Modders, most of us stay inside during the cold days of the year. To give you something to do, we'll be running a modding contest based on the coldest Biome we have. This contest will run from Saturday, 16 December until Saturday 30 December.
- Create Permafrost / ice / snow related mods, costume variations, allies, dragons, mounts, boats etc
- Add them to the Winter Mod Contest 2017.
- Please make sure to add at least 2 images to the mod, as we won't have time to install them all
- These mods have to be new, adding old mods / reuploading old mods won't be a valid submission.
Mods are created in the Trovesaurus Mods section, and to add a mod to the pack, visit that mod page.
- Saturday, December 16, 2017, to Saturday, December 30, 2017
This contest will last for 2 weeks.
- 1 Reward token for a valid entry (multiple entries will still count as 1).
- 1 Extra Reward token for highlighted mods
Reward Tokens are spent in the Trovesaurus Rewards section for things like packs, dragons, and mounts.
We are currently working on re-stocking our reward section to cater for consoles, we are aiming to have new rewards for you to choose before this contest ends.
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