllClasses] = TOTAL EXPERIENCE EARNED
- [$Leaderboard_Knight] = KNIGHT
- [$Leaderboard_Gunslinger] = GUNSLINGER
- [$Leaderboard_FaeTrickster] = FAE TRICKSTER
- [$Leaderboard_Dracolyte] = DRACOLYTE
- [$Leaderboard_NeonNinja] = NEON NINJA
- [$Leaderboard_CandyBarbarian] = CANDY BARBARIAN
- [$Leaderboard_IceSage] = ICE SAGE
- [$Leaderboard_ShadowHunter] = SHADOW HUNTER
- [$Leaderboard_Pirate] = PIRATE CAPTAIN
- [$Leaderboard_Boomeranger] = BOOMERANGER
- [$Leaderboard_TombRaiser] = TOMB RAISER
- [$Leaderboard_LunarLancer] = LUNAR LANCER
- [$Leaderboard_Revenant] = REVENANT
- [$Leaderboard_Chloromancer] = CHLOROMANCER
- [$Leaderboard_DinoTamer] = DINO TAMER
- [$Leaderboard_Crimefighter] = VANGUARDIAN
- [$Leaderboard_ClubPowerRank] = CLUB POWER RANK
- [$Leaderboard_Dungeon1Cleared_Weekly] = 1 STAR DUNGEONS CLEARED
- [$Leaderboard_Dungeon3Cleared_Weekly] = 3 STAR DUNGEONS CLEARED
- [$Leaderboard_DungeonSumCleared_Weekly] = WEEKLY DUNGEONS CLEARED
- [$Leaderboard_SpikeWalkerUltra_Flawless_Weekly] = FLAWLESS: SPIKE WALKER ULTRA (WEEKLY)
- [$Leaderboard_WeepingProphetUltra_Flawless_Weekly] = FLAWLESS: WEEPING PROPHET ULTRA (WEEKLY)
- [$Leaderboard_VengefulPinataUltra_Flawless_Weekly] = FLAWLESS: VENGEFUL PINATA GOD ULTRA (WEEKLY)
- [$Leaderboard_DOTMUltra_Flawless_Weekly] = FLAWLESS: DAUGHTER OF THE MOON ULTRA (WEEKLY)
- [$Leaderboard_DarknikUltra_Flawless_Weekly] = FLAWLESS: DARKNIK DREADNOUGHT MKII ULTRA (WEEKLY)
- [$Leaderboard_HydraUltra_Flawless_Weekly] = FLAWLESS: SHADOW HYDRAKKEN ULTRA (WEEKLY)
- [$Leaderboard_WorldBoss_Weekly] = WEEKLY WORLD BOSSES KILLED
- [$Leaderboard_Exp_Weekly] = WEEKLY EXPERIENCE EARNED
- [$Leaderboard_ClubExp_Weekly] = WEEKLY EXPERIENCE EARNED FOR CLUBS
- [$Leaderboard_BomberGamesWon] = WEEKLY BOMBER ROYALE GAMES WON
- [$Leaderboard_BomberKills] = WEEKLY BOMBER ROYALE KILLS
- [$Leaderboard_EggsFound] = WEEKLY COMPANION EGGS FOUND
Found 1 new strings
- [$prefabs_abilities_equipment_enemydeath_flask_restorecharge_combateventeffectspawner_description] = Has a chance to recover one flask charge when a nearby enemy dies.
Found 4 new strings
- [$CollectionName_Crystallogy] = Crystallogy
- [$CollectionName_Advanced_Modules] = Advanced Modules
- [$CollectionName_Geode] = Geode
- [$CollectionName_GeodeFrameworks] = Geode Frameworks
Found 12 new strings
- [$prefabs_collections_aura_stellar_stormy_01_item_name] = Broken Thunder
- [$prefabs_collections_aura_stellar_stormy_01_item_description] = Look out! A storm is brewing.
- [$prefabs_collections_aura_stellar_shadow_01_item_name] = Shadow Self
- [$prefabs_collections_aura_stellar_shadow_01_item_description] = Shadows always catch up to you in the end.
- [$prefabs_collections_aura_stellar_confetti_01_item_name] = Confetti Cannon
- [$prefabs_collections_aura_stellar_confetti_01_item_description] = You are the life of every party.
- [$prefabs_collections_aura_stellar_crystal_01_item_name] = Crystalline Dream
- [$prefabs_collections_aura_stellar_crystal_01_item_description] = The spirit of the Ancients is fused into every bit of dust and every monument on Geode.
- [$prefabs_collections_aura_stellar_bomb_01_item_name] = DNT - Bomb Aura
- [$prefabs_collections_aura_stellar_bomb_01_item_description] = DNT - Bomb Aura Description
- [$prefabs_collections_aura_stellar_crybaby_01_item_name] = Tears of Joy
- [$prefabs_collections_aura_stellar_crybaby_01_item_description] = So happy you can barely stand it.
Found 4 new strings
- [$prefabs_collections_magrider_carrot_name] = Carrot Quake
- [$prefabs_collections_magrider_carrot_destination] = The ride for people who truly do not carrot all.
- [$prefabs_collections_magrider_geodeshuttle_name] = Mini-Geoshuttle
- [$prefabs_collections_magrider_geodeshuttle_description] = Ride the rails across space and time.
Found 54 new strings
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_pinata_crystal_name] = Crystal Pinata
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_pinata_crystal_description] = Clear-headed as they come in times of danger.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_bird_item_name] = Carys, Seraph of the Golden Vale
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_bird_item_description] = Before a curse destroyed the land, the vale shone gold beneath the light of her wings. \n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +10% Max Health, +8% Critical Damage, +2 Jump and +50 Magic Find.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_data_item_name] = Amatrix, the Hexed
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_data_item_description] = Exiled for breaking the code of his kin, his curse compels him to scan the skies for a salvation forever beyond his reach. \n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +5% Energy Regeneration, +500 Physical Damage, +500 Magic Damage and +50 Magic Find.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_jet_item_name] = Xendri, the Arc Tempest
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_jet_item_description] = Crackling with energy, this fabled stormbringer electrifies the clouds as he tears through the skies. \n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +3.5 Maximum Energy and +50 Magic Find.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_lightspear_item_name] = Norari, the Wayward Spear
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_lightspear_item_description] = Consumed by some great, unspoken loss she wanders, caring little for the trail of destruction left in her wake.\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +1000 Max Health, +5% Energy Regeneration and +50 Magic Find.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_carpet_geode_purple_name] = Rock'N'Rollin' Rider
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_carpet_geode_purple_description] = Rock stars always need more gems.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_rocket_drill_name] = Rocket Drill
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_rocket_drill_description] = Fly through Club Worlds with the greatest of ease by smashing through everything in your path.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_bullbuildozer_name] = Bovine Buildmaster
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_bullbuildozer_description] = Take charge of building projects atop this moo-ster architect. Places a trail of the block type in your active building hotbar slot as it travels while in build mode. Only works in Club Worlds where you have building permissions.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_magmaster_item_name] = Valkartzer, Dragon Magrider
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_magmaster_item_description] = Ruling the rails for ten thousand years.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_recliner_geode_green_item_name] = Peridot Powerseat
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_recliner_geode_green_item_description] = Not the most comfortable seat, but certainly the most green.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_cycle_quad_mastery_item_name] = Golden Squad Quad
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_cycle_quad_mastery_item_description] = Ride in style in this blinged out buggy.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_tortoise_mastery_item_name] = Treasured Terrapin
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_tortoise_mastery_item_description] = Traverse the Trovian seas with this terrapin transportation.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_griffon_mastery_item_name] = Guinevere the Goldheart
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_griffon_mastery_item_description] = The embodiment of kindness, always willing to go the extra distance for a friend.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_lasertiger_mastery_item_name] = Turret Tiger
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_lasertiger_mastery_item_description] = This ferocious feline is ready to bring the me-ouch! to your enemies.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_spider_geocavegreen_name] = Spearmint Spydrock
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_spider_geocavegreen_description] = With this sweet spydrock by your side, everyone will be jealous of your minty fresh ride.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_log_geodecrystal_name] = Geodian Gyroller
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_log_geodecrystal_description] = Keeping the peace between worlds can be a real balancing act.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_spider_geocavecyan_name] = Sprightly Spydrock
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_spider_geocavecyan_description] = Scuttle in style with your new 4-legged friend.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_raptor_geocavered_name] = Igneleon Inferno
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_raptor_geocavered_description] = Happy to find safety in the Geode after escaping the Shadow invasion.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_raptor_geocavepurple_name] = Indigo Igneleon
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_raptor_geocavepurple_description] = One of the many creatures of Geode, imbued with the spirit of the Ancients.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_raptor_geocavegreen_name] = Intrepid Igneleon
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_raptor_geocavegreen_description] = Pleased to find safety after its home territory was corrupted on Geode.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_spider_geocaveblue_name] = Sapphire Spydrock
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_spider_geocaveblue_description] = Rescued as it scuttled away from the Shadows in the great chasms beyond Geode.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_spider_geocavebrown_name] = Sandy Spydrock
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_spider_geocavebrown_description] = Enjoys surfing across sand dunes far from the busy Geode sanctuary.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_llama_geocavepurple_name] = Proud Plumerant
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_llama_geocavepurple_description] = Plumerants used to roam the surface of Geode freely, until the Shadows stole their home.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_platypus_geocaveorangeg_name] = Sunstone Beetle
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_platypus_geocaveorange_description] = It always feels warm to the touch, as if it has been soaked in sunlight.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_sunseeker_name] = Yvendor, Aegis of Ancients
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_sunseeker_description] = Given light from the furnace of the sun, Yvendor has watched over Sunseekers across the ages.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_qubefly_name] = Frolicsome Jeliphin
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_qubefly_description] = Its joy truly knows no bounds.
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_qubeflyred_name] = Irascible Jeliphin
- [$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_qubeflyred_description] = Flutters through the air with bubbly glee.
Found 4 new strings
- [$prefabs_collections_pet_dragon_bird_name] = Golden Vale Dragon Pup
- [$prefabs_collections_pet_dragon_bird_description] = A small but determined heir to the legacy of Carys, Seraph of the Golden Vale.
- [$prefabs_collections_pet_dog_mastery_name] = Prosperous Pooch
- [$prefabs_collections_pet_dog_mastery_description] = Who's a gold boy? He's a gold boy!
Found 20 new strings
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_gems_foci_legendary_name] = Lustrous Gem Ledger
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_gems_foci_legendary_description] = Accumulates experience as you complete Dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches. When fully charged it produces 1 Lustrous Gem Box. This effect can only trigger once a week.
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_gleamstone_legendary_name] = Gleamstone Guidebook
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_gleamstone_legendary_description] = Accumulates experience as you complete Dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches. When fully charged it produces 1000 Gleamstone. This effect can only trigger once a week.
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_builderite_legendary_name] = Builderite Booklet
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_builderite_legendary_description] = Accumulates experience as you complete Dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches. When fully charged it produces 2500 Builderite. This effect can only trigger once a week.
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_ancientgears_legendary_name] = Ancient Gear Archive
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_ancientgears_legendary_description] = Accumulates experience as you complete Dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches. When fully charged it produces 1600 Ancient Gears. This effect can only trigger once a week.
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_daydrop_legendary_name] = Day Drop Download
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_daydrop_legendary_description] = Accumulates experience as you complete Dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches. When fully charged it produces 300 Day Drops. This effect can only trigger once a week.
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_moonlitmoss_legendary_name] = Moonlit Moss Glossary
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_moonlitmoss_legendary_description] = Accumulates experience as you complete Dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches. When fully charged it produces 1200 Moonlit Moss. This effect can only trigger once a week.
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_wallflowers_legendary_name] = Pressed Wallflowers
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_wallflowers_legendary_description] = Accumulates experience as you complete Dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches. When fully charged it produces 2000 Wallflowers. This effect can only trigger once a week.
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_metamatter_legendary_name] = Metamatter Manifesto
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_metamatter_legendary_description] = Accumulates experience as you complete Dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches. When fully charged it produces 20 Metamatter. This effect can only trigger once a week.
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_cinnabar_item_name] = Cinnabar Sensibility
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_cinnabar_item_description] = Accumulates experience as you complete Dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches. When fully charged it produces 40 Cinnabar. Crafted at a Runecrafting Bench.
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_coin_bomb_legendary_name] = Bomb-nanza Balance Sheet
- [$prefabs_collections_tome_coin_bomb_legendary_description] = Accumulates experience as you complete Dungeons, Battle Arena and Bomber Royale matches. When fully charged it produces 5 Bomber Royale Coins. This effect can only trigger once a week.
Found 12 new strings
- [$prefabs_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_pinata_crystal_item_name] = TEST DNT
- [$prefabs_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_pinata_crystal_item_description] = TEST DNT
- [$prefabs_equipment_weapon_staff_pinata_crystal_item_name] = TEST DNT
- [$prefabs_equipment_weapon_staff_pinata_crystal_item_description] = TEST DNT
- [$prefabs_equipment_weapon_pistol_pinata_crystal_item_name] = TEST DNT
- [$prefabs_equipment_weapon_pistol_pinata_crystal_item_description] = TEST DNT
- [$prefabs_equipment_weapon_bow_pinata_crystal_item_name] = TEST DNT
- [$prefabs_equipment_weapon_bow_pinata_crystal_item_description] = TEST DNT
- [$prefabs_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_pinata_crystal_item_name] = TEST DNT
- [$prefabs_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_pinata_crystal_item_description] = TEST DNT
- [$prefabs_equipment_weapon_fist_pinata_crystal_item_name] = TEST DNT
- [$prefabs_equipment_weapon_fist_pinata_crystal_item_description] = TEST DNT
Found 20 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_pinata_partybomb_name] = Pinata Party Popper
- [$prefabs_item_pinata_partybomb_description] = An entire pinata party in a convenient, explosive package
- [$prefabs_item_pinata_crystal_item_name] = Crystal Pinata
- [$prefabs_item_pinata_crystal_item_description] = It is crystal clear that this should be smashed to smithereens.\n\nSpawns a Crystal Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.
- [$prefabs_item_bomb_antigravity_item_name] = Anti-Gravity Tower
- [$prefabs_item_bomb_antigravity_item_description] = Generate your own airavator to heaven, or wherever else you want to go.\n\nCrafted with Crystallogy.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_cave_food_name] = Critter Treats
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_cave_food_description] = Feed hungry critters in the Geode caves. Hungry critters show a treat icon above their head.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_cave_food_notrade_name] = Critter Treats (Untradeable)
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_cave_notrade_food_description] = Feed hungry critters in the Geode caves. Hungry critters show a treat icon above their head.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_cave_healer_name] = Curing Kit
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_cave_healer_description] = Heal injured critters in the Geode caves. Injured creatures show a broken bone above their head.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_cave_healer_notrade_name] = Curing Kit (Untradeable)
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_cave_healer_notrade_description] = Heal injured critters in the Geode caves. Injured creatures show a broken bone above their head.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_cave_blanket_name] = Comfort Blanket
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_cave_blanket_description] = Warm up cold creatures in the caves. May also be used to snuggle certain skittish creatures who have eaten too much treasure.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_cave_blanket_notrade_name] = Comfort Blanket (Untradeable)
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_cave_blanket_notrade_description] = Warm up cold creatures in the caves. May also be used to snuggle certain skittish creatures who have eaten too much treasure.
- [$prefabs_item_bomb_miningplatform_item_name] = Prospecting Platform
- [$prefabs_item_bomb_miningplatform_item_description] = Create a temporary blockade. Useful for creating platforms or blocking annoying enemies.
Found 16 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_aura_stellar_bomb_01_name] = Aura: Crystalline Dream
- [$prefabs_item_aura_stellar_bomb_01_description] = The spirit of the Ancients is fused into every bit of dust and every monument on Geode.
- [$prefabs_item_aura_water_01_name] = Aura: Sorrow of Defeat
- [$prefabs_item_aura_water_01_description] = Imbue your weapon with the tears of your foes.
- [$prefabs_item_aura_sky_01_name] = Aura: Glory of Victory
- [$prefabs_item_aura_sky_01_description] = Your skill in battle is unmatched.
- [$prefabs_item_aura_stellar_confetti_01_name] = Aura: Confetti Cannon
- [$prefabs_item_aura_stellar_confetti_01_description] = You are the life of every party.
- [$prefabs_item_aura_stellar_crybaby_01_name] = Aura: Tears of Joy
- [$prefabs_item_aura_stellar_crybaby_01_description] = So happy you can barely stand it.
