Here is a round up of site changes over the past month.
- August 2 - Today in Trove is more editable without file changes
- August 2 - Fixed the tag filter refusing to show builds
- August 2 - Removed the ability for artists to delete their own art removing makes me sad
- August 3 - Removed the list of users from the countries overview page, since that was getting too large
- August 3 - Database language is now checked when applying page tags, for example using the item tag for chaos chest will show the chaos chest name and tooltip if your language is set appropriately (only supported game languages)
- August 5 - Lists with no items are now hidden from the public page, and pagination has been added to the page
- August 6 - Wrote a new permissions system that allows multiple editors to work on a single part of the site, works on country pages, mods, news and guides. Please note that only one copy should ever be opened at once, whoever saves it last will overwrite the other person.
- August 6 - User boxes now display platform
- August 7 - User lists on countries can now be filtered by platform
- August 7 - Modders can now view animation sets for mounts / allies - trovesaurus.com/animations
- August 7 - Modders can now also view rigs for mounts / allies, this can sometimes differ from the animation set - trovesaurus.com/rigs
- August 7 - Fixed mod links on collection pages now showing preview images
- August 7 - Fixed an issue preventing people from reading the news index page
- August 7 - Renamed Trove Taiwan and Trove Korea, if your country has a weird name on the site, let me know.
- August 8 - Fixed an issue where translated strings from the client couldn't handle lengths greater than 200 characters, this means long descriptions and quest text can be properly imported.
- August 8 - You can now browse our client strings database at trovesaurus.com/strings
- August 8 - Removed language pack switching and links from the profile dropdown box on the navigation menu, this was mostly obsolete. The link to create site language packs is now on the community dropdown.
- August 9 - Additional support for UTF8 characters in comments
- August 10 - Added a new global permissions system, less hardcoding user ids in the site files, and makes it easier to see who can edit parts of the site.
- August 10 - Country page editors have an easier yes / no selection when creating news to help them create news for their country easier
- August 10 - Fixed club recruitment information button not working
- August 10 - Club recruitment information is shown on the club homepage, and the link for the club website is now shown on the navigation bar
- August 11 - Fixed automatic donations crediting your Trovesaurus Gold
- August 14 - Removed club applications, any member can now "join" a club, but they are marked as unconfirmed unless an officer confirms them.
- August 14 - Moved recruitment fields and club rules into the edit tab
- August 14 - Made it easier to "leave" a club on the site, big red button, also made "join" button green
- August 14 - Fixed a conflict between featured livestreamers custom banners and standard
- August 14 - Moved the clubs link on the navigation menu from "More" to "Community"
- August 15 - Added a prefabs page, and prefabs tag to allow linking to very specific files and behaviours not covered by other tags in guides.
- August 15 - Today in Trove now displays the login token recipes and items automatically, no more manual entry
- August 16 - Adjusted the appearance of mastery point information on collection pages, and some appearance of additional text
- August 17 - You can now submit corrections on a few fields of collection pages, these are added to a queue and reviewed by me.
- August 17 - Fixed an issue where auto generated table of contents links wouldn't go where they should
- August 17 - Fixed an issue where you couldn't browse mods by subtype
- August 17 - Moved the mod search from the sidebar to the main mod page
- August 17 - News and giveaways are now automatically posted to the Trovesaurus Facebook page
- August 17 - Giveaways are now automatically announced on the Trovesaurus Twitter page
- August 17 - Added a cute button link to the Trovesaurus Shop on the sidebar
- August 17 - Site nav now shows icons above the text, this allows for more items to fit onto the bar
- August 18 - Database updates are now available on the news nav menu
- August 18 - Today in Trove removed from sidebar and added to nav bar
- August 18 - Added Clubs and Gallery to the top nav bar
- August 18 - Clubs menu item now has dropdowns for club guides, and lists your own clubs
- August 19 - Guides can now be scheduled to be published in the future
- August 19 - Rigs are now grouped by collection type (boats/mag riders / mounts / pets / sails)
- August 19 - Tags that find no entries in the db no longer display the tag text, they just make the text bold
- August 19 - The tag system no longer reads values from span tags
- August 21 - Added the ability to manually add downtime notifications, when Trion are slow on announcements that trigger our automated system
- August 22 - Dedicated nav menu item for the Eclipse update, containing patch notes, subclass info, subclass calculator, gem calculator and the preview blogs from Trion
- August 23 - Cleaned up the characters stats page a little, re-added to the site navigation
- August 25 - Country pages which create translations will now automatically show that version to members of their country instead of the original page (in previews)
- August 31 - Fixed an issue where you couldn't use pagination on mods with a subtype filter
Please remember that all site work is done entirely by Etaew, there is a large task list, so priorities are work time is determined by his motivation and schedule.
For transparency we are open with our visitor numbers, these are the stats for August 2017.
- Users: 114,481 (-6.18%)
- Visits: 305,669 (-0.65%)
- Page Views: 1,340,489 (-0.25%)
For the stats history visit: https://trovesaurus.com/sitestats.php
If you would like to support the site development, please consider Trovesaurus Gold, this allows you to donate to us and we can give you perks like hiding adverts, featuring livestreams, sharing your refer a friend code, a custom avatar and more.
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