Our next free expansion is worlds apart from anything you’ve ever experienced in Trove. Heed the call to interplanetary adventure and blast off to Trove – Geode on June 26, 2018!
Travel to a newly discovered world called Geode. This formerly pristine planet is under siege by the invading forces of Q‘bthulhu’s shadow army. They seek to lay claim to Geode’s rich resources.
On Geode you’ll face all-new challenges adapting to this alien world and its peace-loving denizens. With their power unchecked, Q‘bthulhu’s forces have turned the vast majority of Geode into a deadly wasteland. You’ll need to craft and upgrade Geodian technology to protect against the elements as you explore the vast cavernous underground of the planet, gathering untapped resources in preparation for the war that’s on the horizon.
To respect the peaceful Geodian customs you’ll need to put all new skills to the test as you work to do something no Trovian has done before – handle your business non-violently.
In addition to a whole new world of possibilities, Trove – Geode also marks the addition of Trove Bomber Royale mode! This very Trovey take on the battle royale genre is another major step forward in Trove’s evolution.
Want to help test Trove – Geode? The Public Test Server (PTS) will be available on PC starting Friday, May 18th! Stay tuned for more news by following us on Twitter @TroveGame.
Take one giant leap for Troviankind this summer with the ultimate game changer: Trove – Geode!
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