Shadow’s Eve 2017 – Pumpkin’s Revenge
It’s autumn in the many worlds of Trove and our penchant for pumpkin-flavored treats have driven the forces of shadow out of their gourd!
Starting on October 24th, complete seven all-new, seasonal adventures to make the most of the holiday and earn epic loot in the process!
Witness the return of Pumpkin lairs to every biome. Clear out these pernicious pumpkin properties to earn Candy Corn which can be used to craft Mystery Boxes at the Shadowy Station in the spoopy new Shadow’s Eve hub.
With 2017 comes the brand new Haunted Mystery Box! This updated parcel portends a shadowy purpose and has a chance to drop two new mounts – the Colossal Chiropteran or the Uncanny Coffin!
Uncanny Coffin
Colossal Chiropteran
As you defeat 1 star dungeons in the Cursed Vale biome you’ll occasionally spawn Todstrom instead of a loot chest. If you can take Todstrom down, he’ll drop Candy Corn and has a rare chance to drop the new Mobile Mummy bouncing ball mount!
Shadow’s Eve also ushers in the return of the incredibly popular Spooky Swag Bag. The SSB comes with a dormant Pumpkin Dragon Egg (to unlock the Drak-O-Lantern Dragon), 5 gorgeous mounts, and 4 simmering styles.
Dragon Fire Boo
But wait, there’s more! There’s a new Block Bonus item available for FREE to players on PC, Xbox One, and those with PlayStation Plus – Musical Mat!
Login between October 24 and November 20 to claim it from the Deals tab of the Trove Store and it will automatically unlock in your Collections.
2017 also sees the rise of the Gourdzilla pack. This new pack includes the Gloomy Gloaming aura, Hardened Headgourd helm style, and one of the most massive ground mounts to ever grace the Trovian landscape – Gourdzilla!
Endless Gourdzillas
The Gourdzilla Pack arrives on October 24th and is on sale for a 30% discount that first week, so don’t wait! On October 31st it returns to regular price for a week before disappearing from the store completely on November 7th!
Join us for Shadow’s Eve and take part in the “squariest” event of the year!
Tell us about your Shadow’s Eve on this forum thread!
This article was automatically generated from official news posts, it may be expanded later.
Source: http://www.trionworlds.com/trove/en/2017/10/24/shadows-eve-2017-pumpkins-revenge/