- [$prefabs_item_aura_stellar_shadow_01_name] = Aura: Shadow Self
- [$prefabs_item_aura_stellar_shadow_01_description] = Shadows always catch up to you in the end.
- [$prefabs_item_aura_stellar_stormy_01_name] = Aura: Broken Thunder
- [$prefabs_item_aura_stellar_stormy_01_description] = Look out! A storm is brewing!
- [$prefabs_item_aura_crystal_01_name] = Aura: Crystalline Dream
- [$prefabs_item_aura_crystal_01_description] = The spirit of the Ancients is fused into every bit of dust and every monument on Geode.
Found 48 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_companion_cragglepod_common_name] = Ember Cragglepod
- [$prefabs_item_companion_cragglepod_common_description] = A cragglepod commonly found in the depths of Sunken Sunvault. While often skittish in the wild, they warm up quickly to those it trusts.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_cragglepod_uncommon_name] = Roseflame Cragglepod
- [$prefabs_item_companion_cragglepod_uncommon_description] = This cragglepod's rosy hue and sweet disposition comes from its diet of sugary sun sap! The light on its head burns more gently than others.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_cragglepod_rare_name] = Viridian Cragglepod
- [$prefabs_item_companion_cragglepod_rare_description] = This vibrant cragglepod is known for its bold personality and impenetrable shell. It can be social - even garrulous - with those it considers friends.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_froleek_common_name] = Sunkissed Froleek
- [$prefabs_item_companion_froleek_common_description] = Froleek enjoy cavorting throughout the Chiseled Caverns, from dancing in Moonglow Grotto to sunbathing in Sunken Sunvault.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_froleek_uncommon_name] = Wistful Froleek
- [$prefabs_item_companion_froleek_uncommon_description] = Unlike its brethren, this pensive Froleek enjoys solitude and quiet. It can often be found daydreaming alone in peaceful pools of cave milk.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_froleek_rare_name] = Jubilant Froleek
- [$prefabs_item_companion_froleek_rare_description] = Vibrant leaves set this dazzling Froleek apart from others. It never tires of expressing its joy, whether its getting treats, pets, or even a little bit of attention.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_gleemur_common_name] = Curious Gleemur
- [$prefabs_item_companion_gleemur_common_description] = Blink and you might miss the Gleemur, who easily blend into their verdant environments. A coolheaded creature, always up for a challenge.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_gleemur_uncommon_name] = Impish Gleemur
- [$prefabs_item_companion_gleemur_uncommon_description] = Study of this playful Gleemur has proven difficult due to its frequent theft of Sunseeker notes. Unapologetic pranksters, the lot of them.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_gleemur_rare_name] = Shrouded Gleemur
- [$prefabs_item_companion_gleemur_rare_description] = Sightings of this Gleemur only began only after the Shadow's infiltration. It survived by disguising itself to fit its sundered environs.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_hoppet_common_name] = Bouncy Hoppet
- [$prefabs_item_companion_hoppet_common_description] = With its highly social personality, Hoppet were the first cave creatures domesticated by Geodians. It loves being around others, especially when sweets are on offer.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_hoppet_uncommon_name] = Handsome Hoppet
- [$prefabs_item_companion_hoppet_uncommon_description] = Because of this Hoppet's love of cave milk baths, its skin is flawless - and it knows it! - always happy to gaze at its own reflection or bat its silken eyelashes at passersby.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_hoppet_rare_name] = Effervescent Hoppet
- [$prefabs_item_companion_hoppet_rare_description] = Bright-eyed and bouncy, this Hoppet is irrepressible even in the face of Shadows. It is oblivious to danger, too innocent to fathom being harmed.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_howlug_common_name] = Fresh Howlug
- [$prefabs_item_companion_howlug_common_description] = Green as the Verdant Veins, this Howlug gets its hue from eating ten times its weight in cave kelp daily! An insatiable appetite for an incorrigible scamp.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_howlug_uncommon_name] = Glamorous Howlug
- [$prefabs_item_companion_howlug_uncommon_description] = With its robust coloring and spellbinding eyes, this Howlug is a beauty, only sparing a glance for the most vivacious of courtship dances.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_howlug_rare_name] = Supersonic Howlug
- [$prefabs_item_companion_howlug_rare_description] = This Howlug, with its singular racing stripe, loves to slime circles around its kind. Though it's not actually any faster, it is no doubt a legend in its own mind.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_jelotl_common_name] = Amber Jelotl
- [$prefabs_item_companion_jelotl_common_description] = This common jelotl is happy to meander anywhere, watering its environments as it jaunts from flower to flower, plant to plant.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_jelotl_uncommon_name] = Waverider Jelotl
- [$prefabs_item_companion_jelotl_uncommon_description] = Always drenched, this uncommon jelotl makes a splash wherever it goes! It is an affectionate pet when tamed, so do your shoes a favor and go barefoot.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_jelotl_rare_name] = Spectral Jelotl
- [$prefabs_item_companion_jelotl_rare_description] = When the Shadows came, many jelotl habitats were destroyed. This jelotl survived by masking itself in chaotic energy - a bright spot in a dark time.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_qubrik_common_name] = Quizzical Qubrik
- [$prefabs_item_companion_qubrik_common_description] = Ancient cave paintings suggest that these mysterious and mercurial creatures have been observing boulder and pebble life from afar for centuries.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_qubrik_uncommon_name] = Delicate Qubrik
- [$prefabs_item_companion_qubrik_uncommon_description] = These emotional Qubrik hold onto embarrassment so tightly, their bodies turn pink forever - or at least longer than most Geodian life spans!
- [$prefabs_item_companion_qubrik_rare_name] = Enigmatic Qubrik
- [$prefabs_item_companion_qubrik_rare_description] = When looking upon this Qubrik, one thinks of the Geodian poet, Breccia Schist, who wrote, 'In this strange mirror, we see all of the world.'
- [$prefabs_item_companion_zepperay_common_name] = Zigzag Zepperay
- [$prefabs_item_companion_zepperay_common_description] = Given the Zepperay's shyness, watching this creature run away may be all that strangers experience of it - yet how fortunte we are that its speed itself is a wonder!
- [$prefabs_item_companion_zepperay_uncommon_name] = Lithe Zepperay
- [$prefabs_item_companion_zepperay_uncommon_description] = Pink from its waggling tongue to its twitching tail, this Zepperay streaks across the skies as naturally as blush across a waking dawn.
- [$prefabs_item_companion_zepperay_rare_name] = Majestic Zepperay
- [$prefabs_item_companion_zepperay_rare_description] = How lightly its wings flutter! It is a pleasure to watch this Zepperay drift through Moonglow Grotto, as lilting and winsome as Geodian song.
Found 22 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystal_20_name] = +20% Crystal Gathering Potion
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystal_20_description] = Increases Crystal Gathering from all sources by 20% for the next hour!\n\nCrafted at the Crystology Workbench.
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystal_50_name] = +50% Crystal Gathering Potion
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystal_50_description] = Increases Crystal Gathering from all sources by 50% for the next hour!\n\nCrafted at the Crystology Workbench.
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_simple_01_name] = Adventure Crystal - Defeat Bosses
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_simple_01_description] = Consume to embark on a new Crystallogy Adventure!\n\nCrafted at the Crystology Workbench.
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_simple_02_name] = Adventure Crystal - Mine Primordial Flame
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_simple_02_description] = Consume to embark on a new Crystallogy Adventure!\n\nCrafted at the Crystology Workbench.
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_simple_03_name] = Adventure Crystal - Complete 3-Star Dungeons
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_simple_03_description] = Consume to embark on a new Crystallogy Adventure!\n\nCrafted at the Crystology Workbench.
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_simple_04_name] = Adventure Crystal - Mine Shapestone
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_simple_04_description] = Consume to embark on a new Crystallogy Adventure!\n\nCrafted at the Crystology Workbench.
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_simple_05_name] = Adventure Crystal - Defeat Enemies
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_simple_05_description] = Consume to embark on a new Crystallogy Adventure!\n\nCrafted at the Crystology Workbench.
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_advanced_01_name] = Advanced Adventure Crystal - Mine Trovian Ore
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_advanced_01_description] = Consume to embark on a new Crystallogy Adventure!\n\nCrafted at the Crystology Workbench.
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_advanced_02_name] = Advanced Adventure Crystal - Mine Cinnabar
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_advanced_02_description] = Consume to embark on a new Crystallogy Adventure!\n\nCrafted at the Crystology Workbench.
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_advanced_03_name] = Advanced Adventure Crystal - Acquire Gem Boxes
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_advanced_03_description] = Consume to embark on a new Crystallogy Adventure!\n\nCrafted at the Crystology Workbench.
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_advanced_04_name] = Advanced Adventure Crystal - Defeat Bosses
- [$prefabs_item_consumable_crystallogy_advanced_04_description] = Consume to embark on a new Crystallogy Adventure!\n\nCrafted at the Crystology Workbench.
Found 66 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_moonstone_item_name] = Moonstone
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_moonstone_item_description] = Delicate, shimmery ore harvested only in Tiers 1-3 of Moonglow Grotto.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_quirkstone_item_name] = Quirkstone
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_quirkstone_item_description] = Confetti-covered ore found deep in Tiers 3-5 of Moonglow Grotto.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_lunarium_item_name] = Lunarium
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_lunarium_item_description] = Crescents adorn this ore found in the deepest parts of Tier 5 of Moonglow Grotto.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_blazine_item_name] = Blazine
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_blazine_item_description] = Heat emanates from this ore found only in Tiers 1-3 of Sunken Sunvault.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_sparkzite_item_name] = Sparkzite
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_sparkzite_item_description] = Sparks sometimes fly from this ore that grows deep in Tiers 3-5 of Sunken Sunvault.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_everlight_item_name] = Everlight
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_everlight_item_description] = Travelers must delve far into Tier 5 of Sunken Sunvault to mine these fiery sunstones.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geminite_item_name] = Geminite
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geminite_item_description] = Two bold colors adorn the sides of this ore found in Tiers 1-3 of Verdant Veins.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_chronozine_item_name] = Chronozine
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_chronozine_item_description] = The Ancients favored this ore that grows deep within Tiers 3-5 of Verdant Veins.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_mightstone_item_name] = Mightstone
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_mightstone_item_description] = This fabled ore can only be found in the deepest parts of Tier 5 of Verdant Veins.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_gleamstone_item_name] = Gleamstone
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_gleamstone_item_description] = An all-purpose ore, scattered throughout Tiers 1-3 of the Geode caves.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_builderite_item_name] = Builderite
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_builderite_item_description] = One of the Builder's favorite ores, found deep throughout Tiers 3-5 of the Geode caves.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_ancientgears_item_name] = Ancient Gears
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_ancientgears_item_description] = Scavenged from the deepest corners of Tier 5 of the Geode caves.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_acrobatbark_item_name] = Acrobat Bark
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_acrobatbark_item_description] = Hangs down from the ceilings in Tiers 2-4 of Moonglow Grotto
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_buildersblossom_item_name] = Builder's Blossom
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_buildersblossom_item_description] = Blooms deep within Tiers 4-5 of Verdant Veins.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_cavebirds_red_item_name] = Cave Birds
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_cavebirds_red_item_description] = Flowers in Tiers 2-4 of Sunken Sunvault.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_cavekelp_green_item_name] = Cave Kelp
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_cavekelp_green_item_description] = Grows wild in Tiers 1-3 of Verdant Veins.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_cogwine_item_name] = Cogwine
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_cogwine_item_description] = Extracted from rare blooms in Tiers 2-4 of Verdant Veins.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_daydrop_item_name] = Day Drop
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_daydrop_item_description] = Grows throughout Tiers 1-3 of the Geode caves.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_dreamdew_item_name] = Dream Dew
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_dreamdew_item_description] = Nectar pulled from flowers in Tiers 1-3 of Moonglow Grotto.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_fireheartflower_item_name] = Fireheart Flower
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_fireheartflower_item_description] = Bold blooms rarely found in Tiers 4-5 of Sunken Sunvault.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_moonlitmoss_item_name] = Moonlit Moss
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_moonlitmoss_item_description] = Clinging plants found throughout Tiers 2-4 of the Geode caves.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_queentrumpets_item_name] = Queen Trumpets
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_queentrumpets_item_description] = Majestic plants rarely found in Tiers 4-5 of Moonglow Grotto.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_sunsap_item_name] = Sun Sap
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_sunsap_item_description] = Liquid extracted from flowering pods in Tiers 1-3 of Sunken Sunvault.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_wallflowers_item_name] = Wallflowers
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_wallflowers_item_description] = Shy climbing plants that grow throughout Tiers 4-5 of the Geode caves.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_metamatter_item_name] = Metamatter
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_metamatter_item_description] = A powerful crafting material that can transform into any shape and size.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_crystal_item_name] = Crystal
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_crystal_item_description] = A plentiful crafting material found on Geode in caves and inside cave walls.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_drillbit_item_name] = Drillbit
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_drillbit_item_description] = These may look boring, but what you can create from them will be riveting.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_module_gas_item_name] = GAS Enhancer
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_module_gas_item_description] = Used to forge stronger versions of the Geodian Acclimation System. Emits a curious scent.\n\nObtained from Amberine's expertise thread.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_module_thumper_item_name] = Thumper Core
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_module_thumper_item_description] = Used to craft the Thumper, a module helpful to cave exploration.\n\nObtained from Amberine's expertise thread.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_module_sprocket_boots_item_name] = Rocket Thrusters
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_module_sprocket_boots_item_description] = Used to craft Rocket Boots, a module helpful to cave exploration.\n\nObtained from Amberine's expertise thread.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_module_pathpainter_item_name] = Chromacycler
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_module_pathpainter_item_description] = Used to craft the Pathpainter, a module helpful to cave exploration.\n\nObtained from Amberine's expertise thread.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_module_barrier_item_name] = Shield Sparker
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_geode_module_barrier_item_description] = Used to craft the Barrier Generator, a module helpful to cave exploration.\n\nObtained from Amberine's expertise thread.
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_bond_crystalizer_item_name] = Bond Crystalizer
- [$prefabs_item_crafting_bond_crystalizer_item_description] = A manifestation of the experiences you and your companion have shared. Used to level up companions.
Found 4 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_currency_geode_tutorial_name] = Reliquary Token
- [$prefabs_item_currency_geode_tutorial_description] = Rewarded to you by Sunseeker Lazul. Exchange this token with the Reliquary Merchant on the west side of Sunseeker Square to receive a complimentary reliquary.
- [$prefabs_item_currency_coin_bomb_name] = Bomber Royale Coin
- [$prefabs_item_currency_coin_bomb_description] = Obtained by successfully ranking in games of Bomber Royale
Found 24 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_bismuth_new_name] = Iridescent Dragon Egg Fragment
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_bismuth_new_description] = Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_fragment_bubble_new_name] = Bubble Dragon Egg Fragment
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_fragment_bubble_new_description] = Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_fragment_constellations_new_name] = Starfire Dragon Egg Fragment
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_fragment_constellations_new_description] = Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_flora_new_name] = Floral Dragon Egg Fragment
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_flora_new_description] = Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_green_new_name] = Preserver Dragon Egg Fragment
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_green_new_description] = Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_egg_ice_notrade_fragment_new_name] = Ice Dragon Egg Fragment
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_egg_ice_notrade_fragment_new_description] = Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_mechshadow_new_name] = Kami Dragon Egg Fragment
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_mechshadow_new_description] = Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_spider_new_name] = Spinner Dragon Egg Fragment
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_spider_new_description] = Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_bird_name] = Dormant Golden Vale Dragon Egg Fragment
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_bird_description] = Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_data_name] = Dormant Hexed Dragon Egg Fragment
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_data_description] = Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_jet_name] = Dormant Tempest Dragon Egg Fragment
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_jet_description] = Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_lightspear_name] = Dormant Lightspear Dragon Egg Fragment
- [$prefabs_item_dragon_essence_lightspear_description] = Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments can be obtained from Light Chaos Vaults crafted at the Chaos Core Crafter Workbench!
Found 8 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_egg_gold_name] = Gold Companion Egg
- [$prefabs_item_egg_gold_description] = Hatches into one of 8 possible rare companions.
- [$prefabs_item_egg_silver_name] = Silver Companion Egg
- [$prefabs_item_egg_silver_description] = Hatches into one of 16 possible common or rare companions.
- [$prefabs_item_egg_bronze_name] = Bronze Companion Egg
- [$prefabs_item_egg_bronze_description] = Hatches one of 24 possible common, uncommon, or rare companions.
