Hey there Trovians!
We hope you’ve all had a fantastic 2018 so far! It’s been a boost to the whole team to see all the positive responses to our last update, Trove – Adventures, which introduced a now fan-favorite biome: the Forbidden Spires. That energy’s going into a ton of new content coming up in 2018, the first of which is our brand new Heroes update!
The Heroes update, which comes out in just over a month from now, will take the game to new heights starting with the release of Trove’s 16th playable class: The Vanguardian. This fist weapon-wielding hero is half “destructive melee bruiser”, half “ranged energy bombardier”, and fully awesome.
Players will also get to experience Neon City’s new sub-biome, Luminopolis! Evil robot overlords, known as the Amperium, threaten to corrupt the city of Luminopolis. Join the Resistors, a burgeoning rebel force, in the fight against Amperium tyranny.
Amperium Gigastormers, massive new world bosses, assault Luminopolis at every hour of the day. Take up arms with other Trovians and help the Resistors fend off these city-destroying giants. Players will also be able to craft Beacons to challenge these fearsome foes to a fight in their very own club worlds.
Also new to club worlds are our upcoming Spotlight Fixtures! These massive spotlights, which can project up to 12 different images, will brighten up the skies of any club world.
On top of all that, we’ve made a number of changes to improve on the everyday Trove experience.
We often receive suggestions about how daily bonuses could be improved, like having Saturday’s experience bonus also apply to club or PvP experience. We’ve taken that feedback to heart and are proud to reveal our all new weekly calendar!
Luxion, the mysterious Flux Dragon, will now bring more player-requested riches on his bi-monthly visits to the hub! We’ve made sure that the items he brings back to the game will consist mostly of loot a ton of players asked for (along with some new items). Rumor has it that he may even be obtainable as a mount in the future.
For an early look at our upcoming Heroes update, join the PTS testing days from 2/16/2018 at 1:30PM Pacific until 2/19/2018 at 10:00AM Pacific! For more Trove goodness, you can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook, and catch our Friday live streams at 12:30pm PST as we answer the hottest trending questions, and show off some awesome new content.
With the Heroes update nearly ready to ship, let’s talk about something else that’s been keeping the team super busy: a MASSIVE update scheduled for summer 2018, that will change the landscape of Trove (and beyond)! While it’s too early for details, we’ve dropped some subtle hints. If you want to be the first to know, check out the Trove Atlas in-game and search for clues!
For now, we can say that we’re incredibly excited about what’s to come, and we hope you will be too. Thanks so much to everyone who’s gone on this adventure with us so far, and here’s to a fantastic 2018.
-The Trove Team