Dribble has posted the results of opening 500 Chaos Chests on the Trove Forums.

Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?10436-Chaos-Boxes-%2811-02-2015%29

If you want to contribute to this overall list, you can take a video of yourself opening chests or show before and after inventory pictures and I will total them up.

Chests opened: 1920

Common Drops

x25 Bottle 92
x25 Sticky Ichor 89
x200 Radiant Shard 88
x20 Diamond 87
x50 Sunlight Bulb 86
x50 Steed Feed 86
x25 Primordial Flame 85
x25 Wild Cupcake  85
x50 Chestnut 83
x25 Robotic Salvage 82
x50 Formicite Ore 82
x50 Mushroom Chunk 80
x25 Faerie Dust 80
x50 Glacial Shard 77
x25 Enchanted Wood 76
x25 Bleached Bone 76
x5 Blank Scroll 75
x25 Crystalized Cloud 75
x50 Infinium 72
x50 Shapestone 71
x150 Glim 65
x100 Flux 62

Uncommon Drops

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