- [$prefabs_item_egg_tutorial_name] = Howlug Egg
- [$prefabs_item_egg_tutorial_description] = Entrusted to you by Sunseeker Gabbro. Hatches a common Howlug.
Found 2 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_hastener_geode_name] = Accelerite
- [$prefabs_item_hastener_geode_description] = Reduces Reliquary and Hatchery time by 2 hours.
Found 2 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_influencer_geode_name] = Lodestar
- [$prefabs_item_influencer_geode_description] = Improves the chance of getting a rare reward from Reliquaries and Companions Eggs.
Found 14 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_lootbox_goldenticketchest_2018_item_name] = Golden Ticket Chest 2018
- [$prefabs_item_lootbox_goldenticketchest_2018_item_description] = Let's celebrate Sunfest! Open for a chance at exciting prizes including Golden Vale Dragon Egg Fragments, and rarely, a Hyper Pinata Ex mount or a Gold Companion Egg.
- [$prefabs_item_lootbox_geode_builders_box_name] = Builder's Box
- [$prefabs_item_lootbox_geode_builders_box_description] = Hidden deep within Geode, this box contains minor treasure.
- [$prefabs_item_lootbox_geode_builders_chest_name] = Builder's Chest
- [$prefabs_item_lootbox_geode_builders_chest_description] = Hidden deep within Geode, this box contains moderate treasure.
- [$prefabs_item_lootbox_geode_builders_vault_name] = Builder's Vault
- [$prefabs_item_lootbox_builders_vault_description] = Hidden deep within Geode, this box contains great treasure.
- [$prefabs_item_lootbox_crystal_lesser_name] = Lesser Crystal Cache
- [$prefabs_item_lootbox_crystal_lesser_description] = Open for Geodian crafting materials, or [things]!
- [$prefabs_item_lootbox_crystal_greater_name] = Greater Crystal Cache
- [$prefabs_item_lootbox_crystal_greater_description] = Open for valuable Geodian crafting materials or (rarely) Accelerite, Lodestars, Silver Companion Eggs, tradable mounts, or tradeable Space Expanders!
- [$prefabs_item_lootbox_crystal_greater_gold_name] = Glowing Crystal Cache
- [$prefabs_item_lootbox_crystal_greater_gold_description] = Open for a guaranteed rare item that would normally be in a Greater Crystal Cache.
Found 2 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_lootbox_pvp_bomber_royale_season_1_name] = Boom Box: Season 1
- [$prefabs_item_lootbox_pvp_bomber_royale_season_1_description] = Open your Boom Box to collect your Bomber Royale rewards!
Found 26 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_mount_rocket_pvp_plane_item_name] = War Plane
- [$prefabs_item_mount_rocket_pvp_plane_item_description] = Fly in style.
- [$prefabs_item_mount_dragon_lightspear_name] = Norari, the Wayward Spear Dragon Egg
- [$prefabs_item_mount_dragon_lightspear_description] = Crafted with fragments found in Light Chaos Vaults.\n\nHatches into Norari, the Wayward Spear!\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +1000 Max Health, +5% Energy Regeneration and +50 Magic Find.
- [$prefabs_item_mount_pinata_crystal_name] = Mount: Crystal Pinata
- [$prefabs_item_mount_pinata_crystal_description] = [NICE DESCRIPTIVE TEXT HERE]
- [$prefabs_item_mount_spider_geocavegreen_name] = Mount: Spearmint Spydrock
- [$prefabs_item_mount_spider_geocavegreen_description] = With this sweet spydrock by your side, everyone will be jealous of your minty fresh ride.
- [$prefabs_item_mount_log_geodecrystal_name] = Mount: Geodian Gyroller
- [$prefabs_item_mount_log_geodecrystal_description] = Keeping the peace between worlds can be a real balancing act.
- [$prefabs_item_mount_spider_geocavecyan_name] = Mount: Sprightly Spydrock
- [$prefabs_item_mount_spider_geocavecyan_description] = Scuttle in style with your new 4-legged friend.
- [$prefabs_item_mount_raptor_geocavered_name] = Mount: Igneleon Inferno
- [$prefabs_item_mount_raptor_geocavered_description] = Happy to find safety in the Geode after escaping the Shadow invasion.
- [$prefabs_item_mount_raptor_geocavepurple_name] = Mount: Indigo Igneleon
- [$prefabs_item_mount_raptor_geocavepurple_description] = One of the many creatures of Geode, imbued with the spirit of the Ancients.
- [$prefabs_item_mount_raptor_geocavegreen_name] = Mount: Intrepid Igneleon
- [$prefabs_item_mount_raptor_geocavegreen_description] = Pleased to find safety after its home territory was corrupted on Geode.
- [$prefabs_item_mount_spider_geocaveblue_name] = Mount: Sapphire Spydrock
- [$prefabs_item_mount_spider_geocaveblue_description] = Rescued as it scuttled away from the Shadows in the great chasms beyond Geode.
- [$prefabs_item_mount_spider_geocavebrown_name] = Mount: Sandy Spydrock
- [$prefabs_item_mount_spider_geocavebrown_description] = Enjoys surfing across sand dunes far from the busy Geode sanctuary.
- [$prefabs_item_mount_llama_geocavepurple_name] = Mount: Proud Plumerant
- [$prefabs_item_mount_llama_geocavepurple_description] = Plumerants used to roam the surface of Geode freely, until the Shadows stole their home.
- [$prefabs_item_mount_platypus_geocaveorangeg_name] = Mount: Sunstone Beetle
- [$prefabs_item_mount_platypus_geocaveorange_description] = It always feels warm to the touch, as if it has been soaked in sunlight.
Found 2 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_pet_dragon_bird_name] = Ally: Golden Vale Dragon Pup
- [$prefabs_item_pet_dragon_bird_description] = A small but determined heir to the legacy of Carys, Seraph of the Golden Vale.
Found 32 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_crystal_common_name] = Crystal Reliquary
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_crystal_common_description] = Equip this in your discovery suit when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_crystal_uncommon_name] = Polished Crystal Reliquary
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_crystal_uncommon_description] = Equip this in your discovery suit you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_crystal_rare_name] = Pristine Crystal Reliquary
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_crystal_rare_description] = Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_adventure_common_name] = Adventure Reliquary
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_adventure_common_description] = Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_adventure_uncommon_name] = Rugged Adventure Reliquary
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_adventure_uncommon_description] = Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_adventure_rare_name] = Tenacious Adventure Reliquary
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_adventure_rare_description] = Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_cache_common_name] = Lucky Reliquary
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_cache_common_description] = Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_cache_uncommon_name] = Luckier Reliquary
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_cache_uncommon_description] = Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_cache_rare_name] = Luckiest Reliquary
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_cache_rare_description] = Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_mastery_common_name] = Mastery Reliquary
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_mastery_common_description] = Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_mastery_uncommon_name] = Great Mastery Reliquary
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_mastery_uncommon_description] = Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_mastery_rare_name] = Exceptional Mastery Reliquary
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_mastery_rare_description] = Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_merchant_common_name] = Glowing Reliquary
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_merchant_common_description] = Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_merchant_uncommon_name] = Shimmering Reliquary
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_merchant_uncommon_description] = Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_merchant_rare_name] = Luminous Reliquary
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_merchant_rare_description] = Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_tutorial_name] = Token Reliquary
- [$prefabs_item_reliquary_tutorial_description] = Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
Found 14 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_astronaut_item_description] = A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nFly yourself to the moon.
- [$prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_astronaut_item_name] = Costume: Cubic Cosmonaut
- [$prefabs_item_skin_chloromancer_chess_item_description] = A costume for the Chloromancer.\n\nTell your enemies checkmate in these grandmaster robes.
- [$prefabs_item_skin_chloromancer_chess_item_name] = Costume: Grandmaster Gardener
- [$prefabs_item_skin_neonninja_lumin_item_description] = A costume for the Neon Ninja.\n\nNo one will know your identity with this eye-catching outfit.
- [$prefabs_item_skin_neonninja_lumin_item_name] = Costume: Masked Mercenary
- [$prefabs_item_skin_candybarbarian_minotaur_item_description] = A costume for the Candy Barbarian. Traverse any maze of twisty little passages, even when they're all alike.
- [$prefabs_item_skin_candybarbarian_minotaur_item_name] = Costume: Maze Mooster
- [$prefabs_item_skin_spirittank_chaos_item_description] = A costume for the Revenant.\n\nRebel against any defensive expectations.
- [$prefabs_item_skin_spirittank_chaos_item_name] = Costume: Chaotic Construct
- [$prefabs_item_skin_tombraiser_arcanium_item_description] = A costume for the Tomb Raiser.\n\nConvince the cogs to confront your competitors.
- [$prefabs_item_skin_tombraiser_arcanium_item_name] = Costume: Clockwork Controller
- [$prefabs_item_skin_lunarlancer_jade_item_description] = A costume for the Lunar Lancer.\n\nSpires Dragoons are charged with guarding the highest peaks.
- [$prefabs_item_skin_lunarlancer_jade_item_name] = Costume: Spires Dragoon
Found 8 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_tome_gleamstone_legendary_item_name] = Legendary Tome: Gleamstone Guidebook
- [$prefabs_item_tome_builderite_legendary_item_name] = Legendary Tome: Builderite Booklet
- [$prefabs_item_tome_ancientgears_legendary_item_name] = Legendary Tome: Ancient Gear Archive
- [$prefabs_item_tome_daydrop_legendary_item_name] = Legendary Tome: Day Drop Download
- [$prefabs_item_tome_moonlitmoss_legendary_item_name] = Legendary Tome: Moonlit Moss Glossary
- [$prefabs_item_tome_wallflowers_legendary_item_name] = Legendary Tome: Pressed Wallflowers
- [$prefabs_item_tome_cinnabar_item_name] = Tome: Cinnabar Sensibility
- [$prefabs_item_tome_coin_bomb_legendary_item_name] = Legendary Tome: Bomb-nanza Balance Sheet
Found 8 new strings
- [$prefabs_item_unlocker_recipe_geodehub_item_name] = Geodian Building Notes
- [$prefabs_item_unlocker_recipe_geodehub_item_description] = Grants one random recipe for a Geode hub decoration that you have not yet collected.
- [$prefabs_item_unlocker_recipe_geodehub_framework_name] = Geodian Framework Vault
- [$prefabs_item_unlocker_recipe_geodehub_framework_description] = Unlock a random Geodian Framework recipe that you have not yet collected.
- [$prefabs_item_unlocker_geode_slot_unlocker_item_name] = Space Expander
- [$prefabs_item_unlocker_geode_slot_unlocker_item_description] = Unlocks an additional space in either the Egg Incubator or the Reliquary Revealer to hatch Companion Eggs and open Reliquaries. you don't already have unlocked.
- [$prefabs_item_unlocker_geode_slot_unlocker_notrade_item_name] = Space Expander (Untradeable)
- [$prefabs_item_unlocker_geode_slot_unlocker_notrade_item_description] = Unlocks an additional space in either the Egg Incubator or the Reliquary Revealer to hatch Companion Eggs and open Reliquaries.
Found 14 new strings
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_pinata_crystal_name] = Bejeweled Justice
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_pinata_crystal_desc] = Gems pulled from deep within the heart of Geode glitter across its surface.
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_pinata_crystal_name] = Inspired Scepter
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_pinata_crystal_desc] = The beauty of this world is crystallized in your mind.
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_pinata_crystal_name] = Crystal Pistols
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_pinata_crystal_desc] = Power like this never comes without sacrifice.
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_pinata_crystal_name] = Prismatic Pledge
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Bow_equipment_weapon_bow_pinata_crystal_desc] = Those who take on the pledge of ancients must see it through to the end.
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_pinata_crystal_name] = Lucent Lancet
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_pinata_crystal_desc] = Become the light and no Shadows can stand in your way.
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Fist_equipment_weapon_fist_pinata_crystal_name] = Rock Polishers
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Fist_equipment_weapon_fist_pinata_crystal_desc] = Finish off any fight with a crystalline shine.
- [$prefabs_loot_Hat_crystal_pinata_helmet_name] = Clearheaded Thought
- [$prefabs_loot_Hat_crystal_pinata_helmet_description] = Look deep inside your heart, and everything will be clear.
Found 3 new strings
- [$prefabs_loot_helm_shadowhunter_plasma[Jusiv]_name] = Photon Phantomhead
- [$prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_china_01_name] = Mythical Marksman Helmet
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Pistol_equipment_weapon_pistol_china_01_name] = Mythical Marksman Matchlock
Found 193 new strings
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_037_name] = Timeworn Tiara
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_037_desc] = Strands of gold still hum with magic in this fragment of an Ancient diadem.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_038_name] = Haute Headpiece
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_038_desc] = High fashion of the first Trovians to come to Geode centuries ago.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_039_name] = Coined Crown
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_039_desc] = A fashion fusion that harkens to the Forbidden Spires.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_040_name] = Hardworking Headlamp
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_040_desc] = The caves are tough. Wear a helmet.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_041_name] = Band of Seekers
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_041_desc] = Those who seek the sun have become the last rays of light in her universe.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_042_name] = Heavy Headed Daze
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_042_desc] = Nothing wakes you up like a rock to the head.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_043_name] = Visitor from Afar
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_043_desc] = The planet is alive... and likes you.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_044_name] = Crystal Schism
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_044_desc] = Evocative of the strange rock formations found in the Chiseled Caverns.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_045_name] = Companion Fandom
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_045_desc] = Who could say no to their sweet faces?
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_046_name] = Craggle Topper
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_046_desc] = Almost as lit as cragglepods.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_047_name] = Dyad Dryads
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_047_desc] = Twin stones stand like guardians at the entrance of ancient gates.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_048_name] = Cone Dome
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_048_desc] = Wear this hat and everyone will know how much you rock.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_049_name] = Cragnifying Glass
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_049_desc] = Look close enough and you might see someone looking back.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_050_name] = Rockin' Radar
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_050_desc] = Keep a lookout! Treasure is just around the corner.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_051_name] = Ancient Antenna
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_051_desc] = They put the call out centuries ago, but you finally answered!
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_052_name] = Solid Hattery
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_hat_052_desc] = Fans of the Solidarity unite!
- [$prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_adventurer_astronaut[Cicasajt]_name] = Cubic Cosmonaut Helmet
- [$prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_hat_chloromancer_chess[Delicious]_name] = Grandmaster Gardener Crown
- [$prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_neonninja_lumin[Everscream]_name] = Masked Mercenary Mask
- [$prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_candybarbarian_minotaur[SkyRider3217]_name] = Maze Mooster Helmet
- [$prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_tombraiser_arcanium[Evilagician]_name] = Clockwork Controller Crown
- [$prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_lunarlancer_jade[Wyvern_Mihail]_name] = Spires Dragoon Helmet
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_061_name] = Gilt Grandeur
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_061_desc] = Look through the eyes of the Ancients.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_062_name] = Ancient Accents
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_062_desc] = The beginnings of an unforgettable crystalline mustache.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_063_name] = Glitz and Glamour
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_063_desc] = A little sparkle never hurt anyone. Yet.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_064_name] = Modder's Eye
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_064_desc] = Great vision is only a super-polished glass eye.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_065_name] = Face of Antiquity
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_065_desc] = Excavated from the depths of the Chiseled Caverns.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_066_name] = Bejeweled Cream
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_066_desc] = You can actually smear jewels on your face. A million jewels!
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_067_name] = Parasitic Passenger
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_067_desc] = The planet, Geode, welcomed you. Won't you repay the favor?
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_068_name] = Rowdy Raspberry
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_068_desc] = Leave your message at the blep.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_069_name] = Candid Quartzite
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_069_desc] = Is this some kind of practical joke?
