This month we celebrate the release of Trove - Heroes with an art contest, we are asking you guys to draw your superhero characters or convert Trove characters into a superhero as demonstrated by our Superqubes here drawn by SkyTheVirus.
- Create some Trove - Heroes or Luminopolis related fan art
- An example might be, drawing your Vanguardian character, or drawing Trove characters in other superhero costumes
- Submit to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag #Trove Heroes
- Monday, April 2, 2018 - Tuesday, May 1, 2018
- All valid entries with an appropriate effort made will receive 1x Reward Token
- 4 entries highlighted by our judges will receive an extra 1x Reward Token
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I hope I have some Good Luck wiht the judges cause this competition is ending on my birthday! :)