The contents of the chaos chest for this date period.
- Heart-a-Phone
- Bleached Bone
- Bottle
- Sticky Ichor
- Sunlight Bulb
- Chestnut
- Wild Cupcake
- Diamond
- Shadow Diamond
- Enchanted Wood
- Faerie Dust
- Flux
- Infinity Frame
- Steed Feed
- Mushroom Chunk
- Shapestone
- Primordial Flame
- Glacial Shard
- Infinium
- Formicite Ore
- Pearl of Wisdom
- Perfect Prism
- Robotic Salvage
- Twinkling Tome
- Costume Mystery Box
- Miner's Trove
- Mount: Pember
- Mount: Skully
- Mount: PWN-E
- Mount: Booster Seat
- Pet: Cotton Candy
- Autumn Animal
- Style Surprise
- Shadow Key
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