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_070_name] = Facing the Past
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_face_mask_070_desc] = Look out for it, as it looks out for you.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_106_name] = Sunder Seekers
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_106_desc] = Shadows are cruisin' for a bruisin'.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_107_name] = Mossy Maulers
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_107_desc] = When you can't decide whether to pack a punch or a wallop.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_108_name] = Spectral Strikers
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_108_desc] = So fast you won't even see it.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_109_name] = Pops of Color
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_109_desc] = Make their last sight a beautiful one.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_110_name] = Jagged Jabbers
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_110_desc] = Rock 'em with the oldest weapon known to man.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_111_name] = Stone Cold Crushers
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_111_desc] = Just lifting these is a workout.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_112_name] = Unfettered Ultraviolents
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_112_desc] = Punchy purple pugilists pounce upon panicked prey.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_113_name] = Claws of Clarity
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_113_desc] = Clear your mind and let your fists take you where they may.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_114_name] = Rock Brawlers
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_114_desc] = Chasing your quarry never looked so stylish.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_115_name] = Legend-Makers
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_115_desc] = All who wield these become a folk tale unto themselves.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_116_name] = Flared Firestarters
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_116_desc] = Be the ember that starts the blaze.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_117_name] = Eyes on the Prize
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_117_desc] = Look sharp enough and weaknesses reveal themselves.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_118_name] = Jaded Geosmashers
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_118_desc] = Sometimes protecting the peace means smashing what stands in your way.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_119_name] = Gilded Gloves of Gutting
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_119_desc] = Get down and dirty with the fanciest of them all.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_120_name] = Drillbit Demolishers
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_120_desc] = Get to the bottom of every mystery efficiently! Just sweep up afterward.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_121_name] = Modded Boxcutters
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_fist_121_desc] = Slice and dice your way to the perfect fit.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_pistol_500_name] = Sundrenched Shooters
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_pistol_500_desc] = As with the sun, never look directly into it.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_pistol_501_name] = Peace Pricer
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_pistol_501_desc] = Turns out, you CAN put a price on peace of mind.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_pistol_502_name] = Ancient Equilizer
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_pistol_502_desc] = Those who build paved the road for others who would fight in their name.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_pistol_503_name] = Piston Packers
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_pistol_503_desc] = These puppies pack a surprising punch.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_pistol_504_name] = Modular Miniguns
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_pistol_504_desc] = A modded weapon made from bits of old forges and crates.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_406_name] = Suncrest Shooter
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_406_desc] = While the Geodians did not condone violence, there was an art to the Sunseekers' weaponry.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_407_name] = Bejeweled Bow
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_407_desc] = Such beauty can cause such pain.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_408_name] = Void Fingers
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_408_desc] = The living breath of a planet, transmuted into being.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_409_name] = Sleepless Eyes
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_409_desc] = Bloodshot and hungry for new prey.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_410_name] = Quirksome Babbler
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_410_desc] = Pull the string back gently. It tickles.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_411_name] = Punishing Pillars
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_411_desc] = Keeps your feet shoulder width apart and let your arrows fly.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_412_name] = Arms of Distress
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_412_desc] = Always has your back in times of need.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_413_name] = Clarion Demise
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_413_desc] = The sound of an arrow slicing through the air. Then, silence.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_414_name] = Arc of Justice
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_414_desc] = The future of Geode bends toward peace, however long the road may be.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_415_name] = Bulwark's Bolt
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_415_desc] = A hefty bow, for the strongest of archers.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_416_name] = Emberstruck Arc
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_416_desc] = Flame-tipped from the fiery depths of Sunken Sunvault.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_417_name] = Viridian Vigilance
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_417_desc] = Even in times of peace, the Sunseekers never stopped their watch.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_418_name] = Ancients Shrugged
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_418_desc] = The holders of the world buried themselves into the land and gave rise to legions.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_419_name] = Broken Crown
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_419_desc] = Fragments from another time, given new purpose.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_420_name] = Forlorn Fletcher
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_420_desc] = All you need is a good eye, and a clean shot.
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_421_name] = Praxis Punisher
- [$prefabs_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_bow_421_desc] = The wonders you can make from old crates, bits, and bobs.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_staff_494_name] = Twin Pokes
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_staff_494_desc] = Which side is up? A true mystery for the ages.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_staff_495_name] = Encased Enchantment
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_staff_495_desc] = An old gem, preserved in petrified cave milk.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_staff_496_name] = Torch of Antiquity
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_staff_496_desc] = Once housed a spark of the sun, now long lost.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_staff_497_name] = Dreamstopping Pincers
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_staff_497_desc] = Pinch your foes into the waking world.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_staff_498_name] = Peaceful Prod
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_staff_498_desc] = Everyone seeks peace. Sometimes they just need a good poke to get started.
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_chloromancer_chess[Delicious]_name] = Grandmaster Gardener Crosier
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Staff_equipment_weapon_staff_tombraiser_arcanium[Evilagician]_name] = Clockwork Controller Rod
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_180_name] = Suncrest Spear
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_180_desc] = The dawn will break - and all the Shadows will too.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_181_name] = Bejeweled Bewitcher
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_181_desc] = Encrusted with gems, like the inside of Geode.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_182_name] = Ominous Presence
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_182_desc] = Wherever you go, whatever you do, it lingers behind you, just out of sight.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_183_name] = Risen Sunvaulter
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_183_desc] = It took a leap of faith to launch you all the way across space.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_184_name] = Quirky Crescent
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_184_desc] = Half a moon is all that was left after the Shadows made off with the rest.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_185_name] = Quarry Hunter
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_185_desc] = Search the depths for a prize anyone would love on their mantle.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_186_name] = Nebulous Void
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_186_desc] = Shadows lurk just beyond the horizon.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_187_name] = Builder's Heart
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_187_desc] = He left behind everything he had on the planet he loved best.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_188_name] = Fragment of Ancients
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_188_desc] = The ones from before knew how to spearhead an issue, even if it meant their lives.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_189_name] = Monolithic Lance
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_189_desc] = The ancient six traded their lives and left a peace.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_190_name] = Molten Corer
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_190_desc] = The center is infused with the fire of ancients.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_191_name] = Watchful Wrecker
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_191_desc] = Catch yourself before you wreck yourself.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_192_name] = Death Knell's Grapnel
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_192_desc] = The only thing that follows lies six feet under.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_193_name] = Crowned Headcrusher
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_193_desc] = The Ancients are dead. Long live the Ancients.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_194_name] = Thundering Tombstoner
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_194_desc] = Here lies your foes, crushed by their own epitaph.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_195_name] = True and Trident
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_195_desc] = Classics are classics for a reason.
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_spirittank_chaos[WhyFi]_name] = Chaotic Construct Spear
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Spear_equipment_weapon_1h_spear_lunarlancer_jade[Wyvern_Mihail]_name] = Spires Dragoon Spear
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_474_name] = Sunvault Slasher
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_474_desc] = Let your blade match the fire in your heart.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_475_name] = Verdant Vivisector
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_475_desc] = Your enemies will turn green at the sight of your blade!
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_476_name] = Veridian Chrysocutter
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_476_desc] = Cut your competition down to size.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_477_name] = Moonstruck Blade
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_477_desc] = Petrified tears of the moon will not go to waste.
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_478_name] = Geodian Glitz
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_478_desc] = Death doesn't need to look so dreary!
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_479_name] = Modular Mortifier
- [$prefab_loot_geode_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_479_desc] = Forged together into a frightening weapon of destruction.
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_adventurer_astronaut[Cicasajt]_name] = Cubic Cosmonaut Club
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_sword_neonninja_lumin[Everscream]_name] = Masked Mercenary Sword
- [$prefabs_loot_Weapon_Melee_equipment_weapon_1h_axe_candybarbarian_minotaur[SkyRider3217]_name] = Maze Mooster Axe
Found 33 new strings
- [$meta_rewardId_610_description] = Prosperous Pooch
- [$meta_rewardId_620_description] = 15 Radiant Sovereigns
- [$meta_rewardId_630_description] = Lustrous Gem Ledger
- [$meta_rewardId_640_description] = Golden Squad Quad
- [$meta_rewardId_650_description] = Golden Aevis
- [$meta_rewardId_660_description] = Treasured Terrapin
- [$meta_rewardId_670_description] = Guinevere the Goldheart
- [$meta_rewardId_680_description] = 15 Radiant Sovereigns
- [$meta_rewardId_690_description] = Turret Tiger
- [$meta_rewardId_700_description] = Valkartzer, Dragon Magrider
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_2_description] = 1 Metamatter
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_4_description] = 1 Metamatter
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_6_description] = 1 Metamatter
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_8_description] = 1 Lodestar
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_10_description] = 1 Mastery Reliquary
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_15_description] = 5 Accelerite
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_20_description] = 2 Bronze Companion Eggs
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_25_description] = 1 Mastery Reliquary
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_30_description] = 5 Accelerite
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_35_description] = 2 Mastery Reliquaries
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_40_description] = 1 Lodestar
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_45_description] = 2 Mastery Reliquaries
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_50_description] = 1 Space Expander (Untradeable)
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_55_description] = 2 Mastery Reliquaries
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_60_description] = 1 Silver Companion Egg
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_65_description] = 3 Mastery Reliquaries
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_70_description] = 10 Accelerite
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_75_description] = 3 Mastery Reliquaries
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_80_description] = 2 Lodestars
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_85_description] = 3 Mastery Reliquaries
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_90_description] = 1 Silver Companion Egg
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_95_description] = 4 Mastery Reliquaries
- [$geodemeta_rewardId_100_description] = 1 Space Expander (Untradeable)
Found 4 new strings
- [$prefabs_npc_merchant_geode_reliquary_sign_title] = Reliquary Merchant
- [$prefabs_npc_merchant_geode_reliquary_sign_content] = Press [HK:Loot] to trade your Crystals for Reliquaries!
- [$prefabs_npc_merchant_geode_pvp_sign_title] = Bomber Royale Merchant
- [$prefabs_npc_merchant_geode_pvp_sign_content] = Press [HK:Loot] to trade your Bomb Coin for rewards!
Found 1 new strings
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_color_indestructible_cave_a_item_name] = Cave A Indestructible
Found 21 new strings
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_anti_gravity_up_item_name] = Anti-Gravity Up
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_anti_gravity_up_item_description] = Upward anti-gravity block.
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_anti_gravity_down_item_name] = Anti-Gravity Down
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_anti_gravity_down_item_description] = Downward anti-gravity block.
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_anti_gravity_horizontal_item_name] = Anti-Gravity Horizontal
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_anti_gravity_horizontal_item_description] = Horizontal anti-gravity block.
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_milk_item_name] = Milk
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_milk_item_description] = Drink up!
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_paintedpath_item_name] = Painted Path
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_pickup_coin_geode_crystal_small_item_name] = Small Geodian Crystal
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_pickup_coin_geode_crystal_small_item_description] = Found burried on Geode, this crystal must be useful somehow [REAL DESCRIPTION HERE]
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_pickup_coin_geode_crystal_large_item_name] = Large Geodian Crystal
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_pickup_coin_geode_crystal_large_item_description] = Found burried on Geode, this crystal must be useful somehow [REAL DESCRIPTION HERE]
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_pickup_egg_gold_item_name] = Gold Companion Egg
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_pickup_egg_gold_item_description] = Hatches into one of 8 possible rare companions.
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_pickup_egg_silver_item_name] = Silver Companion Egg
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_pickup_egg_silver_item_description] = Hatches into one of 16 possible common or rare companions.
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_pickup_egg_bronze_item_name] = Bronze Companion Egg
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_pickup_egg_bronze_item_description] = Hatches into one of 24 possible common, uncommon, or rare companions.
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_invisible_collision_item_name] = Invisible Collision
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_battleroyale_spawncage_item_name] = Energy Draining Block
Found 20 new strings
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_bubbles_rising_01_item_name] = Rising Bubbles
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_bubbles_rising_01_item_description] = Place this block for some rising bubble vfx.
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_fog_01_item_name] = Fog
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_fog_01_item_description] = Place this block for some fog vfx.
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_leaves_green_01_item_name] = Green Leaves
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_leaves_green_01_item_description] = Place this block for some green leaves vfx.
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_lightrays_rave_01_item_name] = Rave
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_lightrays_rave_01_item_description] = Place this block for some rave vfx.
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_onibi_01_item_name] = Onibi
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_onibi_01_item_description] = Place this block for some onibi vfx.
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_petals_pink_01_item_name] = Pink Petals
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_petals_pink_01_item_description] = Place this block for some pink petals vfx.
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_slime_dripping_01_item_name] = Dripping Slime
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_slime_dripping_01_item_description] = Place this block for some dripping slime vfx.
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_sparkles_01_item_name] = Sparkles
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_sparkles_01_item_description] = Place this block for some sparkles vfx.
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_sparks_01_item_name] = Sparks
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_sparks_01_item_description] = Place this block for some sparks vfx.
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_water_dripping_01_item_name] = Dripping Water
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_env_placeable_club_water_dripping_01_item_description] = Place this block for some dripping water vfx.
Found 2 new strings
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_source_milk_item_name] = Milk Maker
- [$prefabs_placeable_block_source_milk_item_description] = A source of milk. Questionable!
Found 24 new strings
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_deconstructor_rowan_name] = Geodian Recycler
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_deconstructor_rowan_description] = Functions as a Loot Collector.
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_module_item_name] = Module Forge
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_module_item_description] = Craft discovery suit modules that will give you additional abilities in the Geode caves.
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_module_forge_item_name] = Module Workbench
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_module_forge_item_description] = Upgrade your discovery suit modules to dive deeper into the Geode caves.
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_incubator_item_name] = Egg Incubator
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_incubator_item_description] = Place Companion Eggs inside to hatch new Companions.
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_reliquary_item_name] = Reliquary Revealer
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_reliquary_item_description] = Place charged Reliquaries inside to reveal what they contain.
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_crystallogy_item_name] = Crystallogy Workbench
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_crystallogy_item_description] = Craft consumables and other recipes that will help you in your explorations of Geode and beyond.
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_companion_item_name] = Companion Trainer
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_companion_item_description] = Level up your Companions to allow them to reach their full potential!
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_forever_home_item_name] = Forever Home Finder
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_forever_home_item_description] = Allow a Geodian to adopt your Companion!
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_deconstructor_foreverhome_item_name] = Forever Home Finder
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_deconstructor_foreverhome_item_description] = Allow a Geodian to adopt your Companion!
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_geode_module_forge_craftingcategory_1_name] = Advanced Modules
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_workbench_geodehub_deco_category_0_name] = Geodian Mineral Decor
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_workbench_geodehub_deco_category_1_name] = Geodian Botanical Decor
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_workbench_geodehub_deco_category_2_name] = Geodian Furnishings
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_workbench_geodehub_deco_category_3_name] = Sunseeker Decor
- [$prefabs_placeable_crafting_workbench_geodehub_deco_category_4_name] = Geodian Frameworks
Found 136 new strings
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratebronze_daydrop_name] = Measure of Day Drops Ore
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratebronze_empty_name] = Empty Measure Crate
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratebronze_everlight_name] = Measure of Everlight Ore
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratebronze_geminite_name] = Measure of Geminite Ore
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratebronze_gleamstone_name] = Measure of Gleamstone Ore
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratebronze_lid_01_name] = Measure Lid
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratebronze_lid_02_name] = Loose Measure Lid
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratebronze_lunarium_name] = Measure of Lunarium Ore
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratebronze_moonstone_name] = Measure of Moonstone Ore
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratebronze_quirkstone_name] = Measure of Quirkstone Ore
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratebronze_sparkzite_name] = Measure of Sparkzite Ore
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratesteel_daydrop_name] = Secure Day Drop Shipment
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratesteel_empty_name] = Empty Secure Shipment Crate
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratesteel_everlight_name] = Secure Everlight Shipment
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratesteel_geminite_name] = Secure Geminite Shipment
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratesteel_gleamstone_name] = Secure Gleamstone Shipment
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratesteel_lid_01_name] = Secure Shipment Crate Lid
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratesteel_lid_02_name] = Loose Secure Shipment Crate Lid
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratesteel_lunarium_name] = Secure Lunarium Shipment
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratesteel_moonstone_name] = Secure Moonstone Shipment
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratesteel_quirkstone_name] = Secure Quirkstone Shipment
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_cratesteel_sparkzite_name] = Secure Sparkzite Shipment
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_ore_builderite_name] = Lump of Builderite
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_ore_chronozine_name] = Lump of Chronozine
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_ore_quirkstone_name] = Lump of Quirkstone
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_ore_sparkzite_name] = Lump of Sparkzite
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_pottedplant_buildersblossom_name] = Organic Builder's Blossom Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_pottedplant_cavebirds_name] = Organic Cave Birds Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_pottedplant_cavekelp_name] = Organic Cave Kelp Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_pottedplant_dreamdew_name] = Organic Dream Dew Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_pottedplant_empty_name] = Empty Organic Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_pottedplant_moonlitmoss_name] = Organic Moonlit Moss Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_pottedplant_queentrumpet_name] = Organic Queen Trumpet Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_pottedplant_sunsap_name] = Organic Sun Sap Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_pottedplant_wallflowers_name] = Organic Wallflowers Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_sealedplant_buildersblossom_name] = Geoponic Builder's Blossom Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_sealedplant_cavebirds_name] = Geoponic Cave Birds Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_sealedplant_cavekelp_name] = Geoponic Cave kelp Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_sealedplant_dreamdew_name] = Geoponic Dream Dew Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_sealedplant_empty_name] = Empty Geoponic Cultivar Case
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_sealedplant_moonlitmoss_name] = Geoponic Moonlit Moss Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_sealedplant_queentrumpet_name] = Geoponic Queen Trumpet Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_sealedplant_sunsap_name] = Geoponic Sunsap Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_sealedplant_wallflowers_name] = Geoponic Wallflowers Cultivar
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_stonechair_name] = Geodian Stone Chair
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_stonepillar_bot_name] = Geodian Stone Pillar Base
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_stonepillar_light_name] = Geodian Stone Pillar Light
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_stonepillar_mid_name] = Geodian Stone Pillar Middle
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_stonepillar_top_name] = Geodian Stone Pillar Top
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_stonepillar_walllight_name] = Geodian Stone Wall Light
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_stoneshelf_name] = Geodian Stone Shelf
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_stonetable_center_name] = Geodian Stone Table Center
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_stonetable_edge_name] = Geodian Stone Table Edge
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_stonetable_corner_name] = Sunseeker Banner Top
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_sunseeker_bot_name] = Sunseeker Banner Bottom
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_sunseeker_mid_name] = Sunseeker Banner Middle
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_sunseeker_top_name] = Sunseeker Banner Top
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_rug_sunseeker_center_name] = Sunseeker Rug Center Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_rug_sunseeker_corner_name] = Sunseeker Rug Croner Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_rug_sunseeker_edge_name] = Sunseeker Rug Edge Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_statuette_ark_name] = Solidarity Scale Model
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_breathing_name] = Geoshuttle Breathing Apparatus
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_button_name] = Geoshuttle Button
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_console_corner_bot_name] = Geoshuttle Corner Console Bottom Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_console_corner_top_name] = Geoshuttle Corner Console Top Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_console_joystick_name] = Geoshuttle Joystick Console
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_console_keyboard_name] = Geoshuttle Keyboard Console
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_console_mainscreen_left_name] = Geoshuttle Main Screen Left Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_console_mainscreen_mid_name] = Geoshuttle Main Screen Center Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_console_mainscreen_right_name] = Geoshuttle Main Screen Right Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_console_standalone_name] = Geoshuttle Standalone Console
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_glowpanelhor_left_name] = Geoshuttle Horizontal Panel Left Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_glowpanelhor_right_name] = Geoshuttle Horizontal Panel Right Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_glowpanelvert_bot_name] = Geoshuttle Vertical Panel Bottom
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_glowpanelvert_top_name] = Geoshuttle Vertical Panel Top
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_glowpanelsmall_name] = Geoshuttle Small Wall Panel
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_helmstorage_name] = Geoshuttle Helm Storage
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_pipe_name] = Geoshuttle Pipe
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_seat_name] = Geoshuttle Passenger Seat
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodeshuttle_seatbelt_name] = Geoshuttle Pilot Seat
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_barrelgreen_name] = Small Geodian Supply Barrel
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_crategreen_name] = Small Geodian Supply Crate
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_stonealtar_center_name] = Geodian Stone Altar Midsection
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_stonealtar_end_name] = Geodian Stone Altar Endpiece
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_stonebench_name] = Geodian Stone Bench
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_sunstatue_bot_name] = Geodian Sun Goddes Statue Bottom
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_sunstatue_top_name] = Geodian Sun Goddes Statue Top
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_sunstatue_orb_01_name] = Geodian Sun Goddes Statue First Orb
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_sunstatue_orb_02_name] = Geodian Sun Goddes Statue Second Orb
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_sunstatue_orb_03_name] = Geodian Sun Goddes Statue Third Orb
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_railing_bot_name] = Sunseeker Spire Railing Bottom
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_railing_topstraight_name] = Sunseeker Spire Railing Top Straight
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_railing_topcorner_name] = Sunseeker Spire Railing Top Corner
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_arrow_up_name] = Geodian Direction Arrow - Up
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_arrow_down_name] = Geodian Direction Arrow - Down
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_reliquary_01_name] = Revealed Reliquary Casing
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_reliquary_02_name] = Cracked Reliquary Casing
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_module_barrier_name] = Decommissioned Barrier Generator
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_module_boots_name] = Decommissioned Rocket Boots
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_module_gas_name] = Decommissioned GAS Module
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_module_ncharge_name] = Decommissioned N-Charge Module
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_module_hookshot_name] = Decommissioned Climbing Claw
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_module_omnitool_name] = Decommissioned Omnitool
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_module_pathpainter_name] = Decommissioned Pathpainter
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_module_thumperbody_name] = Decommissioned Thumper Chassis
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_module_thumperleg_name] = Decommissioned Thumper Leg
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_egg_bronze_name] = Sample Bronzed Companion Egg
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_egg_gold_name] = Sample Aurian Companion Egg
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_egg_green_name] = Sample Verdant Companion Egg
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_egg_purple_name] = Sample Violet Companion Egg
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_egg_red_name] = Sample Crimson Companion Egg
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_egg_silver_name] = Sample Argent Companion Egg
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_bomberroyale_top_name] = Blastadium Banner Top
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_bomberroyale_mid_name] = Blastadium Banner Middle
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_bomberroyale_bot_name] = Blastadium Banner Bottom
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_wallshield_sunseeker_name] = Sunseeker Shield Trophy
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_wallsword_sunseeker_top_name] = Sunseeker Sword Trophy Top Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_wallsword_sunseeker_bot_name] = Sunseeker Sword Trophy Bottom Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_chiselorange_top_name] = Orange Spire Banner Top Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_chiselorange_mid_01_name] = Orange Spire Banner Upper Middle Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_chiselorange_mid_02_name] = Orange Spire Banner Lower Middle Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_chiselorange_bot_name] = Orange Spire Banner Bottom Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_chiselgreen_top_name] = Green Spire Banner UTop Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_chiselgreen_mid_01_name] = Green Spire Banner Upper Middle Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_chiselgreen_mid_02_name] = Green Spire Banner Lower Middle Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_chiselgreen_bot_name] = Green Spire Banner Bottom Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_chiselpurple_top_name] = Purple Spire Banner Top Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_chiselpurple_mid_01_name] = Purple Spire Banner Top Middle Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_chiselpurple_mid_02_name] = Purple Spire Banner Lower Middle Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_banner_chiselpurple_bot_name] = Purple Spire Banner Bottom Section
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_gem_green_name] = Crystalline Green Shard
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_gem_purple_name] = Crystalline Purple Shard
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_gem_orange_name] = Crystalline Orange Shard
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_pedestal_name] = Geodian Pedestal
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_pedestalglass_name] = Containment Case Base
- [$prefabs_placeable_deco_geodehub_pedestalglass_case_trigem_name] = Contained Corrupted Gem
Found 30 new strings
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_eggcase_name] = Enormous Egg Showcase
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_eggcase_description] = This freakishly humongous egg appears to be dormant, and even Gabbro has no idea how to incubate it or what may hatch from it\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_medium_hubtree_name] = Centennial Chalcedarny Tree
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_medium_hubtree_description] = Chalcedarny trees can live for thousands of years, and grow to gargantuan size. This is one is relatively young still\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_gazebo_name] = Classic Geodian Gazebo
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_gazebo_description] = A small gazebo built in a long-lost Geodian architectural style\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_pillars_name] = Classic Geodian Pillared Room
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_pillars_description] = A small chamber built in a long-lost Geodian architectural style\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_stairs_name] = Classic Geodian Stairs
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_stairs_description] = A staircase built in a long-lost Geodian architectural style\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_rest_building_name] = Sunseeker Spire Dome
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_rest_building_description] = A small building in the architectural style used in the Sunseeker Spire\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_shuttle_name] = Geoshuttle
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_shuttle_description] = A sturdy and nimble craft used to ferry Trovians from Sunseeker Spire to the SS Solidarity and back\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_sunstatue_name] = Geodian Sun Goddess Statue
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_sunstatue_description] = The style and materials may be different, but the Sun Goddess's likeness is unmistakeable\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_twistedmushroom_name] = Massive Fungolith
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_twistedmushroom_description] = As fungoliths grow, they create twisting rock formations, and this one has been growing for a long time\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_small_crescentrock_name] = Curvecairn
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_small_crescentrock_description] = A rock formation left behind as a fungolith grows, this one is relatively small\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_cross_building_name] = Classic Four-Way Corridor
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_cross_building_description] = An architectural crossroads built in a long-lost style\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_small_hubtree_name] = Chalcedarny Sapling
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_small_hubtree_description] = A young chalcedarny tree, probably only a few decades old\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_medium_cavemushroom_name] = Collossal Cavernous Glowcap
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_medium_cavemushroom_description] = This gigantic fungus is common to the caverns below Geode's surface, and forms one of the cornerstones of their ecology\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_large_crescentrock_name] = Huge Geodian Curvecairn
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_large_crescentrock_description] = A striking rock formation common to the Geodian landscape around Sunseeker Spire\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_orb_name] = Ancient Orb
- [$prefabs_placeable_frameworks_geode_orb_description] = A mysterious structure suffused with magical energies, it's creation and purpose are unknown to even the sagest Geodians\n\nWARNING Once placed, Frameworks cannot be picked up again. They can only be deconstructed into their individual blocks and decorations.
Found 20 new strings
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_hub_geode_item_name] = Geode - Sanctuary
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_hub_geode_item_description] = Press [HK:Loot] to travel to Geode. Bring hope to the peaceful Geodians, who are under attack by the merciless shadows.
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_hub_trove_item_name] = Trove Hub Portal
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_hub_trove_item_description] = Use this portal to travel to a Trove Hub World.
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_pvp_battleroyal_interactive_item_name] = BOMBER ROYALE PORTAL
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_pvp_battleroyal_interactive_item_description] = Fast, frenetic, and fun bombing action against other players. Battle to be the last Trovian standing!
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_pvp_battleroyal_interactive_sign_title] = BOMBER ROYALE PORTAL
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_pvp_battleroyal_interactive_sign_content] = Fast, frenetic, and fun bombing action against other players. Battle to be the last Trovian standing!
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_discovery_cave_a_name] = Moonglow Grotto
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_discovery_cave_a_description] = Press [HK:Loot] to enter Moonglow Grotto
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_discovery_cave_b_name] = Sunken Sunvault
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_discovery_cave_b_description] = Press [HK:Loot] to enter Sunken Sunvault
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_discovery_cave_c_name] = Verdant Veins
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_discovery_cave_c_description] = Press [HK:Loot] to enter Verdant Veins
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_discovery_cave_a_item_name] = Geode Cave A Portal
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_discovery_cave_a_item_description] = Portal to a Geode Cave A world.
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_discovery_cave_b_item_name] = Geode Cave B Portal
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_discovery_cave_b_item_description] = Portal to a Geode Cave B world.
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_discovery_cave_c_item_name] = Geode Cave C Portal
- [$prefabs_placeable_portal_discovery_cave_c_item_description] = Portal to a Geode Cave C world.
Found 39 new strings
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_craftercommons_name] = Crafter's Commons Sign
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_craftercommons_interactive_sign_title] = Welcome to CRAFTER'S COMMONS!
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_craftercommons_interactive_sign_content] = EAST to Companion Ranch \n\nWEST to Crystallogy Center \n\nUP to Sunseeker Square \n\nDOWN to Mining Facility
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_sunseekersquare_name] = Sunseeker Square Sign
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_sunseekersquare_interactive_sign_title] = Welcome to SUNSEEKER SQUARE!
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_sunseekersquare_interactive_sign_content] = EAST to Bomber Royale Blastadium \n\nWEST to the Reliquary Research Center \n\nUP to the Observation Deck \n\nDOWN to Crafter's Commons
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_sunseekerlanding_name] = Sunseeker Landing Sign
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_sunseekerlanding_interactive_sign_title] = Welcome to SUNSEEKER LANDING!
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_sunseekerlanding_interactive_sign_content] = NORTH to the Return Shuttles to Trove \n\nDOWN to the Observation Deck
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_miningfacility_name] = Mining Facility Sign
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_miningfacility_interactive_sign_title] = Welcome to the MINING FACILITY!
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_miningfacility_interactive_sign_content] = ORANGE PORTAL to Sunken Sunvault \n\nGREEN PORTAL to Verdant Veins \n\nPURPLE PORTAL to Moonglow Grotto \n\nUP to Crafter's Commons
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_bomberroyale_name] = Bomber Royale Sign
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_bomberroyale_interactive_sign_title] = Welcome to the BOMBER ROYALE BLASTADIUM!
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_bomberroyale_interactive_sign_content] = Test your mettle against other trovians in our explosive battle simulator!
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_companionranch_name] = Companion Ranch Sign
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_companionranch_interactive_sign_title] = Welcome to the COMPANION RANCH!
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_companionranch_interactive_sign_content] = Learn all about the care of Companions from Gabbro and Understudy Biol!
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_crystallogycenter_name] = Sunseeker Square Sign
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_crystallogycenter_interactive_sign_title] = Welcome to the CRYSTALLOGY CENTER!
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_crystallogycenter_interactive_sign_content] = Learn some traditional Geodian crafts from Lazul and Sous-Chef Saltina!
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_reliquaryresearch_name] = Reliquary Research Sign
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_reliquaryresearch_interactive_sign_title] = Welcome to the RELIQUARY RESEARCH CENTER!
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_reliquaryresearch_interactive_sign_content] = Learn the secrets of the Ancients from Th'lan and Relic Keeper Umber!
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_troveshuttle_name] = Trove Return Shuttle Sign
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_troveshuttle_interactive_sign_title] = TROVE SHUTTLE departure gates ahead!
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_troveshuttle_interactive_sign_content] = Thank you for visiting Geode, Trovian! We hope to see you again soon! <3
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_observationdeck_name] = Observation Deck Sign
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_observationdeck_interactive_sign_title] = OBSERVATION DECK
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_observationdeck_interactive_sign_content] = UP to Sunseeker Landing \n\nDOWN to Sunseeker Square
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_storage_name] = Storage Area Sign Sign
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_storage_interactive_sign_title] = STORAGE AREA - KEEP OUT!
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_storage_interactive_sign_content] = Access restricted to Sunseeker Officers and designated Agents
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_sunchapel_name] = Chapel Sign
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_sunchapel_interactive_sign_title] = TEMPLE OF THE SUN
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_sunchapel_interactive_sign_content] = Be The Light
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_surfaceshuttle_name] = Surface Shuttle Sign
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_surfaceshuttle_interactive_sign_title] = RECON SHUTTLE BAY - RESTRICTED ACCESS
- [$prefabs_placeable_sign_static_geodehub_location_surfaceshuttle_interactive_sign_content] = Only Sunseekers and recognized Agents permitted beyond this point
Found 1 new strings
- [$prefabs_placeable_vendor_shadowshard_01_interactive_craftingcategory_5_name] = Forge Souls
Found 12 new strings
- [$prefabs_plant_geode_cave_wallflowers_item_name] = @Wall Flowers
- [$prefabs_plant_geode_cave_sunsap_item_name] = @Sun Sap
- [$prefabs_plant_geode_cave_queentrumpets_item_name] = @Queen Trumpets
- [$prefabs_plant_geode_cave_moonlitmoss_item_name] = @Moonlit Moss
- [$prefabs_plant_geode_cave_fireheartflower_item_name] = @Fireheart Flower
- [$prefabs_plant_geode_cave_dreamdew_item_name] = @Dream Dew
- [$prefabs_plant_geode_cave_daydrop_item_name] = @Day Drop
- [$prefabs_plant_geode_cave_cogwine_item_name] = @Cogwine
- [$prefabs_plant_geode_cave_cavekelp_green_item_name] = @Cave Kelp
- [$prefabs_plant_geode_cave_cavebirds_red_item_name] = @Cave Birds
- [$prefabs_plant_geode_cave_buildersblossom_item_name] = @Builders Blossom
- [$prefabs_plant_geode_cave_acrobatbark_item_name] = @Acrobat Bark
Found 26 new strings
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_pvp_bombpowerup_item_name] = Bomb Powerup Spawn
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_pvp_bombpowerup_item_description] = A bomb-type Powerup can spawn randomly at this location.
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_pvp_terraformpowerup_item_name] = Terraform Powerup Spawn
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_pvp_terraformpowerup_item_description] = A terraform-type Powerup can spawn randomly at this location.
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_pvp_mobilitypowerup_item_name] = Mobility Powerup Spawn
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_pvp_mobilitypowerup_item_description] = A mobility-type Powerup can spawn randomly at this location.
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_pvp_healpowerup_item_name] = Heal Powerup Spawn
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_pvp_healpowerup_item_description] = A heal-type Powerup can spawn randomly at this location.
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_pvp_primarypowerup_item_name] = Primary Powerup Spawn
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_pvp_primarypowerup_item_description] = A primary-type Powerup can spawn randomly at this location.
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_pvp_megabombpowerup_item_name] = MegaBomb Powerup Spawn
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_pvp_megabombpowerup_item_description] = A MegaBomb-type Powerup can spawn randomly at this location.
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_pvp_spectatorcam_item_name] = Spectator Camera
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_pvp_spectatorcam_item_description] = When players die in a mode that doesn't allow respawns, they can watch with a spectator camera from this location.
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_decorator_placeable_01_item_name] = Decorator Tag 01
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_decorator_placeable_01_item_description] = Creates a Tag_Placeable_01 tag that can be used by a decorator to place objects at the tag block's location
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_decorator_placeable_02_item_name] = Decorator Tag 02
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_decorator_placeable_02_item_description] = Creates a Tag_Placeable_02 tag that can be used by a decorator to place objects at the tag block's location
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_decorator_placeable_03_item_name] = Decorator Tag 03
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_decorator_placeable_03_item_description] = Creates a Tag_Placeable_03 tag that can be used by a decorator to place objects at the tag block's location
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_decorator_placeable_04_item_name] = Decorator Tag 04
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_decorator_placeable_04_item_description] = Creates a Tag_Placeable_04 tag that can be used by a decorator to place objects at the tag block's location
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_decorator_placeable_05_item_name] = Decorator Tag 05
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_decorator_placeable_05_item_description] = Creates a Tag_Placeable_05 tag that can be used by a decorator to place objects at the tag block's location
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_decorator_placeable_06_item_name] = Decorator Tag 06
- [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_decorator_placeable_06_item_description] = Creates a Tag_Placeable_06 tag that can be used by a decorator to place objects at the tag block's location
Found 14 new strings
- [$prefabs_pvp_rubber_bomb_name] = Rubber Bomb
- [$prefabs_pvp_rubber_bomb_description] = Throw a bomb that bounces once then explodes on impact.
- [$prefabs_pvp_sticky_bomb_name] = Sticky Bomb
- [$prefabs_pvp_sticky_bomb_description] = Throw a bomb that sticks to the first surface it touches then explodes after a few seconds.
- [$prefabs_pvp_hookshot_name] = Climbing Claw
- [$prefabs_pvp_hookshot_description] = Launch a claw that hooks to the first surface it hits and pulls you to that location.
- [$prefabs_pvp_bouncy_wall_name] = Bouncy Wall
- [$prefabs_pvp_bouncy_wall_description] = Throw a bomb that creates a pillar of bouncy blocks.
- [$prefabs_pvp_heal_name] = Heal
- [$prefabs_pvp_heal_description] = Heal a large amount of health over a few seconds. Movement speed is halved while healing.
- [$prefabs_pvp_lava_bomb_name] = Lava Bomb
- [$prefabs_pvp_lava_bomb_description] = Throw a bomb that terraforms blocks into lava.
- [$prefabs_pvp_bomb_jump_name] = Bomb Jump
- [$prefabs_pvp_bomb_jump_description] = Create a concussive blast that launches you high into the air.
Found 16 new strings
- [$prefabs_skins_gunslinger_china_skinset_description] = A costume for the Gunslinger.\n\nStand out from the crowd with this crimson coating.
- [$prefabs_skins_gunslinger_china_skinset_name] = Mythical Marksman
- [$prefabs_skins_adventurer_astronaut_skinset_description] = A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nFly yourself to the moon.
- [$prefabs_skins_adventurer_astronaut_skinset_name] = Cubic Cosmonaut
- [$prefabs_skins_chloromancer_chess_skinset_description] = A costume for the Chloromancer.\n\nTell your enemies checkmate in these grandmaster robes.
- [$prefabs_skins_chloromancer_chess_skinset_name] = Grandmaster Gardener
- [$prefabs_skins_neonninja_lumin_skinset_description] = A costume for the Neon Ninja.\n\nNo one will know your identity with this eye-catching outfit.
- [$prefabs_skins_neonninja_lumin_skinset_name] = Masked Mercenary
- [$prefabs_skins_candybarbarian_minotaur_skinset_description] = A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nTraverse any maze of twisty little passages, even when they're all alike.
- [$prefabs_skins_candybarbarian_minotaur_skinset_name] = Maze Mooster
- [$prefabs_skins_spirittank_chaos_skinset_description] = A costume for the Revenant.\n\nRebel against any defensive expectations.
- [$prefabs_skins_spirittank_chaos_skinset_name] = Chaotic Construct
- [$prefabs_skins_tombraiser_arcanium_skinset_description] = A costume for the Tomb Raiser.\n\nConvince the cogs to confront your competitors.
- [$prefabs_skins_tombraiser_arcanium_skinset_name] = Clockwork Controller
- [$prefabs_skins_lunarlancer_jade_skinset_description] = A costume for the Lunar Lancer.\n\nSpires Dragoons are charged with guarding the highest peaks.
- [$prefabs_skins_lunarlancer_jade_skinset_name] = Spires Dragoon
Found 78 new strings
- [$PVP_BomberRoyale_Confirm] = Leave the current world to join Bomber Royale?
- [$Scorecard_WaitingForPlayers] = Waiting for {0} more players
- [$Scorecard_WaitingForPlayers_AutoStart] = Waiting for {0} more players... auto starting in {1}
- [$Scorecard_WaitingForPlayers_AutoSoon] = Waiting for {0} more players... auto starting soon!
- [$PVP_Prepare] = GET READY
- [$PVP_Begin] = BEGIN!
- [$PVP_CapturedFlag] = {0} captured the {1}!
- [$PVP_PickedUpFlag] = {0} picked up the {1}!
- [$PVP_DroppedFlag] = {0} dropped the {1}!
- [$PVP_ReturnedFlag] = {0} returned the {1}!
- [$PVP_TeamVictory] = {0} Wins!!!
- [$PVP_PlayerVictory] = Victory for {0}!!!!
- [$PVP_BossEngaged] = {0} is fighting the Blood Dragon!!
- [$PVP_OtherDied] = {0} died.
- [$PVP_OtherFell] = {0} fell to their doom! How clumsy.
- [$PVPFragMsg1] = {1} was pwned by {0}.{2}
- [$PVPFragMsg2] = {0} explodinated {1}.{2}
- [$PVPFragMsg3] = {1} fell to {0}'s brutal onslaught.{2}
- [$PVPFragMsg4] = {0} cashed in {1}'s chips.{2}
- [$PVPFragMsg5] = {0} sent {1} to the big cube in the sky.{2}
- [$PVPFragMsg6] = {0} hit {1} so hard they went into the queue.{2}
- [$PVPFragSuffixFirstBlood] = FIRST BLOCK!
- [$PVPFragSuffixKills2] = CUBING SPREE!
- [$PVPFragSuffixKills3] = #WINNING!
- [$PVPFragSuffixKills4] = UNBLOCKABLE!
- [$PVPFragMinionMsg1] = {1} got pwned by {0}'s minion! How sad.
- [$PVPFragMinionMsg2] = {0}'s minion got a lucky shot in on {1}.
- [$PVPFragMinionMsg3] = the mighty {1} fell to {0}'s minion
- [$PVP_EPITAPH_TITLE] = Grave of {0}.
- [$PVP_EPITAPH_TEXT_1] = Here lies {0},\nsilent and still\nIt appears that they were lacking in skill.
- [$PVP_EPITAPH_TEXT_2] = "I am invincible!!!"\n-{0}.
- [$PVP_EPITAPH_TEXT_3] = "I wonder what this button does..."\n-{0}.
- [$PVP_EPITAPH_TEXT_4] = {0} fell in glorious combat here.
- [$PVP_EPITAPH_TEXT_5] = {0} got ganked here.
- [$PVP_EPITAPH_TEXT_6] = {0} lacked 1337 Sk1llz.
- [$PVP_EPITAPH_TEXT_7] = "BRB"\n-{0}.
- [$PVP_Overtime] = OVERTIME
- [$PVP_ReturnToClub] = Return to club world?
- [$PVP_ReturnToHub] = Return to the Hub?
- [$PVP_EnterAndBattle] = Press [HK:Loot] to enter and do battle with other players!
- [$PVP_EnterNeedsPersist] = Press [HK:Loot] to enter a battle arena based off this world! (Data currently saving)
- [$PVP_EnterTransfer] = Press [HK:Loot] to enter a battle arena based off this world!
- [$PVP_battleroyale_header] = BOMBER ROYALE
- [$PVP_battleroyale_insructions_victory] = Bomb your way to victory and be the last Trovian standing!
- [$PVP_battleroyale_insructions_aim] = Hold down the ability button to see your attack's trajectory.
- [$PVP_battleroyale_insructions_arena] = The edges of the arena disappear over time. Watch your step!
- [$PVP_battleroyale_insructions_powerups] = Powerups unlock abilities! Get multiples of one powerup to decrease its cooldown.
- [$PVP_battleroyale_insructions_heal] = Healing powerups can only be picked up once and slow you down while active.
- [$PVP_battleroyale_insructions_instantheal] = Defeat others to steal the powerups they've collected and get an instant heal pick up.
- [$PVP_battleroyale_scoreboard_firstblood] = FIRST BLOCK
- [$PVP_battleroyale_winner_line_1] = WINNER WINNER
- [$PVP_battleroyale_winner_line_2] = TURKEY REFRIGERATOR
- [$PVP_battleroyale_scoreboard_header_place] = Place
- [$PVP_battleroyale_scoreboard_header_name] = Name
- [$PVP_battleroyale_scoreboard_header_time] = Time Alive
- [$PVP_battleroyale_scoreboard_header_kills] = Kills
- [$PVP_battleroyale_scoreboard_header_powerups] = Powerups
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_primary] = Energy Cost reduced on your Rubber Bomb
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_primary_max] = Energy Cost fully reduced on your Rubber Bomb
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_bomb_first] = You got the Sticky Bomb
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_bomb] = Cooldown reduced on your Sticky Bomb
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_bomb_max] = Cooldown fully reduced on your Sticky Bomb
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_heal_first] = You got the Heal
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_heal_max] = You already have a Heal
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_mobility] = Cooldown reduced on your Climbing Claw
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_mobility_max] = Cooldown fully reduced on your Climbing Claw
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_terraform_first] = You got the Bouncy Wall
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_terraform] = Cooldown reduced on your Bouncy Wall
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_terraform_max] = Cooldown fully reduced on your Bouncy Wall
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_jump_first] = You got the Bomb Jump
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_jump] = Cooldown reduced on your Bomb Jump
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_jump_max] = Cooldown fully reduced on your Bomb Jump
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_megabomb] = Your Rubber Bomb is replaced with Lava for 3 throws
- [$prefabs_pvp_powerup_collection_instant_heal] = You were instantly healed by a pickup
- [$Claims_PVPDescription_BR_FirstBlood] = Bombed the first Trovian in Bomber Royale
- [$Claims_PVPDescription_BR_Placement1] = Gold reward in Bomber Royale
- [$Claims_PVPDescription_BR_Placement2] = Silver reward in Bomber Royale!
- [$Claims_PVPDescription_BR_Placement3] = Bronze reward in Bomber Royale!
Found 16 new strings
- [$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_01_Name] = Mine Shapestone or Gleamstone
- [$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_01_Description] = Sunfest 2018 1/8: Greetings, denizens of the light! Qubesly here to announce that Sunfest is upon us once more - a time for Trovians and Geodians alike to celebrate.\n\nShapestone deposits can be found in Trove adventure worlds and Gleamstone can be found in any Geodian cave.
- [$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_02_Name] = Defeat Shadow Pinata Invaders
- [$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_02_Description] = Sunfest 2018 2/8: Attention, merry makers! Shadow Pinata Invaders are milling about in Trovian prime worlds as we speak. Smack their horse-headed darkness to smithereens for Celebratory Pinatas, Pinata Coins, and rare loot!
- [$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_03_Name] = Complete an Outpost or Geode Adventure
- [$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_03_Description] = Sunfest 2018 3/8: The Resistors celebrate the Sun Goddess by driving back the forces of the Amperium. The Geodians celebrate by caring for the critters and caves of Geode. Let's help them out.\n\nTravel to a Neon City biome and look for areas denoted Luminopolis. Within these areas are Outpost Shrines with friendly Resistor NPCs who offer unique Adventures.
- [$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_04_Name] = Complete a Club Adventure
- [$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_04_Description] = Sunfest 2018 4/8: Sunfest isn't just about the Sun Goddess. It's about celebrating our fellow Trovians and Geodians too. By helping each other we build a stronger front against the Shadow. \n\nClub Adventures can be accepted from one's own Club or found in other Clubs by entering one of the Club Portals in the Hub.
- [$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_05_Name] = Open Golden Ticket Chests
- [$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_05_Description] = Sunfest 2018 5/8: The gifts of Elysia are many. This time of year, the Sun Goddess gifts special caches to her followers on Trove and Geode. However, those wicked Shadow Pinata Invaders sometimes steal these caches!\n\nRecieve a Golden Ticket Chest for each day that you login during Sunfest. These lootboxes also have a rare chance to drop from Shadow Pinata Invaders.
- [$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_06_Name] = Collect a Golden Soul or a Builder's Box
- [$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_06_Description] = Sunfest 2018 6/8: Whether Trovian or Geodian, mining is a large part of our way of life. \n\nBuilder's Boxes can be rarely found in Gleamstone and Moonstone veins in Geode caves. Golden Souls can appear rarely in any ore vein in Trovian adventure worlds.
- [$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_07_Name] = Throw Big Bombs in Bomber Royale
- [$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_07_Description] = Sunfest 2018 7/8: The Geodian's favorite arena sport is called Bomber Royale. Trovians are built for it! I played many Arena Matches myself back when I was a young qubling.\n\nBomber Royale can be entered from the Arena Portal in the Trovian and Geodian Hubs.
- [$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_08_Name] = Smash Pinatas!
- [$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_08_Description] = Sunfest 2018 8/8: Pinatas can be smashed, which gives you great loot, and anyone nearby gets something! Throw a Pinata party today!\n\nYou can throw a pinata by placing it in a useable slot like a Bomb.
Found 7 new strings
- [$Geode_Hub] = Geode - Sanctuary
- [$Cave_A] = Moonglow Grotto
- [$Cave_B] = Sunken Sunvault
- [$Cave_C] = Verdant Veins
- [$Geode_Hub_Center] = Geode - Sanctuary
- [$Geode_Hub_Outer_Ring] = Geode - Sanctuary
- [$Geode_Hub_Inner_Ring] = Geode - Sanctuary
Found 2 new strings
- [$Block_Anti_Gravity_name] = Anti-Gravity
- [$Block_Milk_name] = Milk
Found 42 new strings
- [$StoreProduct_item_crafting_gemrepair_10_name] = 10 Re-Gemerators
- [$StoreProduct_item_crafting_gemrepair_10_description] = Repair a Cracked Gem or remove a Socketed Gem with this one weird item.
- [$StoreProduct_tome_builderite_legendary_name] = Builderite Booklet
- [$StoreProduct_tome_builderite_legendary_description] = Once a week use this tome to gain 2500 Builderite.
- [$StoreProduct_tome_moonlitmoss_legendary_name] = Moonlit Moss Glossary
- [$StoreProduct_tome_moonlitmoss_legendary_description] = Once a week use this tome to gain 1200 Moonlit Moss.
- [$StoreProduct_tome_ancientgears_legendary_name] = Ancient Gear Archive
- [$StoreProduct_tome_ancientgears_legendary_description] = Once a week use this tome to gain 1600 Ancient Gears.
- [$StoreProduct_tome_wallflowers_legendary_name] = Pressed Wallflowers
- [$StoreProduct_tome_wallflowers_legendary_description] = Once a week use this tome to gain 2000 Wallflowers.
- [$StoreProduct_deal_mount_carpet_geode_purple_name] = Mount: Rock'N'Rollin' Rider
- [$StoreProduct_deal_mount_carpet_geode_purple_description] = The current Blocky Bonus is the Rock'N'Rollin' Rider. Rock stars always need more gems. We appreciate you playing Trove!
- [$StoreProduct_item_pinata_crystal_name] = Crystal Pinata
- [$StoreProduct_item_pinata_crystal_description] = It is crystal clear that this should be smashed to smithereens.\n\nSpawns a Crystal Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.
- [$StoreProduct_item_pinata_crystal_5pack_name] = 5 Crystal Pinatas
- [$StoreProduct_item_pinata_crystal_5pack_description] = It is crystal clear that this should be smashed to smithereens.\n\nEach will spawn a Crystal Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.
- [$StoreProduct_item_pinata_crystal_50pack_name] = 50 Crystal Pinatas
- [$StoreProduct_item_pinata_crystal_50pack_description] = It is crystal clear that this should be smashed to smithereens.\n\nEach will spawn a Crystal Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.
- [$StoreProduct_item_lootbox_crystal_greater_name] = Greater Crystal Cache
- [$StoreProduct_item_lootbox_crystal_greater_description] = Contains valuable Geodian crafting materials or (rarely) Accelerite, Lodestars, Silver Companion Eggs, tradable mounts, or tradeable Space Expanders!
- [$StoreProduct_item_lootbox_crystal_greater_11_name] = 11 Greater Crystal Caches
- [$StoreProduct_item_lootbox_crystal_greater_11_description] = Contains valuable Geodian crafting materials or (rarely) Accelerite, Lodestars, Silver Companion Eggs, tradable mounts, or tradeable Space Expanders!
- [$StoreProduct_item_lootbox_crystal_greater_33_name] = 33 Greater Crystal Caches
- [$StoreProduct_item_lootbox_crystal_greater_33_description] = Contains valuable Geodian crafting materials or (rarely) Accelerite, Lodestars, Silver Companion Eggs, tradable mounts, or tradeable Space Expanders!\n\nAlso contains one Glowing Crystal Cache, which contains a guaranteed rare result from a Greater Crystal Cache.
- [$StoreProduct_trove_companion_pack_howlug_name] = Geode Companion Pack 1
- [$StoreProduct_trove_companion_pack_howlug_description] = This creepy Companion will leave you howling for more with his stare.\n\nContains a Glamorous Howlug Companion (uncommon rarity) to assist you in the Geode caves, 10 Accelerite, 2 Lodestars, 25 Crystal Pinatas, and 5 Bronze Companion Eggs.
- [$StoreProduct_trove_companion_pack_froleek_name] = Geode Companion Pack 2
- [$StoreProduct_trove_companion_pack_froleek_description] = Don't let this shy Companion's attitude fool you - he's actually pretty rad(ish)! Contains a Wistful Froleek Companion (uncommon rarity) to assist you in the Geode caves, 10 Accelerite, 2 Lodestars, 25 Crystal Pinatas, and 5 Bronze Companion Eggs.
- [$StoreProduct_trove_geodian_super_pack_name] = Geodian Super Pack
- [$StoreProduct_trove_geodian_super_pack_description] = Get a rocket boot assisted jump to start your Companion collection!\n\nContains a Gold Companion Egg (always a rare Companion!), 10 Metamatter, 20 Accelerite, 6 Lodestars, 5 +50% Crystal Gathering Potions, 1 Luckiest Reliquary, and 10000 credits.
- [$StoreProduct_trove_great_geodian_pack_name] = Great Geodian Pack
- [$StoreProduct_trove_great_geodian_pack_description] = Geodian resourcefulness will be yours with this great deal.\n\nContains the Day Drop Download Legendary tome, 20 Greater Crystal Caches, 15 Crystal Pinatas, 1 Luckiest Reliquary, and 1 +50% Crystal Gathering Potion.
- [$StoreProduct_trove_jam_pack_name] = Jam Pack
- [$StoreProduct_trove_jam_pack_description] = Get a Geodian swirl of goodies in this jam-packed deal.\n\nContains a Gold Companion Egg (always a rare Companion!), a Golden Dragon Effigy (unlocks a random uncollected Legendary dragon!), 33 Greater Crystal Caches, 33 Greater Neon Caches, 33 Greater Dragon Caches, 33 Chaos Chests, and 33 Radiant Sovereigns.
- [$StoreProduct_deal_weekly_geodian_name] = Geodian Weekly Deal
- [$StoreProduct_deal_weekly_geodian_description] = Companions grant stats and assist you as you explore the caves of Geode. Make progress on your collection with this time-limited deal!\n\nContains 75 Greater Crystal Caches, 2 Glowing Crystal Caches, and a Silver Companion Egg (always an uncommon or rare Companion!)
- [$StoreProduct_item_skin_gunslinger_china_name] = Mythical Marksman
- [$StoreProduct_item_skin_gunslinger_china_description] = A costume for the Gunslinger.\n\nStand out from the crowd with this crimson coating.
- [$StoreProduct_mount_rocket_drill_name] = Rocket Drill
- [$StoreProduct_mount_rocket_drill_description] = Fly through Club Worlds with the greatest of ease by smashing through everything in your path.\n\n90 Movement Speed\n\nSpecial: Destroy blocks in Club Worlds by ramming into them!
- [$StoreProduct_mount_warhorse_bullbuildozer_name] = Bovine Buildmaster
- [$StoreProduct_mount_warhorse_bullbuildozer_description] = Take charge of any building project atop this moo-ster architect.\n\n90 Movement Speed\n\nSpecial: Places a trail of the block type in your active building hotbar slot as it travels while in build mode. Only works in Club Worlds where you have building permissions.
Found 2 new strings
- [$tutorial_window_next] = Next
- [$tutorial_window_back] = Back
Found 115 new strings
- [$StoreCategory_Geode] = Geode
- [$ModuleLoadout_WindowName] = DISCOVERY SUIT LOADOUT
- [$ModuleLoadout_SwapBtn] = Swap
- [$ModuleLoadout_SwapBtnCompanion] = Swap Companion
- [$ModuleLoadout_ListWindowName] = MODULES
- [$ModuleLoadout_AbilitiesTitle] = Ability Modules
- [$ModuleLoadout_AbilitiesDescription] = Swap out your modules to use different abilities inside the caves!
- [$ModuleLoadout_LockedModule] = You do not own this module yet.
- [$ModuleLoadout_LockedMega] = To unlock this Reliquary slot, use a Space Expander!
- [$ModuleLoadout_NoMega] = Equip a Reliquary to charge while in the caves.
- [$ModuleLoadout_NoCompanion] = Equip a companion to help you inside the caves!
- [$ActivityGeodeAdventures] = Geode
- [$ActivityGeodeAdventuresTitle] = Geode
- [$ActivityGeodeAdventuresDesc] = Complete these Adventures to earn experience and other rewards!
- [$ActivityGeodeAdventuresDescEmpty] = Seek out NPCs to find these Adventures!
- [$ActivityCrystallogyAdventuresTitle] = Crystallogy
- [$ActivityCrystallogyAdventuresDesc] = Complete these Adventures to earn experience and other rewards!
- [$ActivityCrystallogyAdventuresDescEmpty] = Seek out NPCs to find these Adventures!
- [$Stat_MaxExploration] = Max Exploration
- [$Stat_ExplorationRegen] = Exploration Regen
- [$Stat_Discovery_Replace_MaxExploration] = Max G.A.S.
- [$Stat_Discovery_Replace_EnergyRegen] = N-Charge Regen
- [$Stat_Discovery_Replace_MaxEnergy] = Max N-Charge
- [$Stat_Discovery_Replace_Mining] = Omni-Tool Power
- [$Deconstructor_Home_WinTitle] = HOME FINDER
- [$Profession_DisplayName_Crystallogy] = Crystallogy
- [$Crafting_ProfessionSkillTitle_Lithologist] = Lithologist
- [$Crafting_ProfessionSkillTitle_Crystallogist] = Crystallogist
- [$Crafting_ProfessionSkillTitle_Geodemancer] = Geodemancer
- [$CharSheet_GeodeMastery] = Geode Mastery
- [$CharSheet_GeodeMasteryHeader] = Geode Mastery Rank {0}
- [$CharSheet_GeodeMasteryDescription] = Increase Geode Mastery by adding to your collection.
- [$CharSheet_GeodeMasteryTooltip] = {0} / {1} Geode Mastery Points
- [$GeodeMasteryPointsFormatSingular] = {0} Geode Mastery Point
- [$GeodeMasteryPointsFormat] = {0} Geode Mastery Points
- [$Sigil_GeodeMasteryProgress] = {0} / {1} Geode Mastery Rank to next tier
- [$Sigil_GeodeMasteryMax] = Maximum Geode Mastery Rank!
- [$Metrics_AdventuresCompleted] = Adventures Completed
- [$Metrics_ReliquaryCharged] = Reliquary Charged
- [$Metrics_CompanionEggsFound] = Companion Eggs Found
- [$Metrics_PVPBattleRoyaleSecondsPlayed] = Battle Royale Seconds Played
- [$Metrics_PVPBattleRoyaleEnemyKills] = Battle Royale Enemy Kills
- [$Metrics_PVPBattleRoyaleGamesWon] = Battle Royale Games Won
- [$Metrics_PVPBattleRoyaleGamesPlayed] = Battle Royale Games Played
- [$Metrics_PVPBattleRoyaleDeaths] = Battle Royale Deaths
- [$Metrics_PVPBattleRoyaleGamesAFK] = Battle Royale Games AFK
- [$Metrics_PVPBattleRoyalePowerupsGained] = Battle Royale Powerups Gained
- [$Metrics_PVPBattleRoyaleSilverRewards] = Battle Royale Silver Rewards
- [$Metrics_PVPBattleRoyaleBronzeRewards] = Battle Royale Bronze Rewards
- [$Metrics_PVPBattleRoyaleFirstBloodRewards] = Battle Royale First Blood Rewards
- [$Metrics_PVPBattleRoyaleBombsThrown] = Battle Royale Bombs Thrown
- [$Metrics_GeodeGASModuleUpgrades] = GAS Module Upgrades
- [$ZoneBanner_GeodeTitle] = Geode Caves
- [$ZoneBanner_GeodeSubTitle] = Tier {0}
- [$Forge_NEXT] = NEXT
- [$CharSheet_Trove] = TROVE
- [$CharSheet_Geode] = GEODE
- [$CharSheet_TotalMastery] = TOTAL MASTERY RANK
- [$Inventory_Mode_Geode] = Geode
- [$Inventory_Mode_Discovery] = Modules
- [$Inventory_Subheading_Module] = MODULES
- [$Inventory_Subheading_Tutorial] = TUTORIAL
- [$Forge_MissingItems] = Not Enough
- [$Forge_Legend_Select] = SELECT
- [$Forge_Legend_NEW] = NEW
- [$MainMenu_BomberRoyale] = Bomber Royale
- [$MoreHealthValueRequirement] = Requires {0} health or greater
- [$LessHealthValueRequirement] = Requires {0} health or less
- [$HealthValueRangeRequirement] = Requires {0} to {1} health
- [$MoreEnergyRequirement] = Requires {0}% energy or greater
- [$LessEnergyRequirement] = Requires {0}% energy or less
- [$EnergyRangeRequirement] = Requires {0}% to {1}% energy
- [$Claims_GeodeMetaDescription] = Reward for reaching a new Geode Mastery Rank!
- [$Tutorial_geode_welcome_1] = The atmosphere in the caves is intense, so while you're down here, your wings, mounts, and jump won't be available.
- [$Tutorial_geode_welcome_2] = But don't worry! I've invented other options for your traveling needs. I made a Discovery Suit just for you, as well as Modules that will make your cave explorations easier.
- [$WorldPortalType_Hub_Trove] = Trove Hub Portal
- [$WorldPortalType_Hub_Geode] = Geode Hub Portal
- [$WorldPortalType_Discovery] = Geode Portal
- [$Collections_Category_GeodeCompanion] = DNT - Companions
- [$Collections_Category_GeodeCompanion_Description] = DNT - Companion styles. Unlocked when you obtain a companion from Geode.
- [$ItemUpgradeStation_Name_CompanionForge] = Companion Trainer
- [$ItemUpgradeStation_Name_ModuleUpgrader] = Module Forge
- [$Mode_Geode] = geode
- [$Mode_Discovery] = discovery
- [$AccountCreate_Error_DuplicateEmail] = An account with that email address already exists.
- [$AccountCreate_Error_Underage] = You must be 13 or older to create an account.
- [$AccountCreate_Error_InvalidPassword] = The password provided is not valid.
- [$AccountCreate_Error_InvalidEmail] = The email address provided is not valid.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_Modify] = The default setting that allows a player to build (modify) in a club world. All club world zones may be modified by anyone who has this permission attached to their rank by default. Specific settings can be set per club world zone using the '/zonerestrict' command as detailed in the AccessControl permission. Ranks with the Modify permission and the BasicModify permission can build in a club zone that has been sanctioned with the '/zonerestrict standard' setting.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_Listen] = Allows members with this permission to listen to the club chat channel.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_Speak] = Allows members with this permission to speak in the club chat channel.
- [$ClubRankPermissionTooltips_Bomb] = Enables or disables the ability to use a bomb in a club world. Note that ranks with the Bomb permission are still blocked form using a bomb (or other destructive tools) in a zone that they have not been sanctioned to edit with the /zonerestrict command. Also note that the '/club setzonedamageable' can block a zone from being damaged by anyone regardless of their Bomb permission or the zone's zonerestrict configuration.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_Terraform] = Enables or disables the ability to use a terraformer in a club world.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_Craft] = Enables or disables the ability to craft at a club workbench.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_Invite] = Allows members with this permission to invite new members to the club.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_Promote] = Allows members with this permission to promote existing members to a higher rank. It's not possible to promote a member to a rank that's higher than the promoting player.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_Demote] = Allows members with this permission to demote existing members to a lower rank.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_Kick] = Allows members with this permission to kick existing members out of the club.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_ClubChest] = Enables or disables the ability to interact with the club's chest.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_OfficerChest] = Enables or disables the ability to interact with the club's officer chest.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_AccessControl] = Allows the player to use the '/zonerestrict' command to define Basic, Standard, or Expert modification permissions per Club World zone. The '/zonerestrict' command now uses arguments of instead of . The player using the command must be standing inside club world zone they intend to restrict.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_ZoneRestrictLow] = Grants the ability to build (modify) in a club zone that has been sanctioned with the '/zonerestrict basic' setting.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_ZoneRestrictHigh] = Grants the ability to build (modify) in a LFWP club zone that has been sanctioned with the '/zonerestrict expert' setting. Note that the rank must also have access to the Modify and BasicModify permissions to access the ExpertModify permission.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_EditMOTD] = Allows members with this permission to edit the club's Message Of The Day.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_EditPermissions] = Allows members with this permission to edit the club's rank permissions. WARNING: Please be cautious when considering which club ranks gain the ability to edit permissions.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_FixtureInteract] = Allows members with this permission to interact with or use the club's placed fixtures.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_FixtureAddRemove] = Allows members with this permission to add or remove a fixture in the club world.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_FixturePurchaseUpgrade] = Allows members with this permission to buy new fixtures, upgrade existing fixtures, or pay weekly rent on fixtures.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_ControlNPC] = Allows members with this permission to summon Heroes at the Rally of Heroes. Also allows management of NPCs on the club's Adventures tab.
- [$ClubRankPermissionsTooltip_Blocklist] = Allows members with this permission to ban non-club members from entering the club world with the '/club block' and '/club unblock' commands.
- [$Incubator_AddEgg] = ADD EGG
- [$Incubator_AddReliquary] = ADD RELIQUARY
- [$Incubator_ReadyToHatch] = Ready to Hatch!
- [$Incubator_ReadyToOpen] = Ready to Open!
- [$Incubator_GotReward] = You got a\n{0}!
Found 88 new strings
- [$module_vision_name] = Thumper
- [$module_vision_description] = Uses sonic pulses to reveal hidden crystals and show the location of buried ore.
- [$module_pathpainter_name] = Pathpainter
- [$module_pathpainter_description] = Transforms blocks under your feet into speed boosters that anybody can use.
- [$module_omnitool_name] = Omni-Tool
- [$module_omnitool_description] = A specialized module for harvesting Geodian blocks. Some cave creatures find its beam quite soothing.
- [$module_ncharge_name] = N-Charge
- [$module_ncharge_description] = Provides power to most of the modules on a Geodian cave suit.
- [$module_jump_thruster_name] = Rocket Boots
- [$module_jump_thruster_description] = Functions like a jetpack, but is obviously way cooler.
- [$module_hookshot_name] = Climbing Claw
- [$module_hookshot_description] = Grapple to any location within range. Can also be used to push cave creatures around.
- [$module_battery_name] = GAS
- [$module_battery_description] = The Geodian Acclimation System will run out over time - upgrade it to stay in caves longer and explore deeper tiers.
- [$module_barrier_name] = Barrier Generator
- [$module_barrier_description] = Shield that stuns aggressive creatures and blocks projectiles. Improves movement speed while active.
- [$module_barrier_upgrade_02_name] = Stun critters in Tier 1 and Tier 2 of caves
- [$module_barrier_upgrade_03_name] = Move 30% faster while active
- [$module_barrier_upgrade_04_name] = Gain 5 N-Charge each time you are hit while active
- [$module_barrier_upgrade_05_name] = Stun critters in Tier 3 and Tier 4 of caves
- [$module_barrier_upgrade_06_name] = Reduce N-Charge cost to 40
- [$module_barrier_upgrade_07_name] = Move 60% faster while active
- [$module_barrier_upgrade_08_name] = Stun critters in Tier 5 of caves
- [$module_barrier_upgrade_09_name] = Gain 10 total N-Charge each time you are hit while active
- [$module_barrier_upgrade_10_name] = Reduce N-Charge cost to 20
- [$module_battery_upgrade_02_name] = Significantly reduces GAS drain in Tier 2
- [$module_battery_upgrade_03_name] = Reduce gas consumption in Tier 1 by 25%
- [$module_battery_upgrade_04_name] = Significantly reduces GAS drain in Tier 3
- [$module_battery_upgrade_05_name] = Reduce gas consumption in Tier 1 by 50% total. Reduce in Tier 2 by 25%
- [$module_battery_upgrade_06_name] = Significantly reduces GAS drain in Tier 4
- [$module_battery_upgrade_07_name] = Reduce gas consumption in Tier 2 by 50% total. Reduce in Tier 3 by 25%
- [$module_battery_upgrade_08_name] = Significantly reduces GAS drain in Tier 5
- [$module_battery_upgrade_09_name] = Reduce gas consumption in Tier 3 by 50% total. Reduce in Tier 4 by 25%
- [$module_battery_upgrade_10_name] = Increase GAS by 300
- [$module_omni_tool_upgrade_02_name] = When N-Charge > 50%, mining strength +50%
- [$module_omni_tool_upgrade_03_name] = Range +1
- [$module_omni_tool_upgrade_04_name] = Can mine Tier 3 resources
- [$module_omni_tool_upgrade_05_name] = Mining strength +50%
- [$module_omni_tool_upgrade_06_name] = Can mine Tier 4 resources
- [$module_omni_tool_upgrade_07_name] = Range +1
- [$module_omni_tool_upgrade_08_name] = Can mine Tier 5 resources
- [$module_omni_tool_upgrade_09_name] = Mining strength +50%
- [$module_omni_tool_upgrade_10_name] = Impact radius +1
- [$module_pathpainter_upgrade_02_name] = Boosted jump height +25%
- [$module_pathpainter_upgrade_03_name] = Boosted movement speed +40%
- [$module_pathpainter_upgrade_04_name] = Reduce cooldown by 5 seconds
- [$module_pathpainter_upgrade_05_name] = Boost duration increased by 2 seconds
- [$module_pathpainter_upgrade_06_name] = Reduce N-Charge cost to 50
- [$module_pathpainter_upgrade_07_name] = Boost gives 2 N-Charge per second
- [$module_pathpainter_upgrade_08_name] = Boosted jump height +50% total
- [$module_pathpainter_upgrade_09_name] = Boosted movement speed +60% total
- [$module_pathpainter_upgrade_10_name] = No longer generate aggro while boost is active
- [$module_ncharge_upgrade_02_name] = N-Charge +10
- [$module_ncharge_upgrade_03_name] = Regenerates 10% faster
- [$module_ncharge_upgrade_04_name] = Collecting crystals gives 10 N-Charge
- [$module_ncharge_upgrade_05_name] = While gas is below 100, recharge N-Charge 50% faster
- [$module_ncharge_upgrade_06_name] = N-Charge +10
- [$module_ncharge_upgrade_07_name] = Regenerates 10% faster
- [$module_ncharge_upgrade_08_name] = N-Charge +10
- [$module_ncharge_upgrade_09_name] = Collecting crystals gives 20 N-Charge
- [$module_ncharge_upgrade_10_name] = N-Charge +20
- [$module_jump_thruster_upgrade_02_name] = Increase horizontal acceleration and speed by 15%
- [$module_jump_thruster_upgrade_03_name] = Increase mining speed by 50% while boots are active
- [$module_jump_thruster_upgrade_04_name] = Halves N-Charge cost in Tier 1 of caves
- [$module_jump_thruster_upgrade_05_name] = Increase horizontal acceleration and speed by 15%
- [$module_jump_thruster_upgrade_06_name] = No longer take falling damage
- [$module_jump_thruster_upgrade_07_name] = Halves N-Charge cost in Tier 2 of caves
- [$module_jump_thruster_upgrade_08_name] = Increase horizontal acceleration and speed by 15%
- [$module_jump_thruster_upgrade_09_name] = Increase mining speed by 50% while boots are active
- [$module_jump_thruster_upgrade_10_name] = Halves N-Charge cost in Tier 3 of caves
- [$module_hookshot_upgrade_02_name] = Can now stun critters in Tier 1 and 2
- [$module_hookshot_upgrade_03_name] = Range +5
- [$module_hookshot_upgrade_04_name] = Gain 6 N-Charge/sec while reeling in grapple
- [$module_hookshot_upgrade_05_name] = Every 6 crystals collected make your next hookshot cost no N-Charge
- [$module_hookshot_upgrade_06_name] = Can now stun critters in Tier 3 and 4
- [$module_hookshot_upgrade_07_name] = Range +5
- [$module_hookshot_upgrade_08_name] = Gain 12 N-Charge/sec while reeling in grapple
- [$module_hookshot_upgrade_09_name] = Every 3 crystals collected make your next hookshot cost no N-Charge
- [$module_hookshot_upgrade_10_name] = Can now stun critters in Tier 5
- [$module_vision_upgrade_02_name] = Increase radius by 25%
- [$module_vision_upgrade_03_name] = Reveals hidden items in Tier 2
- [$module_vision_upgrade_04_name] = Anyone in range gains +15% mining speed
- [$module_vision_upgrade_05_name] = Reveals hidden items in Tier 3
- [$module_vision_upgrade_06_name] = Increase duration by 50%
- [$module_vision_upgrade_07_name] = Reveals hidden items in Tier 4
- [$module_vision_upgrade_08_name] = Anyone in range gains +30% total mining speed
- [$module_vision_upgrade_09_name] = Reveals hidden items in Tier 5
- [$module_vision_upgrade_10_name] = Increase radius by 50%
[$prefabs_item_bomb_miningplatform_notrade_item_name] => Prospecting Platform (Untradeable)
[$prefabs_item_bomb_miningplatform_notrade_item_description] => Create a temporary blockade. Useful for creating platforms or blocking annoying enemies.
[$ModuleLoadout_UnlockBtn] => Unlock
[$boot_cost_03_name] => -10% Rocket Boot N-Charge Cost
[$claw_cost_03_name] => -15 Climbing Claw N-Charge Cost
[$prefabs_abilities_spirittank_passive_spiritcharge_description] => Array
[0] => Basic attacks and Bulwark Bash return 5% of damage dealt in health. Basic attack applies a debuff to targets increasing damage from all sources by 5%. Lasts 5 seconds. A Spirit Wraith will spawn to protect you from death, empowering you until it can do so again.
[1] => Basic attacks and Bulwark Bash return 5% of damage dealt in health after the first attack. Basic attack applies a debuff to targets increasing damage from all sources by 5%. Lasts 5 seconds. A Spirit Wraith will spawn to protect you from death, empowering you until it can do so again.
[$prefabs_item_reliquary_adventure_common_description] => Array
[0] => Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
[1] => Gives Metamatter. With Lodestar: Increased amount of Metamatter.
[$prefabs_item_reliquary_adventure_uncommon_description] => Array
[0] => Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
[1] => Gives Metamatter. With Lodestar: Increased amount of Metamatter.
[$prefabs_item_reliquary_adventure_rare_description] => Array
[0] => Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
[1] => Gives Metamatter. With Lodestar: Increased amount of Metamatter.
[$prefabs_item_reliquary_cache_common_description] => Array
[0] => Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
[1] => Gives Metamatter. With Lodestar: Increased amount of Metamatter.
[$prefabs_item_reliquary_cache_uncommon_description] => Array
[0] => Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
[1] => Gives Metamatter. With Lodestar: Increased amount of Metamatter.
[$prefabs_item_reliquary_cache_rare_description] => Array
[0] => Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
[1] => Gives Metamatter. With Lodestar: Increased amount of Metamatter.
[$prefabs_item_reliquary_mastery_common_description] => Array
[0] => Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
[1] => Gives Metamatter. With Lodestar: Increased amount of Metamatter.
[$prefabs_item_reliquary_mastery_uncommon_description] => Array
[0] => Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
[1] => Gives Metamatter. With Lodestar: Increased amount of Metamatter.
[$prefabs_item_reliquary_mastery_rare_description] => Array
[0] => Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
[1] => Gives Metamatter. With Lodestar: Increased amount of Metamatter.
[$prefabs_item_reliquary_merchant_common_description] => Array
[0] => Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
[1] => Gives a Tier 1 shared resource with a rare chance of Metamatter. With Lodestar: Gives a Tier 1 cave specific resource with an increased chance for multiple Metamatter.
[$prefabs_item_reliquary_merchant_uncommon_description] => Array
[0] => Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
[1] => Gives a Tier 2-3 shared resource with a rare chance of multiple Metamatter. With Lodestar: Gives a Tier 2-3 cave specific resource with an increased chance for multiple Metamatter.
[$prefabs_item_reliquary_merchant_rare_description] => Array
[0] => Equip this in your discovery suit loadout when you enter the caves to charge it while you play. Once charged, bring it to the Reliquary Revealer to collect your rewards.
[1] => Gives a Tier 4-5 shared resource with an uncommon chance of multiple Metamatter. With Lodestar: 100% chance for multiple Metamatter.
[$prefabs_item_unlocker_geode_slot_unlocker_item_description] => Array
[0] => Unlocks an additional space in either the Egg Incubator or the Reliquary Revealer to hatch Companion Eggs and open Reliquaries. you don't already have unlocked.
[1] => Unlocks an additional slot for eggs in the Egg Incubator or Reliquaries in the Reliquary Revealer.
[$prefabs_item_unlocker_geode_slot_unlocker_notrade_item_description] => Array
[0] => Unlocks an additional space in either the Egg Incubator or the Reliquary Revealer to hatch Companion Eggs and open Reliquaries.
[1] => Unlocks an additional slot for eggs in the Egg Incubator or Reliquaries in the Reliquary Revealer.
[$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_02_Description] => Array
[0] => Sunfest 2018 2/8: Attention, merry makers! Shadow Pinata Invaders are milling about in Trovian prime worlds as we speak. Smack their horse-headed darkness to smithereens for Celebratory Pinatas, Pinata Coins, and rare loot!
[1] => Sunfest 2018 2/8: Attention, merry makers! Shadow Pinata Invaders are milling about all over Trovian prime worlds! Smack their horse-headed darkness to smithereens for Celebratory Pinatas, Pinata Coins, and rare loot!
[$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_05_Description] => Array
[0] => Sunfest 2018 5/8: The gifts of Elysia are many. This time of year, the Sun Goddess gifts special caches to her followers on Trove and Geode. However, those wicked Shadow Pinata Invaders sometimes steal these caches!\n\nRecieve a Golden Ticket Chest for each day that you login during Sunfest. These lootboxes also have a rare chance to drop from Shadow Pinata Invaders.
[1] => Sunfest 2018 5/8: The gifts of Elysia are many. This time of year, the Sun Goddess bestows special caches to her followers on Trove and Geode. However, those wicked Shadow Pinata Invaders sometimes steal these caches!\n\nRecieve a Golden Ticket Chest for each day that you log in during Sunfest. These lootboxes also have a rare chance to drop from Shadow Pinata Invaders.
[$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_06_Description] => Array
[0] => Sunfest 2018 6/8: Whether Trovian or Geodian, mining is a large part of our way of life. \n\nBuilder's Boxes can be rarely found in Gleamstone and Moonstone veins in Geode caves. Golden Souls can appear rarely in any ore vein in Trovian adventure worlds.
[1] => Sunfest 2018 6/8: Whether Trovian or Geodian, mining is a vital part of daily life.\n\nBuilder's Boxes can be rarely found in Gleamstone and Moonstone veins in Geode caves. Golden Souls can appear rarely in any ore vein in Trovian adventure worlds.
[$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_07_Description] => Array
[0] => Sunfest 2018 7/8: The Geodian's favorite arena sport is called Bomber Royale. Trovians are built for it! I played many Arena Matches myself back when I was a young qubling.\n\nBomber Royale can be entered from the Arena Portal in the Trovian and Geodian Hubs.
[1] => Sunfest 2018 7/8: The Geodian's created Bomber Royale for Trovians to train for battle! They have quite a blast, watching Trovians fight. I played many Arena Matches myself back when I was a young qubling.\n\nBomber Royale can be entered from the Arena Portal in the Trovian and Geodian Hubs.
[$Quest_GoldenThread_event_sunfest2018_08_Description] => Array
[0] => Sunfest 2018 8/8: Pinatas can be smashed, which gives you great loot, and anyone nearby gets something! Throw a Pinata party today!\n\nYou can throw a pinata by placing it in a useable slot like a Bomb.
[1] => Sunfest 2018 8/8: Pinatas can be smashed, which gives you great loot, and anyone nearby gets something! Throw a Pinata party today!\n\nTo throw a pinata, place it in a useable slot like a bomb.
[$Metrics_BlocksDestroyed] => Array
[0] => blocks destroyed
[1] => Blocks Destroyed
[$Metrics_BlocksPlaced] => Array
[0] => blocks destroyed
[1] => Blocks Placed
[$boot_cost_01_name] => Array
[0] => -5% Rocket Boot N-Charge Cost
[1] => -3% Rocket Boot N-Charge Cost
[$boot_cost_02_name] => Array
[0] => -10% Rocket Boot N-Charge Cost
[1] => -5% Rocket Boot N-Charge Cost
[$boot_thrust_02_name] => Array
[0] => +2 Rocket Boot Thrust 2
[1] => +2 Rocket Boot Thrust
[$painter_cost_01_name] => Array
[0] => -3 Pathpainter N-Charge Cost
[1] => -10 Pathpainter N-Charge Cost
[$painter_cost_02_name] => Array
[0] => -5 Pathpainter N-Charge Cost
[1] => -20 Pathpainter N-Charge Cost
[$claw_cost_01_name] => Array
[0] => -2 Climbing Claw N-Charge Cost
[1] => -5 Climbing Claw N-Charge Cost
[$claw_cost_02_name] => Array
[0] => -5 Climbing Claw N-Charge Cost
[1] => -10 Climbing Claw N-Charge Cost
[$module_vision_upgrade_03_name] => Array
[0] => Reveals hidden items in Tier 2
[1] => Reveals Tier 2-3 resources
[$module_vision_upgrade_05_name] => Array
[0] => Reveals hidden items in Tier 3
[1] => Increase duration by 50%
[$module_vision_upgrade_06_name] => Array
[0] => Increase duration by 50%
[1] => Reveals Tier 4-5 resources
[$module_vision_upgrade_07_name] => Array
[0] => Reveals hidden items in Tier 4
[1] => Increase radius by 50%
[$module_vision_upgrade_09_name] => Array
[0] => Reveals hidden items in Tier 5
[1] => Increase duration by 100%
[$module_vision_upgrade_10_name] => Array
[0] => Increase radius by 50%
[1] => Increase radius by 100%
[$Welcome_daily_bonus_details_loot_1_patron] => Array
[0] => +200 Magic Find
[1] => +400 Magic Find
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I really do like the bomb mode for this update but the other part has really disappointed me. I was hoping that it would be a more tec theme style update because of the different planets and gear but we got a really magical style hub that just does not seem to fit on the planet it is on. It is ok a guess but I was really hoping for something a bit different. (way too many sun goddess idols)